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TW. Self H

ILoveDinosILoveDinos Posts: 10 Settling in
I haven’t self harmed in over a year yet I feel completely lost tonight. I don’t understand why I feel like this. I know I’ll feel like a failure if I waste the year I’ve stopped for.


  • DozyNifflerDozyNiffler Posts: 14 Settling in
    Sounds like you're having a tough time at the moment @littlemonster but it's really brave of you to reach out. It's not easy when you feel lost - but we're here for you and if you want to share anything more with us then we'll listen. You're not a failure, everyone struggles sometimes and you're asking for help which is amazing and brave.

    Is there anything we can help you do to manage the urge? You're not alone and you are definitely not lost.

    If you're willing, please let us know how you are <3
  • Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,507 The Mix Elder
    @littlemonster I hear that you have relapsed lately, and are feeling like a failure because of it. I just wanted to say that you are not a failure for relapsing . Sometimes we go through periods of feeling stuck or uncertain. You don't have to feel bad as reaching out here is a brave thing to do. I know that you also feel lost and lots of people feel lost now and then. It's a human feeling. I know that relapsing can be hard a thing especially when you feel lost. Feel free to post on here if you would like to about anything you are feeling.

    Sending hugs,

    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
  • AislingDMAislingDM Moderator Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
    Just wanted to hop on to reiterate the points above @littlemonster <3 Firstly, welcome to The Mix, and thank you for coming online to share your pain with us. I think you make such an excellent point about the worries of feeling like this past year would be a waste of time. Now, this is not because I agree, rather because it shows us how we view our coping with mental health in a really linear way :( It sounds immensely distressing that you are not only feeling the urges creeping back up, but also that you are panicked about how you'd feel about it after you'd done it.

    It's no wonder this is causing you so much mental anguish. I just wanted to say we will be here to support you no matter what, and that whether you do self-harm or not, you are just as fantastic of a person and just as admirable to us all. Making any efforts to try to cope with your mental health needs is beyond commendable, whether you spend one year without self-harming or 2 days. Huge well done to you regardless. <3

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