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Is arrogance a bad thing?



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i really dislike it
    but the funny thing is..............I alwasy seem to fancy the arrogant guys, probably because i mistake arrogance for confidence.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BumbleBee

    Can I ask how you live so comfortably without ever working?

    Also, some people actually enjoy work! I know I enjoy what I do, even though it is only part time.

    I do agree with your final statement though. Achievement should not be measured by educational success.
    never done paid work i should have said. mr respectable since 86. shooby doobop.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    never done paid work i should have said. i do enjoy physical work. helping my kids build their houses etc. farming my little peices of land ...hard work. long hours caring for my disabled daughter.
    how ...i'm an ex villain. tunelled into securicor premises twice in the 70's ...very rewarding. tunelled into a place on the continent around the same time, also very rewarding.
    with hindsight i reckon i would have made a good copper or soldier. i craved excitement and danger as a kid. pressumed all you long timers on here had heard all this before!
    done my time, kept my quids. mr respectable since 86.
    No, I did not know. I find that really interesting though. Glad to hear you're a reformed character! At uni I've been hearing a lot about armed robbery in the 70s in criminology lectures! I would be very interested to know more, if you wouldn't mind?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BumbleBee

    No, I did not know. I find that really interesting though. Glad to hear you're a reformed character! At uni I've been hearing a lot about armed robbery in the 70s in criminology lectures! I would be very interested to know more, if you wouldn't mind?
    i'm very reformed thankyou. blowing my own trumpet here i know but ...if you spent time with me, you would i feel confident, go away feeling you had spent time with an extremely honest and trustworthy man. EDITED as you have had enough time to read that lot.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by morrocan roll
    not like today where kids and uncaring idiots are armed with them.

    believe it or not ...the choice is yours.
    Could you not argue that any adult weilding a gun is uncaring though? :p

    And I do believe it! What would you say reformed you? Prison?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by BumbleBee

    Could you not argue that any adult weilding a gun is uncaring though? :p

    And I do believe it! What would you say reformed you? Prison?
    i'm unsure how to answer the first question. when i was in my early twenties the only people who had guns and it was very few and far between in my experiences, were important villains. men with wealth and importance. the guns were for protection against other villains. these men were on the whole, family men. loving caring men. not just to their own families but to people in general. ok they were outlaws. they were adventurers.
    some of them were pure evil bastards! the evil ones were obviously uncaring. but your average villain, had his troubles and strife in life in equal measure to the rest of the human race. if you bring in people like the crays, who i confess to know, no more about than you, then these kind of men, despite the hero worship myth bullshit that goes with their names, would in my book be classed as the evil bastards who actualy get pleasure from seeing another man cower. your average armed bank robber was a chancer who would have no ammo in the gun ...or two shots to fire in the cieling to scare you shitless ...but would not have had it in him to actualy shoot someone. today ...the world as a whole is colder and less caring, in my eyes anyway, so are the crooks. today, raping a pensioner, then setting fire to them etc is something that happens that couldn't have happened years ago. every villain in town would be out to kill a man who behaved like that, or they would turn you in to the old bill. gun or no gun, your petty crook and your proffesional villain has become more frightening. the world has become more frightening.
    what reformed me? again a hard question to answer.
    it was probably heroin addiction! experiencing how low a man can go was an eye opener. i have ALWAYS ...been a very outgoing person. confident. handle anything that's thrown at me.
    i have always cared about other people. i have always been concerned about hunger in the world and such. i have always been there for others. heroin took all that away from me. it basicaly took my real personality away. addiction is the great destroyer of souls. that self destruction is probably what actualy changed every aspect of my life. but ...ask me another day i might answer differently.
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