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Sleep apps

ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
Lightning bug is a app with nature Nd ambient sounds,
Other recommendations? 😊
Crazy mad insane


  • AislingDMAislingDM Moderator Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
    I personally love Headspace because it has such a range of options now for sleep-based meditations and sounds. I am especially a fan of their 'Rainy-day antiques' section. Plus, you can choose whether you want it to be guided meditation or not (i.e., you can turn off the voice and just listen to the ambient sounds or you can have a person talking you through it).

    Hope this helps @ellie2000 <3
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  • SonaSona Posts: 30 Boards Initiate
    The Dreamful podcast does nice sleep stories.
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