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Exam reminders πŸ“š ✨

GemmaGemma Community Manager Posts: 1,095 Wise Owl
edited June 12 in It's Exam Time
If you’re almost finished your exams, this a little reminder to keep believing in yourself 🌈 you have got this! πŸ“š

Here are some affirmations to keep us going, our top 5 tips to beat loneliness whilst revising, and our #1 hacks to help lighten the load when it comes to revising. πŸ”Ό

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Exam affirmations to live by:
  • I trust my preparation and knowledge
  • I am not defined by this exam
  • I have studied hard and I am ready
  • I will still prioritise my mental health
  • I am going to focus on my own journey
  • I will celebrate myself, regardless of my result
  • I'm doing my best and that's what matters
  • I am capable and intelligent

Let's beat loneliness whilst revising
  • Chat to someone during breaks
  • Buddy up with a friend
  • Try a library, cafe or park
  • Connect with others online
  • Make time for hobbies you enjoy

Revision tips 101:
#1 The Timeline

Write 'now' on the left side and fill the right side with things you're looking forward to after exams. Fill in the rest of the line with your upcoming exams. This should make it easier to map out your revision plan.

#2 Anti-cram
Now your revision timeline is ready, it's important to follow it - and that doesn't mean all at once. The best way to remember information is in bitesize chunks. Try revising 7 pieces of info, take a break, and repeat.

#3 Tell a story
Triggering our imagination is a great way to retain information and also have a little fun along the way. Storytelling can work for any subject, beat the revision blues by transporting those textbooks to another world and you'll be surprised at how much you can remember.

#4 Breathe
By focused breathing, you're giving your mind the chance to rest and bring some order to your busy brain. Taking a moment to pay attention to your breath instead can help lighten that load. Don't worry, you haven't forgot everything you studied.

Got some top revision hacks? Share them in the comments!





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