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Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
edited August 2023 in Health & Wellbeing
ever felt like u want to just sleep and never wake up yh thats me all night
Post edited by Laura_tigger82 on


  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,206 Part of The Furniture
    Hey @Maria2008. It sounds like you are having a really difficult time at the moment but you have done so well in reaching out to us. I appreciate the courage it shows to reach out when you are struggling. Would you like to talk to us more about how you are feeling at the moment and if anything, in particular, has triggered you to feel this way? We are here with you and listening to you <3
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  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    the stress and the worry the feeling of not being supported by parents the feeling of insecurity around them even maybe being a dissapointment with them
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,206 Part of The Furniture
    I can hear how you want to feel supported @Maria2008 and meet their expectations. Do you have anything which usually helps when you are feeling this way?
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    I'm a community moderator. I'm here to help guide discussions and make sure Community Guidelines are followed. I can't send DMs, but you can message @TheMix or email community@themix.org.uk with questions or concerns.
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    not really speaking to my boyfriend he supports me as well as i do to him
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    but i feel like im relying on him too much and i dont want to ruin our relationship
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Hi @Maria2008 I'm probs not the best at advice but I know that feeling of just wanting to sleep and not wake up, when everything just feels too much. It sounds like you and your boyfriend support each other which is a good thing to do as most relationships work off both person's in the relationship. I know that feeling of relying on someone but sometimes it can be a good thing to reach out and ask for help. Never be afraid of asking for help as it is a brave thing to do in fact. At times it may feel like we wasting someone's time but in fact we aren't. It does sound like you are going through a lot at the moment, I'm always here if you would like to talk more about this,

    Sending hugs,

    Amy22 <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    thank you so much @Amy22 the problem is im not supposed to have a boyfriend and thats another thing thats the problem every time we are together i feel guilty but then i tell myself that if my parentss dont care about me then i might as well fiind someone who does in which we care about each other
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    @Maria2008 I can imagine how that must feel especially with the feeling of guilt just for loving someone. It does sound like you don't really have much freedom in what you want to do. <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    no at all and to top that im a muslim even tho im confused on my beliefs idk what to believe anymore i think as soon as i leave my parent im gonna turn athiest btw have u ever heard of host families
  • RoseAbiRoseAbi Posts: 105 The Mix Convert
    edited August 2023
    Hey Maria. Hru? <3
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    Maria is my prefered middle name im ok i guess u
  • RoseAbiRoseAbi Posts: 105 The Mix Convert
    im Oki. just wanted to make sure ur oki <3. As ive seen ur posts. were here for you. <3
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    @RoseAbi r u new
  • RoseAbiRoseAbi Posts: 105 The Mix Convert
    @Maria2008 yeah i am
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    oh thnx for supporting me
  • RoseAbiRoseAbi Posts: 105 The Mix Convert
    nws. ur not alone <3
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    feel free to join in the convo what are ur beliefs @RoseAbi
  • RoseAbiRoseAbi Posts: 105 The Mix Convert
    am not sure.
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    so are u athiest or just following ur parents
  • RoseAbiRoseAbi Posts: 105 The Mix Convert
    not rly following anyone. but yeah i think so.
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Maria2008 wrote: »
    no at all and to top that im a muslim even tho im confused on my beliefs idk what to believe anymore i think as soon as i leave my parent im gonna turn athiest btw have u ever heard of host families

    I bet that is a lot to go through especially if your are questioning your identity too which is a totally normal human thing to do. You can believe in anything you want and how you construct your identity is up to you and not your family or parents to do. Do you find that your parent's are trying to live through you in a way?. I haven't heard of host families but it's something I might research.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    yh my parents liv through me ig
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    sometimes parents can do that cause it might be because of things that they didn't do during their youth and sometimes our parents can live through us when really sometimes its best for the parents not to live through their child rather just let them discover their identity rather than forcing something onto them <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • Maria2008Maria2008 Posts: 146 Helping Hand
    @Amy22 thnx girl
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    No worries Im more than happy to help out, <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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