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Our neighbours

TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,754 Extreme Poster

Our relationship with our next-door neighbor began on good terms. He first came round, complaining politely about the banging on the walls at night from packing for the family business, caused by the boxes. So, we tried to improve a bit. Then, a few months later, his partner came to complain about a boxing workout at 9 pm. We were going on an early morning flight, and he came round complaining. It was a bit more heated, asking what was all the noise, so my uncle answered, then said we were going on a holiday. He said that he'll complain to the council and called my uncle a twat. The neighbors then sent a letter after we got back from the holiday regarding noise, saying our cars are too loud and we rev our car when turning it off, but it was for a purpose to prevent the engines from flooding. The letter mentioned other noise concerns but said we can knock on their house for a discussion. So, my uncle knocked on and arranged a discussion at our house in our kitchen. He came in with his partner, his partner went through the points saying we should be more considerate towards them as they work and questioning whether I work. Then my uncle went through the points on how we'll improve and why we rev our cars. His partner asked if we could sell our cars as they are too loud. After chatting, his partner was being a little personal, also basically saying that we shouldn't go on early morning holidays, but thanked my uncle, then they both left.

A few weeks after, they came round again as we were taking my family members to the airport to go to the Canary Islands in our car. It was an early morning, but I was up, so I decided to go for the journey to drop them off. As I turned the car round, the neighbors were at our door when hell broke loose. It was obviously a bit of a shock having them make threats, even though they were cowardly and wouldn't happen. It's worth noting, both times of the early morning flights, we weren't even making bad noise. We weren't playing loud music or anything like that. The first early morning flight was just getting the suitcases out to wait for a family friend to pick us up to take us to the airport.

It's just a bit upsetting how things are with the neighbors. Last year, our relationship took a turn for the worse, and now we don't talk. It can be awkward when we both are outside our houses. It's likely our relationship with them won't improve anytime soon. I just wanted to talk about it. We going on away again soon and that's what brought it to mind again. It probably isn't going to happen again as theyve been warned by the police but there is a tad of worry.


  • willowtreeswillowtrees Posts: 26 Boards Initiate
    It sounds really upsetting that you would want to be on good terms with them, but they kept complaining about small incidents to you. It is completely normal for your neighbours to sometimes be able to hear you through the walls; your houses are literally touching. You can't be quiet all of the time and I'm sure that's not how you expect your neighbours to be. I hear my neighbours every day- in fact today I was woken up because there cat wouldn't stop screeching xD but it has never been something that we complain about. I'm surprised that your neighbour can even hear you moving your suitcases outside. It's not your fault.
  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,754 Extreme Poster
    It sounds really upsetting that you would want to be on good terms with them, but they kept complaining about small incidents to you. It is completely normal for your neighbours to sometimes be able to hear you through the walls; your houses are literally touching. You can't be quiet all of the time and I'm sure that's not how you expect your neighbours to be. I hear my neighbours every day- in fact today I was woken up because there cat wouldn't stop screeching xD but it has never been something that we complain about. I'm surprised that your neighbour can even hear you moving your suitcases outside. It's not your fault.

    @willowtrees yh its pretty normal, I heard neighbours too in other houses we've lived in through the walls and it happens to a lot of people. Sometimes noise is a part of life especially considering we made basically normal noise. There's no reason to be aggressive and make threats like our neighbours did, they shouldn't happen under any circumstances. Even if we were being unreasonably loud which we didn't, they should complain to the council. It was just things like talking, walking across the house, moving the suitcases across the house and that set everything off. We were making normal noise and even trying to be quiet for them.
  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,754 Extreme Poster
  • leyla26leyla26 Moderator Posts: 4,106 Community Veteran
    @FordRanger Hi buddy! I don’t check this very often when we’re on chat break so I’m sorry I’m only just getting to this

    I’m sorry that your neighbours are still giving you hassle, I know it’s been a long standing issue for you and one that doesn’t seem to have any end because they don’t want to find one. You guys have really tried to find middle ground and have tried to be as quiet as possible without changing your life a ridiculous amount, truly I don’t know what else you could even try?? Sometimes things make noise and that’s an unfortunate part of a community sometimes, I’m sure you hear them sometimes too and you can move on with it. You don’t go on holiday once a week or anything like that. And even if you did, you’re moving suitcases, you can’t do that dead quietly. And they’re making threats and things, which is way out of proportion, it’s all a bit bizarre.

    But I get why it would be stressful because seeing them around is awkward and you know you have to worry about that for when you go on holidays. I don’t think you’ll have any problems, they’re all mouth I think but even so it’s not pleasant to keep experiencing, walking on eggshells in your own home during these times. But you’re not doing anything wrong, truly, and the police clearly agree with you!!
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  • TheNightmareTheNightmare Posts: 1,754 Extreme Poster
    leyla26 wrote: »
    @FordRanger Hi buddy! I don’t check this very often when we’re on chat break so I’m sorry I’m only just getting to this

    I’m sorry that your neighbours are still giving you hassle, I know it’s been a long standing issue for you and one that doesn’t seem to have any end because they don’t want to find one. You guys have really tried to find middle ground and have tried to be as quiet as possible without changing your life a ridiculous amount, truly I don’t know what else you could even try?? Sometimes things make noise and that’s an unfortunate part of a community sometimes, I’m sure you hear them sometimes too and you can move on with it. You don’t go on holiday once a week or anything like that. And even if you did, you’re moving suitcases, you can’t do that dead quietly. And they’re making threats and things, which is way out of proportion, it’s all a bit bizarre.

    But I get why it would be stressful because seeing them around is awkward and you know you have to worry about that for when you go on holidays. I don’t think you’ll have any problems, they’re all mouth I think but even so it’s not pleasant to keep experiencing, walking on eggshells in your own home during these times. But you’re not doing anything wrong, truly, and the police clearly agree with you!!

    Hey! No worries about the delay, I appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. Your understanding and kind words mean a lot.

    You're right, we’ve done everything we can to compromise and be considerate neighbors. It’s tough when the other side isn’t willing to meet halfway. We do hear them sometimes too, and we understand that some noise is just part of community living.

    The threats have been really stressful and unnecessary. It's good to know we have the police on our side, but it's still unpleasant to feel like we’re walking on eggshells in our own home. Thanks again for your support—it really helps!
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