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Pictures I did

Past UserPast User In a holePosts: 0 Just got here
edited May 2023 in Creative Corner
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Post edited by Azziman on


  • support_squad23support_squad23 Posts: 113 The Mix Convert
    Hi @Morgan007

    Thank you for sharing these with us, it seems like art is an important way for you to express yourself. Many people find therapeutic release in being creative. I particularly liked the image of the two cats, especially since I have a ginger cat myself.

    I see that you most identify with the second image, would you like to talk a bit more about this? It seems like now is quite a painful time for you, we are here by your side.

    Take care
  • SpaceOtterSpaceOtter Community Champion Posts: 885 Part of The Mix Family
    These are awesome @Morgan007 art is such a brilliant outlet for our feelings
    The second one is how's I feel 
    Sending so many hugs, would you like to talk about it?
    You're awesome!
  • sinead276sinead276 Posts: 1,420 Wise Owl
    These are such good pictures

    Firstly, I wish I had the talent to do something like this but my creativity isn’t as good

    Secondly, it’s good that you seem to have something you can channel your emotions into when your feeling a bit down/overwhelmed etc

    Hope your doing okay and sending lots of hugs
  • JJLemon18JJLemon18 Community Champion Posts: 2,019 Boards Champion
    These pictures are awesome @Morgan007! They look so professional!
    I'm sending lots of hugs. We are here to listen about how you feel if you want <3
    Believe in me - who believes in you
  • Terry8936Terry8936 Posts: 271 The Mix Regular
    @Morgan007 I really like the design! Thanks for the sharing. Also, I agree that sometimes it's easier and more effective to express your feelings through pictures or other methods.
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  • emiip98emiip98 Moderator Posts: 132 The Mix Convert
    Thank you for sharing these @Morgan007 they are lovely and clearly a useful way for you to express how you feel and hopefully help you process things <3

    P.s I personally love the cat one :)
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  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,485 Community Veteran
    Thank you for sharing these, you are a brilliant artist and I think art itself is a great way to release emotions or feelings that we may be going through. The cat ones are cute, but I really like the rose drawing a lot.
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • ebyrne556ebyrne556 Moderator Posts: 1,026 Wise Owl
    Morgan some great pictures once again.Your so talented!
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  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 1,983 Extreme Poster
    Love these, especially the Pikachu! <3
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