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hola bonjour hello

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
heey everyone. I'm Gia! I've got a degree in Psychology, i'm a wiz at Adobe Photoshop from studying media at college. :):3
I am a foodie (i love all types of food except mushrooms and tomatoes)
I am an adventurer - (put me in an escape room and ill figure out how to leave)
shop addict - (2am-3am scrolling on shopping apps on my phone for a bargain)
A people person - i love meeting new people, sharing experiences and talking about absolutely anything.
Really looking forward to start my journey on TheMix Community :):3


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,327 Wise Owl
    Hello @gia9720 It's so wonderful to meet you and have you here!

    I hope you enjoyed your degree in Psychology, that's a really amazing achievement! It's so wonderful to get to know you! Thanks so much for sharing with us! You're going to love it here!

    Sending you lots of love <3
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    thanks @Brookee :3 !! Lots of love
  • Former MemberFormer Member Ex-Teenage Dirtbag Posts: 804 Part of The Mix Family
    Hi @gia9720 welcome to the Mix, nice to meet you and your interests seem cool
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  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,152 Boards Champion
    Welcome! x
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  • lovemimoonlovemimoon Posts: 2,318 Boards Champion
    Hola, hola @gia9720

    How you doing??
    Welcome to the community! <3
    It's good to have you here. :3
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 8 Confirmed not a robot
    Hi! I'm new here too, hope you enjoy your time here! You sound like a very interesting person, how was your psychology degree?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 156 Helping Hand
    Welcome to The Mix, it's great to meet you!
  • Past UserPast User Definition of a mental mess and a certified lost cause :) Posts: 0 Just got here
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @lovemimoon hola hola :) do you speak any other languages just curious im learning portuguese and swahili on duolingo at the moment
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @Ellipse heyyy fellow newbie!! thank you :3 My Psychology degree was very challenging, very demanding but i am glad i finished.. i learnt a lot about myself and others. social psychology and abnormal psychology were definitely my fave modules haha :) . Are you currently studying or studied in the past or thinking about it for the future? :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @La_La great to meet you too! I love your display picture :)
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @Apollo thanks apollo! Great to meet you too
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 156 Helping Hand
    @gia9720 Thank you! It's from an 80s anime.
    Your picture is cute too!
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,346 Part of The Furniture
    Hi @gia9720

    Thanks so much for providing us with some information about you. It is wonderful to get to know you.

    I am sure you will meet lots of new people here at The Mix. I have already seen how active you are in the community before I stumbled across your wonderful introductory post!

    Congratulations from me too on your degree! A degree is such a huge achievement. It takes real dedication, passion, and commitment.

    How has life been treating you since you graduated? It will soon be my turn!

    Have you previously been in an escape room? They sound great fun =)
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    Heeeeey @Laura_tigger82 !! :) Thank you so muchhh, it was hard work and extremely challenging but definitely worth it. It was really daunting entering the world of work and took me over 3 months to initially find a job but i've settled into it nicely now. What are you currently studying and how are you finding your course? :)

    No!! I have been in an escape room but i've watched a couple movies with this concept and it looks epic like something i would definitely be interested to do <3 I'm all about the adventure lifestyle
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,346 Part of The Furniture
    Hey @gia9720

    Aww, I am so glad to hear you have settled into your job nicely now. It is great to hear all of your achievements and reassuring too. A huge well done again.

    I am currently studying a Masters degree in education with a focus on special educational needs and disabilities. I am finding the course interesting but also daunting as I begin the dissertation in January! Regardless, there's no degree I would rather be doing.

    Ooh, what are the movies? They sound really fun to watch! :)
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @Laura_tigger82 OMG thats absolutely amazing, ive explored masters degrees im torn between learning disability nursing and mental health nursing im not sure yet what i want to do but i have worked with children with special educational needs before and found it to be a challenging but rewarding experience!!! How long is your course and do you have to go on placement as part of your course?

    Theres a two that i love 1) Escape Room which came out on Netflix in 2019 and 2) Escape Room: Tournament of the champions which came out in 2021 (This one isn't on netflix but i think you can access on other streaming platforms) :)<3
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,346 Part of The Furniture
    Hi @gia9720

    Ooh, both choices sound really great! Have you had any experience in mental health settings? Just thinking that could enable you to compare and see which you prefer. If not, could you look at the job roles in more depth and see which you prefer?

    Working with people with special educational needs and disabilities can be challenging but it is indeed rewarding. My course is for two years. I am currently in the second half of the last year!

    No placement is required but I have previously been in primary, secondary, special educational needs schools and a local college as learning support. Since then, I have been a mentor, advisor, and general support in the charity sector.

