no placement and start next week

Hi all,
Been ages, since I last posted on here. We start placement in a weeks time, and yet, I still don't have a confirmed place. I 've tried speaking to uni staff, sent numourous emails, spoke face-toface and getting no-where with them.
Makes it harder when I have a placement plan for my autism, and upon seeing this, places are scared to offer me a place.
A local PRU is happy to take me on, but her first reaction to my placement plan was "oh my goodness, can we support her, are we the right environment". But then, I have't got another placement.
If I don't do placement, I could fail the whole year! I do vol work in a school but they don't accept places we already work, volunteer in.
I'm getting so stressed over it all, it's getting to me! Don't know what to do?
How's the situation now? Is the local PRU still happy to take you on? If they are, I'm sure when they get to know you a bit more, they'll be more understanding.
You've mentioned that you've tried speaking to uni staff and I'm wondering if you have talked to the careers service? They might be able to help find a placement for you. Another possibility is talking to other people on your course and finding out where they have been able to get a placement and see if you can also go there.
I understand how stressful it must be for you when so much hangs on getting a placement. Keep being persistent and hope things work out for you!
PRUs can be really cool places - there's generally much smaller classes and so you get to know the young people really well. Obviously the young people face challenges (or else they wouldn't be there) but that just makes the word even more rewarding.
PRUs also tend to have staff who have experience of working in SEN education and can often have quite high ratios of SEN students on roll so, why I get we're all different, this may put them in a good place to understand your needs and how to best support you. Remember the lady who reacted as you describe is just one staff member there, I'd expect they'll be plenty of others who'll have very different views.
Hope you're sorted and this helped to ease a couple of your anxieties. You're going to smash it, wherever you go! Good luck!
Hey both
thank you for your replies. I did see these earlier. I am now instead doing it where I volunteer just in a different key stage. So far, I have enjoyed this and had different experience of going on a trip, in a different year helping cover etc... So very wide mixed.