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ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,224 Community Veteran
Don't boomers know how to text haha, y do ppl always phone. All u hav to do touch the word bar acouple of time. N the u come out with a sentence
Crazy mad insane


  • SlinkySlinky Posts: 411 Listening Ear
    😂😂 don’t you like phone calls @ellie2000 ?
  • Katie12Katie12 Posts: 309 The Mix Regular
    I am with you @ellie2000 I am not a fan of phone calls :lol: and find texting so much easier!
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 1,983 Extreme Poster
    edited June 3
    It depends on the situation! Sometimes a quick message is all you need, but often I'll find I can explain something quickly over the phone, whereas it'd require a lot more time to write up a text and proof read it etc. What do you prefer @ellie2000? Are there any situations where you find phone calls useful?
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  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,420 Wise Owl
    Also team text over phone calls - unless its someone I know, but making calls to people I don't know or companies etc makes me slightly anxious
  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,224 Community Veteran
    edited June 6
    @Slinky @Azziman @sinead276 @Katie12 I don't pick up unknown number or not, also if u get a call claiming they are 'hmrc' its a cold caller(not real)
    I like texting, u can't show ur distraction methods on the phone weather it's clapping etc. In the time u don't no wat to say
    Crazy mad insane
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