Weekly challenge #52

“Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman
Hey everyone,
This week's
challenge is to post your favourite quote!
For this challenge we’re asking you to share a quote that you love – it can be a
funny quote from your favourite TV show or an inspirational quote that motivates
you. Whatever it is, share it with us here!
Don't forget to vote on next week's challenge ideas below and if you're
interested in getting involved in some of the fun things we have going on at
The Mix such as suggesting a weekly challenge idea, submitting something for
the newsletter or hosting a general chat, let us know over on this
Have a Happy
“ Always Be kind”. - v wordy so Maybe that why it seems to be one, few people have not heard before
i also like “ if you want others to be happy,practice compassion, if you want to be happy, practice compassion”
"I want you to know that you can do anything you fucking want with your life, Don't let anyone tell you different. And i wanna let you know it doesn't matter how bad things are right fucking now, they will get better. Don't let anybody beat you down so hard that you would take your life. You live your life and you stick your middle finger up and you say ' i'm gonna live'" - Kellin Quinn