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Worried about UK leaving Europe

Former MemberFormer Member NoobPosts: 131 The Mix Convert
Hello I am starting to have some or a lot of horrible worries about Britain leaving Europe in March 2019 as I am hoping that everything will go well, be ok and that certain things like everything being age 18 like the drinking age and many others will always remain that way and it will not change to a higher age. Also I hope that things will not go tragically wrong for when the UK does leave Europe next year. I really need help as it is making me so anxious and I really need someone to tell me that everything will be ok and will not change.


  • Former MemberFormer Member Fruit loop Inactive Posts: 2,762 Boards Guru
    Hey Sholay

    Sadly nobody can quite tell you it will be okay because we have no idea what will occur from this.

    I can say that legal ages may not likely change just the food and goods we get imported ect and it's getting harder to get a job (both in actuality and with the new need for extra ID to prove you live here) 

    All we can do is wait it out if it turns out bad we can only hope it will get fixed.

    The things I believe will be affected is
    Our NHS, jobs(harder to find,  harder to prove you can do)  there will be an increase in racism. 

    And whatever Teresa May does 
    But there's nowt we can do so don't sweat the small stuff :)
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Just got here
    Hiya Sholay

    I honestly haven't a clue about what's going to happen post-Brexit. I'd imagine that food prices will increase because they always do year after year, but clothes can be bought dirt cheap in weekly town markets. I'd imagine there will always be markets whichever town and I think post-Brexit prices won't escalate if the UK continues doing deals with China and the Far East. Unless Mrs May has a different agenda. Post-Brexit she might decide to throw in the towel and retire. One can only hope, but that's my opinion.

    Since the UK intends to bring about its own laws, I doubt the drinking age will increase since it's public knowledge that less people are drinking these days. Not helping though is our greedy Chancellor steadily increasing Duty on alcohol whereas if you lived in France, there is only a peppercorn tax.

    So instead of fretting, getting you nowhere, Sholay, is get on with enjoying life. :)  And that's what I'm doing right now, enjoying good times with my family, going down the pub for a drink among our village friends and forgetting about Brexit altogether. Oh, and today I've taken out an annual subscription to Private Eye.  http://www.private-eye.co.uk/   =)

    Good times!

  • Former MemberFormer Member Noob Posts: 131 The Mix Convert
    Ok thank you Laine and Floxy as I did think before that the drinking age and many other things being from age 18 will never likely change to a higher age as it would be wrong and bad if it was to really happen because 18 is the age we become adults in most countries and certain things like dating agencies having a minimum age of 18 should always remain the same too.
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,173 Boards Champion
    Hi Sholay,

    It's an uncertain time, and as much as someone claims to know what will happen, no one really does. It's all guessing and estimates at the moment. However, life will remain as usual for the most part - a couple things like prices may go up or down, but I wouldn't worry too much about it - it's not like we can do much about it anyways!x

    Much love <3
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