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Name a Kitten part 2 - Time to vote!

ItaliaItalia Posts: 233 Trailblazer
edited May 4 in General Chat
Vote below: What should we name our kitten?



Her personality so far seems to be very playful and cuddly! She's also super gentle and doesn't scratch or bite when she is playing. She is snuggled up on my lap while I write this with a very loud purr <3

I've tried to pick one suggestion from each person that we like. We have until Monday evening to vote!

Thanks for helping me :3

“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
Brene Brown

Name a Kitten part 2 - Time to vote! 16 votes

Emma_ebyrne556 2 votes
AoifeChloe234Katie12Rose113 4 votes
sinead276yanaAnonymousToeCosycore_Witch 4 votes
Dancer 1 vote
Gemmaamy02issieella 4 votes
Amy22 1 vote


  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,420 Wise Owl
    i think any of the names would suit her - but to me she looks like a lulu the most
  • Emma_Emma_ Community Manager Posts: 601 Incredible Poster
    I need all the Swifties to get behind me and vote for Betty on this pls 😅🫶

    I've met betty (manifesting it!) and can confirm she loved Taylors songs
  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,089 Legendary Poster
    She looks so cute in those pictures! I love how the cat likes listening to Taylor Swift haha.
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • ceejayceejay Posts: 4 Newbie
    This is a very cute kitten I also like the name mallow it is unique
  • Katie12Katie12 Posts: 309 The Mix Regular
    awwww she looks adorable!
  • amy02amy02 Moderator Posts: 260 The Mix Regular
    edited May 6
    Aaw she is so so cute <3
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    She is so so adorable and cute!. I love her eyes the most. <3. I chose Lucky because I thought that she is very lucky to have somone as lovely as you in her life and you are also lucky as well to have a beautiful and amazing kitten. <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,089 Legendary Poster
    Looks like it`s a tie between Luna and Mallow.
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • ItaliaItalia Posts: 233 Trailblazer
    Thanks for voting everyone. This has been so helpful!!

    @Dancer is right, it's a tie between Luna and Mallow, they are both great names!

    So, I asked my housemates to be the tie breaker, and they like Luna, so we're going to go with Luna!

    Thank you so much for helping name her <3

    “People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
    Brene Brown

  • ItaliaItalia Posts: 233 Trailblazer
    Meet Luna


    “People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
    Brene Brown

  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,089 Legendary Poster
    Hello Luna! She looks like she has only just woken up haha.
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,420 Wise Owl
    Hi Luna :3 - she looks like she's so comfy in that position and like Dancer said - like she's just woken up. so cutee
  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,089 Legendary Poster
    @Aife jokingly asked @Italia if we could use Jiggy as the middle name hehe.
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • ebyrne556ebyrne556 Moderator Posts: 1,026 Wise Owl
    Aw i love it Luna really suits her so cute
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  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Italia wrote: »
    Meet Luna


    Hey Luna welcome to the mix! xxx. We officially got a mix kitten!.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,089 Legendary Poster
    So how is the tiny cutie settling in?
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • ItaliaItalia Posts: 233 Trailblazer
    @Dancer she is doing so well.

    In the last week, she's grown heaps, and has built up lots of confidence! She's been playing on her scratching post (photo attached) and she has her very first vet appointment tomorrow!

    Some of the other neighbourhood cats have been coming up to the glass door to say hi! She hasn't been able to meet them yet because she's not vaccinated, but we'll get that taken care of tomorrow.


    “People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
    Brene Brown

  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,089 Legendary Poster
    Omg she`s so sweet. I especially love that last picture. <3
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • AnonymousToeAnonymousToe Posts: 2,301 Boards Champion
    Awww she’s so cute!!!
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Luna is so cute and beautiful. I hope her vaccinations go well <3.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • DancerDancer Community Champion Posts: 8,089 Legendary Poster
    Has the little cutie made lots of new kitty friends now?
    "There's a part of me I can't get back. A little girl grew up too fast. All it took was once. I'll never be the same." ~ Demi Lovato
    "The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
    "I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous 
  • yanayana Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    my brain is not braining the way brains are meant to brain
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