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Video of bear (my hamster)

Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
Profile picture made by @Chloe234

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  • leyla26leyla26 Moderator Posts: 4,106 Community Veteran
    HE IS SO CUTE!!! He takes them so politely with his tiny little hands :') Hamsters are amazing how does he fit so much in his cheeks!! They became square!!!!!!!!
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  • Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
    @leyla26 hehe here v3rf4jdy83vf.jpg
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

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  • Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
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  • leyla26leyla26 Moderator Posts: 4,106 Community Veteran
    @Rose113 He has so much emotion in his eyes, he has so much personality!!! Favourite hamster ever. He's a little adventurer
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  • Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
    @leyla26 he escaped 3 times 😂 he winds Barney up too
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

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  • ebyrne556ebyrne556 Moderator Posts: 1,026 Wise Owl
    Aww he is adorable!! <3
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  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Bear is so cute and adorable. He definitely sounds like quite the explorer if he has escaped a few times. Hamsters are so cute and funny sometimes.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,420 Wise Owl
    He's so cute - his little hands when he takes the food in the video is just absolutely adorable. I feel like from everyone I've spoken to hamsters can be mischievious little things, which I'm guessing bear is if hes escaped a few times. Nevertheless, he's absolutely adorable :3
  • Orchid059Orchid059 Moderator Posts: 217 Trailblazer
    Hi @Rose113 I used to have hamsters growing up and yours reminded me how much I love them and how cute they are! Thank you for putting a smile on my face <3
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    I just watched the video and omg Bear is so wholesome and the way he takes the food is super cute. I find it cute that after he has one treat, he comes back for more <3.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,301 Boards Champion
    Aww, he’s so cute! He looks so funny when his cheeks are full 😂

    I worry about the size of that flying saucer wheel compared to the size of Bear though. I used to have hamsters and you have to make sure their wheels are big enough so their backs don’t arch while they run. It’s hard to see in the video but I just remembered that and thought you’d rather know in case you don’t.
    Sorry lol, I just know Bear means a lot to you <3
  • Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster
    @AnonymousToe thank you, that wheel is fine for him :) I have a video of him on it and it doesn't hurt his back
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
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  • Rose113Rose113 Posts: 1,838 Extreme Poster

    https://streamable.com/6o3mv3 :) wanted to put your mind at ease <3
    Profile picture made by @Chloe234

    Want to hurt me… go ahead
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  • Sunshine12Sunshine12 Posts: 152 Helping Hand
    @Rose113 omg he's so cute i love him haha he's adorable in that video :3
  • amy02amy02 Moderator Posts: 260 The Mix Regular
    Love this <3 So cute
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Bear looks so happy in the video. I know he is spinning on a wheel but for a second I thought he was doing a little happy dance of appreciation! <3.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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