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Moved placements

Former MemberFormer Member Gym lover :/Posts: 84 Budding Regular
Ive moved placements and I just wanna go back to hospital, it hurts so much i dont now these people I dont know where I am and one thing I hate abt my self is I get attached way to quickly, I just wanna go back sooooo much the hospital was and is still my home. Even when I left it to go to the interview with the police I bursted out crying. Its just too much stress.
Ive also been getting this rash on my arms and it keeps spreading all over my arm, any clues on wat that might be?


  • Former MemberFormer Member Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    Hey @Iris_Mizzy first of all I wanna send u lots of hugs <3 This must be so difficult but you're doing really well :) I think you've mentioned before how u like listening to music and how it makes u feel less stressed? Try to focus on those things in your life, no matter how small. I 100% understand the thing about getting attached too quickly, I'm exactly the same and it's awful but you need to try and remind yourself that nothing in life lasts forever, which sounds depressing but it's the truth. You just have to make the most of what u can! People come and go and there are lots of different chapters to our lives so think of this as the next little chapter of yours. The transition may be difficult but it won't be forever. And you have billions more exciting chapters ahead of you! In the end though I understand it must be tough so please try your best to take care of yourself. As I said, do the things you love and focus on the small things that make u happy :) I'm here if u wanna talk more! Oh and I'm sorry about the rash, could it be due to the heat maybe?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Daydreamer Posts: 12 Settling in
    Hi @Iris_Mizzy , I’m sorry to hear that you’re finding your new placement stressful. I know that with change the unfamiliar feeling of the new environment tends to cause anxiety, but know that you did amazingly well to attend the interview! I would call that an achievement!

    Perhaps you could try to come up with coping strategies whenever you have your breaks in your placement? As @Xee mentioned, you could take time to listen to music during breaks to de-stress. Making a happy playlist with your favourite songs sounds like a good way to control your anxiety.

    Could there also be others that are in placements with you so that you could bond with them during your time there?

    I hope your rash heals soon. Be careful not to scratch it so it doesn’t get irritated or open a wound and cause infection. I would recommend ice or a rash ointment but if it gets worse, contact your GP. Hope the heat is kind to you :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Gym lover :/ Posts: 84 Budding Regular
    Hey @Xee, Ive been trying the music its not working I just end up crying, Its hard to get to know them I hate meeting new people I hate it, and all this stress its waaay too much its overpowering me, Im just soo fed up and trying to get to the next chapter is soo hard cause it means u have to move on. and i hate moving on
  • Former MemberFormer Member Gym lover :/ Posts: 84 Budding Regular
    edited June 2023
    @Xee Sorry I forgot to mention about the rash, I dont think its due to the heat because this is the first time its happened to me
  • Former MemberFormer Member Gym lover :/ Posts: 84 Budding Regular
    hey @DiamondxUtopia I am listening to my music but its just sad music, happy songs i cant listen to them right now.
    There are two other kids my age in the house but I cant bond right now my anxiety will go up too high and Im just feeling too sad to.
    Would it be weird If i contacted the GP cause I just got out of hospital?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    edited June 2023
    @Iris_Mizzy sorry to hear the music isn't helping much :( idk what music u like but try listening to outnumbered by dermot kennedy, it isn't happy but it isn't too depressing either, i love the lyrics and it helped me through some tough times :) are there any other things that help u destress/feel more calm such as painting, colouring in, dancing?

    i know ur feeling so overwhelmed right now so try not to put pressure on yourself to socialise right now. just settle into this chapter as best as u can before thinking about bonding with the other kids or anything because that's just going to unnecessarily stress u out. and it's ok, i know moving on is sad and difficult but unfortunately that's a part of life. it might take some time but you'll move on eventually :)

