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ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
Is blacking out a defence mechanism. Is it a form of self harm?
Crazy mad insane


  • Terry8936Terry8936 Posts: 271 The Mix Regular
    Blacking out, also known as dissociation, is a psychological defense mechanism that the mind uses to cope with overwhelming stress, trauma, or distressing experiences. It is a way for the brain to protect itself from experiencing emotions or memories that may be too painful or difficult to process at the time. If someone encounters this situation, a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, can provide support, understanding, and guidance to address the underlying issues and develop healthier coping strategies.
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  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 1,998 Extreme Poster
    Hey @ellie2000 - blacking out effectively happens because the person is intoxicated enough to the point where it interferes with their brain functions, one of them being memory formation. That's why someone who has blacked out won't remember the period at all. Needless to say, it's a dangerous level of alcohol to be drinking at that level. I think it's more associated as "risky behaviour" or "alcohol abuse" when it's discussed.
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