    Ooh, thank you! I am going to keep an eye out for both of those =)
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @Laura_tigger82 Ive worked in GP surgery and hospitals but not specifically within mental health services. It's really difficult and competitive to get a job role as an assistant psychologist or as any sort of therapeutic practitioner, so thats why i am hoping to go back and qualify as a nurse within a specialism. Especially as there is a huge shortage at the moment (MH nurses and LD nurses).

    What did you study for your bachelors degree if you don't mind me asking and what motivated you to do a masters degree? It is quite daunting for me to think about going back to full time education ....
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,346 Part of The Furniture
    Hi @gia9720

    Yes, of course. I have also heard that those roles are really difficult to get. Is there anyone you know who could tell you more about how it is to work in mental health services? is there a combined degree you could study to enable you to work in both? are there videos on YouTube such as a daily in the life of a mental health nurse? Just trying to help you think through all possibilities!

    I don't mind you asking at all. I studied for a combined BA degree in education, psychology, and sociology. I was motivated to do a Masters degree when I realised I wanted more say in practice to ensure students have access to the support they need. Plus growing up with lived experience with autism and personal experience with family and friends with other SEND (e.g. dyslexia and dyspraxia), I knew I wanted to specialise in special educational needs and disabilities.

    It is perfectly ok to feel daunted. You could either take some time out or explore other options such as part-time and modular study! :)
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @Laura_tigger82 yeah i know quite a few people all have told me they've had to go for minimum wage jobs just to get the experience they need to eventually get a decent paying job in their field. A lot of support worker jobs or mental health assistant jobs are shockingly paid which is disgusting considering the amount of responsibility and the level of duty of care you have for the service users.

    Definitely have thought about doing a combined degree but with clinical placements being mandatory as part of the course and being expected to work 40 hours a week unpaid leaves very little room for other employment. its just difficult because on side i don't want to be broke and have no income but then i dont want to work 40 hours a week and then have another job and overwork myself into a unhealthy mental and physical state... id love to know how masters students on clinical courses juggle this to be honest....

    Thats amazing!!! you sound very knowledgeable and really passionate about what you do which i love <3 !!!
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,346 Part of The Furniture
    Hi @gia9720

    Thanks so much for your kind response, it is really appreciated :)

    Yes, it is really sad isn't it :/ Some of the jobs with the most responsibility in frontline services are the lowest paid. It really does need to change.

    Keep prioritising your health (mental and physical). It is a lot. Is there a way you could combine a clinical placement and work? How is clinical placement defined?

    I know in education, a lot of students can use their jobs as learning support assistants and pastoral workers as their placement! Not sure if it could be similar in Psychology <3
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @Laura_tigger82 i found that a lot of Psychology degrees accredited by the British Psychological Society do not offer students placements, unless its a sandwich 4 year course - even so the student would be expected to go out and find their own placement with minimal help from the university...

    Clinical placements on nursing degrees for mental health, learning disability etc... from my understanding you have to complete mandatory clinical placement hours to pass your course so it works differently in the sense that the university already has partnerships with employers whether in its in hospitals, GP surgery, out in the community, you get a range of clinical experience in different settings for about 6 months each academic year i believe, Of course this is essential to the role so extremely beneficial but you dont pick your days/hours you work... and every shift you complete needs to be signed off by the ward manager/shift lead.. i believe so its a different process. without completing this crucial aspect of modules you cannot register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council as a qualified nurse...

    But yeah to extend of what your saying about how frontline workers are the lowest paid its so true... a little clap on a thursday standing in your porch isnt raising the wages of those who are putting their lives at risk working in a pandemic, the recognition and appreciation is amazing but think the government shouldve boosted wages more... but on the other hand ive noticed a lot more like entry level traineeship type of positions that offer individuals masters degree for free whilst training to be a psychological wellbeing practitioner or low intensity cognitive behavioural therapist so changes are slowly but surely being made but more guidance is needed for psychology students definitely
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,346 Part of The Furniture
    Hi @gia9720

    Oh no, this is frustrating :/ Though, to my knowledge, can't Careers services within universities support students with this?

    Thanks for all the info though! You are really insightful and have really helped to build my knowledge as this is an area I didn't have much knowledge about previously :)
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @Laura_tigger82 yeah think it very much depends on the university some can be more helpful than others . and no worries lol :) xx <3
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,346 Part of The Furniture
    Oh absolutely! @gia9720

    I think that applies in all senses of university life to be honest

    Well I am sending you the best of luck <3
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    @Laura_tigger82 thank you and thank you for sharing a little bit about why you chose your masters degree :)<3 x
  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,346 Part of The Furniture
    You are more than welcome @gia9720

    If you have any more degree, university or other questions for me, please feel free to ask away! <3
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 117 The Mix Convert
    Thank you <3
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