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ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
weekends i feel happy, in the week i feel there's no-one
Crazy mad insane


  • Laura_tigger82Laura_tigger82 Moderator Posts: 5,238 Part of The Furniture
    Hi @ellie2000

    I am glad you feel happy at the weekends. Would you like to explain what's different in the week? How could you replicate the happiness you feel at weekends in the week? We are here for you <3
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  • ellie2000ellie2000 Posts: 4,233 Community Veteran
    I feel like I'm still in tht place where they used oldschool methods. Could it b I'm in the still in the same town as it was?
    Crazy mad insane
  • coc0maccoc0mac Posts: 1,054 Wise Owl
    Hey @ellie2000.

    You're quite right. Being in the same place that we were during tough times can sometimes trigger bad memories. So it's possible that being in the same town has something to do with it. Do you go to a different place at the weekends?
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