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Hi guys!

KalekaAKalekaA Posts: 34 Boards Initiate
Hello everyone! I am 18 years old and have just finished my A-Levels, excited to start my first term at university very soon. I’m more than happy to have a casual chat and get to know many of the wonderful people here.

In my free time, I am fairly involved in fitness. I am an avid jogger and have been a practitioner of MMA for many years. I also know a thing or two about the gym so if anyone wants advice or help with physical health or mental health issues, I am always happy to offer what I can.

On top of this, I am a huge history and philosophy nerd, love to go camping and can speak four languages. :)


  • KatKat Posts: 81 Budding Regular
    Hiya @KalekaA
    Welcome to the mix!
    It's great to have you here :)
    Well done for getting to university, that's amazing!
  • JADE92JADE92 Posts: 30 Boards Initiate
    Hi @KalekaA =)
    I am also starting University this term after taking a gap year after A-Levels. So glad you are excited about starting, I am trying to get organised in the next month so that I will feel a bit more prepared for the workload.

    I love learning languages in my free time as well! What languages can you speak?
  • KalekaAKalekaA Posts: 34 Boards Initiate
    edited August 2021
    Hi @JADE92 , I can speak Punjabi, Hindi and Urdu on top of English. I hope your gap year went well and good luck with your uni preparation!!
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 1,983 Extreme Poster
    Welcome! x
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