A game to help design government policy

Youth Voice Across (YVA) is a mobile app that turns policy consultation into a game to engage young people and inform them. This is the final idea that the steering group has come up with to try and make policy consultation more accessible to young people. Read more about the project here.
The story is
about a senior official trying to fix problems and gets the chance to
participate at-real world events! You can read more here.
How it works
- When you open YVA for the first time, a video plays that introduces your character and the point of the game. You are a young person making your way in the world, sharing your views and gaining influence. You can get promoted, become an elected MP and even become the prime minister.
- You can select topics you are interested in. The algorithm with automatically identify secondary issues you might be passionate about.
- You start off with basic multiple-choice questions. But as you get more advanced you move on to qualitative questions.
- The app sends push notifications to users when relevant events pop up in their local area/ on issues they are passionate about. They can attend the event. Scanning a QR code get them bonus points! Alternatively, users can live stream the event via the app and engage online.
- As you progress you can unlock more accessories and real-world perks for you and your character. Your character is anonymised, so you don’t lose street cred.
What do you think of this as an idea?
Any ideas for other story lines that you would prefer?
If you would like give more feedback outside of this discussion then please fill in the survey here. Any questions, or if anythings not clear, just ask. @htwohig2412 is around to help out also
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts
who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their
stories are the real badasses.”
- Brene
But I do think it could be a fun way of getting people engaged... Maybe people who are keen on a career in politics already would be super engaged. People like me who have little interest in being an MP etc might get put off by the fact you work your way up to become prime minister haha.
Also I'm sure it's just an example so sorry to be picky but for Question 1: would need to elaborate on some of the abbreviations or make the question a bit more simple (if that makes sense) as I can't really understand what it's asking!
Hope that helps a little.
- Lucy
Really appreciate your honesty- it's massively important to us. With the state of politics atm I definitely see why becoming PM would be scary!
Another really great insight. Don't worry about being picky - it's really important we get it right so letting us know exactly what you think is what we need! Thanks!
So we're in the design phase at the moment, we're just gathering some initial feedback and then we'll make a decision on what sort of platform (game, website etc) when we meet back up to discuss. Hope that helps!
Thanks so much for all your thoughts. I just wanted to drop in and let you know that your ideas have been listened to, and you can read about how and the next steps in @htwohig2412 post.
We asked quite a few people across different channels (Instagram, Surveys, Chat and Discussion Boards) what they thought and I wanted to share with you what young people thought in general.
I hope this is interesting, and let us know if you have any questions!
“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
- Brene Brown