    and no i don't think contacting the gp would be weird, if u have an issue it's completely fine to go to them even if u did just get out of hospital
  • Former MemberFormer Member Gym lover :/ Posts: 84 Budding Regular
    edited June 2023
    @Xee , dancing yes but i just moved and i dont feel comfortable, but it hurts if i go back to hospital, it will remind me of the hospital i just got out of, but in stead its just a different hospital. my hands keeps shaking and the stress pain is there, normally when this happens I faint but because of the rash i dont know if it might be worse, and im too terrified to tell the adults i live with. Im thinking if i should call the 111 the hospital because Im struglling to walk and if i walk im more likely to faint.
    The song outnumbered by dermot kennedy I love it its amazing
  • Former MemberFormer Member Community Champion Posts: 1,294 Wise Owl
    @Iris_Mizzy ah that makes sense, hopefully you'll be able to dance soon though! try to stay as hydrated as u can. the stress plus the heat really isn't a good combination and hopefully the rash is nothing serious but as u said that may not help so drinking as much water as u can is important! do u have any teddies? they always bring me lots of comfort when things are tough. and i'm glad u like the songg, it's great :) i think calling 111 isn't a bad idea. it sucks u can't talk to the adults u live with but hopefully someday you'll be comfortable with them! sending hugs <3
  • Former MemberFormer Member Daydreamer Posts: 12 Settling in
    @Iris_Mizzy I understand your position and not to worry about bonding with the other kids if you believe that would make your anxiety worse. I know it’s a handful to make the first move yourself so it’s looking like you have to focus on yourself and how you can manage during your time.

    What else could you do during your breaks that would calm you down? Maybe you could bring in a book to read or a journal to write your worries and concerns. Maybe download a game on your phone to help you relax and take your mind off of your surroundings when you need a break from it.

    Once you’ve gotten through the day you should treat yourself! With all the stress that you have to face from the new environment you deserve to have something nice to reward yourself with and say ‘I made it!’. A nice meal out or buying a small gift for yourself is a good way to remind you of that. Don’t forget to take care of yourself in any little way you can.

    For the rash, it’s not weird at all! GPs are usually the first point of contact for issues like these and they will likely refer you to the hospital if it needs treatment from a specialist. There is a chance that you won’t have to go to the hospital again, but if you do they will gladly help with your treatment without judgement!
  • Former MemberFormer Member Gym lover :/ Posts: 84 Budding Regular
    @DiamondxUtopia , im too scared to leave my room, i would only listen to music.
    I do have a journal but i just dont feel like writing in it, I dont feel like going out all i want to do is just stay in my room and cry, its hard to look after myself.
    I cant really walk if i do i will faint, so shall I call 911?
    I've been getting dizziness, faint, sickness in my throat, chest pains and the rash is starting to hurt.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Daydreamer Posts: 12 Settling in
    @Iris_Mizzy I think it would help to prioritise your physical health so it can make improving your mental health a bit easier for you. Would you agree? It sounds like you’re being overwhelmed physically and if you think that it’s life threatening please call 999 otherwise, call 111. Treating your illness is a good way to take care of yourself! I hope you feel better soon.
  • GemmaGemma Inactive Posts: 1,093 Wise Owl
    edited June 2023
    Hey @Iris_Mizzy, it sounds like you're going through a really tough time and I can see how unsettling it is for you to go through this transition to your new placement. I'm hearing how stressful it is to feel like you have to bond with the others in the house, but don't put too much pressure on yourself right now.

    It sounds like you're not feeling too well at the moment – we would urge you to call 999 or go to your nearest A&E to get some immediate support for the way you're feeling. They can check you over and ensure you are in a good place physically.

    Can I ask how you are feeling physically today?

    You're doing so well to reach out to the community, @Iris_Mizzy <3
  • Former MemberFormer Member Gym lover :/ Posts: 84 Budding Regular
    I feel really ill and i keep getting this chest pain and i feel like I want to be sick, also the rash has stayed the same its calmed down but its not going away. I did tell the carers abt going to A&E but they said we will book you in for the doctors but havent done so, ive been asking them loads of times but no luck.
  • GemmaGemma Inactive Posts: 1,093 Wise Owl
    That sounds horrible @Iris_Mizzy - it's never nice when we feel ill but it sounds like things are especially rough right now.

    With your rash still there and as you are experiencing bad chest pain, how would you feel about calling for help yourself through 999? They would be best suited to support you and get you checked over.
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,160 Boards Champion
    Hey @Iris_Mizzy. just wanted to follow up and check in with how you're doing?
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Gym lover :/ Posts: 84 Budding Regular
    Hey @Azziman Im managing to do quite well today but just feeling a bit ill.
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,160 Boards Champion
    Sorry to hear that you're not feeling 100% @Iris_Mizzy . I hope you feel better soon! <3
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    I'm a community moderator. I'm here to help guide discussions and make sure Community Guidelines are followed. I can't send DMs, but you can message @TheMix or email community@themix.org.uk with questions or concerns.
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