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What medication to use? Urgentish

dollymixdollymix Posts: 18 Settling in
Im not sure its appropriate to ask these questions here but I dont know where to ask, i dont have anyone to text or call when I need help quickly.
I also have health anxiety.

I know that no one can diagnose me but for the last few weeks I have had what I believe to be diorreah. It comes and goes. The worst of it has passed, but my poo comes out in pieces, i still have a sore unsettled tummy and feel qite dry and have been drinking water. I have got anxiety and havent been getting the best sleep as well which makes it feel worse.
I used rehydration sachets by dioralyte or something like that i used through the worst of it as the packet says its for use with acute diorreah.
But as its not as bad as it was what should I be using?


  • Ed_Ed_ Moderator Posts: 1,551 Extreme Poster
    Hey :) really glad you felt able to reach out for help at a time when you are worried about what is going on with your body. As you mentioned at the start, we aren't able to diagnose on here, but can totally appreciate that it is hard to seek help when feeling anxious about it. Have you read the info on the NHS website? It sounds like you are doing the right thing by drinking water and using dioralyte, however if you are worried that things aren't getting fully better with this, do you think you would be able to go and speak to a pharmacist? They can often give some ideas as to what may help and how much longer it will take for your tummy to settle. Alternatively, you could call 111 if you want some ideas this evening.

    Hope you are feeling better soon, and do keep reaching out on here if you want to talk any of it through :3
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  • dollymixdollymix Posts: 18 Settling in
    I called 111 and was advised to just drink loads of water
  • mk1881mk1881 Posts: 131 The Mix Convert
    @dollymix, not sure if you're still experiencing this but I would drink kombucha. It's a natural solution and is healthy for your body. Wishing you the best of luck! Keep us updated <3
    "But our lives will only ever always Continue to be A balancing act That has less to do with pain And more to do with beauty." -Shane Koyczan
  • yanayana Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    i have ibs or smth and i have these meds called biogaia or smth (idk i cba to go check the bottle) so maybe go try that or smth? :) i hope it goes well!!
    my brain is not braining the way brains are meant to brain
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