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If you could pick anyone, who would you spend a day with?

AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 1,983 Extreme Poster
edited May 27 in General Chat
Hello all! Another week, another question!

There's so many awesome people in the world (including this community here!), all with cool stories and life experiences to share. If you could pick anyone to spend a day with (that you don't know too well), who would you pick? It could be a favourite music artist; maybe a social media influencer that you follow, or perhaps someone you'd love to learn from? I'd be interested to know who you pick in the thread below!

For me, I'd love to meet Sir David Attenborough - someone who I find really inspiring and with so much wisdom from his life experiences, it'd be an honour to meet and spend time with him :)
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