Very stressed over an application form

So i had a session on the Peer Education Program yesterday - speaking about the whole training and what peer support workers do. ( a peer worker is "someone whos experience significant mental health challenges who supports others with MH challenges" And after i have felt more that it is a job id love to do. Tho the training does sound very full on and intense & kinda lack confidence but still
They have changed the training, since they need it all done quicker as many jobs coming out soon. so wont be group interviews. Instead we are doing a written application as well as answering questions about an article. Which all have to be done by the 20th. The application has intense questions on it and it has taken me well over an hour to roughly answer just one question and stressed. But my sister said she thinks is good which helped. I just feel stressed as i feel like it took me awhil and barely wrote much and the article imo is very long and need to do that too.
Im also stressed on knowing what i write for the DBS check as i have been involved with the police but i don’t know they wrote it down and dk who to write for my refence since my work place dont do them
& I found out. That They dont actually do peer support training a lot and the last one they did before this was like 3 years ago. So feels quite important to me. As if fail application then cant go further with the training. They have a few jobs going in NHS for this year - as they want more peer support workers in MH - which is good but lotsssss of people have signed up so quite hard and for applications that are successful need 121 interview too so gues is quite a lot of short listing
And basically one of the questions is asking why im interested in doing it - do you think i can speak about how i like supporting people online or? For the training they just basicaly want someone whos really passionate about supporting others recovery & more about the persons personality - empathy,support ect & they can teach the rest, so i feel like its relevant ?
And basically i am writing this in the health & wellbeing section because i am stressed as feels importnat to me & because i will be very sad if/when i fail the application.
And i think it looks like i will have to use my Care co ordinator as a reference and need to phone to ask her.
Which i don’t know will go well. I mean i do turn up to all her appotnements and engage which is about the most positive thing she could say so kinda scared
Need to hand it in by 20th and will know by the monday 25th
Ive emailed them to ask about my contact woth the police and if that would come up for DBS check so should i write it on the aplication and they said every contact youve had with the police shows up on an Advanced DBS check so basically now no job thats any further than a dead end job will want me
lol want to die
actually fed up
Thank you for reaching out.
Applications can take a long time but you can often see a person who's put in more time and effort into it which the employer may appreciate.
I think you can say you like to support others online because it's one thing to say you enjoy something but actually being able to show it is another. So I think it would suit that question very well.
Try not to think in a way that you won't get it because of... I know it's hard but it might just stress you out and hinder you writing your application to the best potential. With the DBS somethings are filtered out or "expire" so they might appear on the check.
If you're comfortable with it, keep us updated on your application.
They did say mental health issues that are on your dbs shouldnt be too much of a problem depending on what it is. Idk still knocks my confidence.
So ive finished the essay thingy for the article. My older sister Used to work in mental health so she said she could maybe help me. I sent her the article and my essay answering the article and she read both and she said it is really good that she doesnt know how i can prove expect from my spelling. I mean i think id rather she was honest and told me where i can improve.
But anyway glad ive finished it. Just need to edit it abit
stil need to fill out the application questions tho
My brain feels quite stressed
so that has really improved my mood and seems really hopeful cause she is one of the people who decide interviews and stuff.
Ive nearly finished the application and ive took so much effort and thought into it as well as the essay thing and ive nearly finished. 😊
Just wanted to pop on to say it sounds positive what the peer tutor said, well done on nearly finishing the essay thing too
Keep posting if you need too, we are here for you.
I sent my application and essay in yesterday. Will know by Monday (25th) if get an interview. But doubt it with how many people sign up and how many they need to short list to the interview.
But have tried so is what it is 🙃
Will post back on here on monday
tomorrow i find out if my appliaction was successful and get 1-2-1 interview
need lots of luck lol 🙃🙃🙃🙃
going to very sad when say i am not suitable. They dont do the training often
Best of luck for tomorrow, I really hope you get this! You've put a lot of work into your application and I think you'll be a great peer support worker too. Really proud of you whatever the outcome is
Will be thinking of you tomorrow, let us know how you get on
Ill be thinking of you during the day ❤️
Been invited for an interview!!!!!!. So happy. My involvement with the police didnt even put them off
so im guessing you can do the training knowing you will get a job striaght after. And if get the job dont need to go to the interview.
You should be so so so proud of yourself
When's the interview and how are you feeling about it?
The interview is on 16th. Im kinda stressed about it
But i had phone call with young womans trust today which was helpful in helping me think.
I need to make a wellness plan - they want to see that have one and know how to keep self well. Dunno if anyone else has made one?
they said theyd be jobs going online today but havent seen it yet. They said theyd send the more direct email for when they go live but that would be interesting and will Maybe apply. (You obvs need to do the training first before the job - but cant still apply).
The job roles came out. I feel a bit of a mess when i think about mental health hospitals. And I don’t know if i wanna work there or be an inpatient lollll. Think definelty work aha
I am under NHS Pererborough and Cambridgeshire. I live in peterborough and most of the job titles are in Cambridgde. Which sound quite good but dont think can apply to it.