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Anger issues

Past UserPast User In a holePosts: 0 Just got here
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  • Millie2787Millie2787 Community Champion Posts: 5,188 Part of The Furniture
    Proud of you for finding a way of controlling it Morgan, I know that couldn’t have been easy ❤️ try taking some big deep breathes to calm that shaking, it might take a few before you notice it calming down
    Sometimes all you need is one person to believe in you , for you to begin to believe in yourself.
  • spacedogspacedog Posts: 1,143 Wise Owl
    Don't worry about it all, with everything that's going on I think that's completely justified - hope it ok
  • Salix_alba_2019Salix_alba_2019 Deactivated Posts: 1,646 Extreme Poster
    You've got this ❤️
  • Salix_alba_2019Salix_alba_2019 Deactivated Posts: 1,646 Extreme Poster
    So freaking proud of you @Morgyn007 ❤️
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    @Morgyn007 You are doing so well, and it's totally normal to feel angry especially after what happened last night too. I also was angry as well too last night so I know how you feel. The person last night didnt know what they were doing and they were probably bored and instead of doing something better with their life, they chose to do something that was childish in a way. However, I hope your okay though and I'm sending you a massive hug <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • CaniceQCaniceQ Posts: 122 The Mix Convert
    @Morgyn007 It's completely understandable why you feel this way and I know how difficult it is to manage anger too. I think letting out your anger would be the best thing to do. For me, I would throw items (that are not fragile, such as stress balls) across my room, though it's quite difficult for me to do this when my family is home. How r u feeling today?
  • ebyrne556ebyrne556 Moderator Posts: 1,026 Wise Owl
    Lovely to see everyone being so supportive as always on here so thank you everyone.As has been said its totally understandable to feel angry sometimes and i can understand how diffcult it can be to manage. Those feelings are totally valid and their is nothing wrong with having them Im hearing you punched a wall did it make you feel a bit better afterward?As long as you didnt get hurt <3 sometimes hitting something can help release the immediate anger. As Canice Q said stress balls or like fidget toys could mabye also help with this release. Is their any other things that have helped you manage your anger in the past? Here if you want to chat more about mabye what made you feel like this during the programme. sending hugs <3
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  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,206 Part of The Furniture
    Sounds like a strong sense of justice @Morgyn007 - why do you feel this teacher should have stayed? :)
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  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,206 Part of The Furniture
    edited July 2023
    I can certainly hear how you feel like people who care about people's mental health should be in schools @Morgyn007. Do you feel like this was missing from your school journey? <3
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  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,206 Part of The Furniture
    It sounds really positive that you had this go to person @Morgyn007 but I can hear how, in other ways, you wish there was more mental health support available to you :)
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