August Photo Challenge

3rd August - looking up
4th August - your lucky number
5th August - Something sentimental
6th August - flowers
7th August - Happy place
8th August - Memory
9th August - Hobby
10th August - Sunset
11th August - Sunrise
12th August - nature
13th August - fav treat
14th August - fav item of clothing
15th August - your view
16th August - handwriting
17th August - book your reading
18th August - what makes you happy
19th August - A is for...
20th August - black and white
21st August - on a walk
22nd August - something you've bought this month
23rd August - something that inspires you
24th August - fav food
25th August - Self care day
26th August - Best part of your day
27th August - childhood memory
28th August - Anything
29th August - 8am
30th August - An animal
31st August - something you're proud of this month
Edit: Aife here, just adding in a message about our exciting photo competition!
As part of this photo challenge, we'd like to announce our partnership with Fujifilm.
In October we'll be hosting a huge exhibition of over 10,000 photographs by young people.
The exhibition will be over 4 days in London and the photos will showcase life through the eyes of a young person. Take part in our exhibition and upload your photos from this photo challenge by heading over to Fujifilm's website here.
You can upload up to three photos and for each photo you upload, you’ll receive a free print, and for each photo that's displayed, Fijifulm will donate £2.50 to The Mix. There's a chance to win some prizes too!
Good luck!
Aife & the team
My lucky number is also 2, the amount of eyes this boi has 💕
(didn't have any pictures with 2 on it 😂)
2nd August- Blue
3rd August- When I am laying on the sofa looking at the lamp
4th August- 43 because it is the day I was born+the month+the first 2 letters of the year I was born+my age (21+3+6+13.)
5th August- My boards family and my biological family. Or my teddy bears and cats.
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
(in spoilers because they are quite high resolution and if left outside of spoilers, they would happily take up most of the page😂🤣😂🤣)
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
I can't access my photos as my phone is broke so here's two i'be just stole off my brother 😂
This is a favourite of mine to go in the sunset, it's easier t get to x
This one is not so easy to get to haha but another fav.
It's hard to pick as everywhere makes me soo happy x
one station I do like which I know a lot of people hate is Birmingham New Street (second image) and Moor Street (first image)
One very modern and one very old and classic
7th August- The boards
8th August- Prom in year 6. I will try and get a photo of the dress I wore as it is hanging up in the spare bedroom.
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
In spoilers because in the pick at the time is also a drop machine, just in case it triggers anyone
how cute is the one with him upside down!!'
Well for me it would have to be train spotting and collection of train related stuff, so here's some timetables and postcards I pick up over my hoilday, both of them was orginally posted on my Instagram hints in why the text is their
back to when i was on hoilday i attempted to get a sunrise shot of the treeline but that didnt work so have this one instead which has nature too
As part of this photo challenge, we'd like to announce our partnership with Fujifilm.
In October we'll be hosting a huge exhibition of over 10,000 photographs by young people.
The exhibition will be over 4 days in London and the photos will showcase life through the eyes of a young person. Take part in our exhibition and upload your photos from this photo challenge by heading over to Fujifilm's website here.
You can upload up to three photos and for each photo you upload, you’ll receive a free print, and for each photo that's displayed, Fijifulm will donate £2.50 to The Mix. There's a chance to win some prizes too!
Good luck!
Aife & the team
PS. You can't see but they've done it in true hospital style, written them on the back of someone's ecg 😂😂