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Switzerland & The Perfect Example ~ Guns!



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru


    88888888 <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish:
    I don't think you fully understand my point. We don't have as much gun crime in this country (because there are fewer guns, NOT because our population is smaller), and therefore most of us are not victims of gun crime, and neither do we fear gun crime. We can't have your so-called victim mentality because we are not victims of this crime. Does that make sense?

    Gun crime knife crime baseball bat crime - its all crime worthy of self defence to me no matter the method or weapon used in the crime. In other words you may not fear being shot but what about beaten, stabbed or robbed? I say "victim mentality" not as an insult but as a reflection of what I see in the news that really suggests that retaliation of any kind against an attack in England is frowned upon, whereas in the US, most citizens just dont tolerate being victims of any crime.

    We're not helpless sheep bleating away, and we certainly don't rely on you American macho men to protect us in our hour of need. There is no hour of need.

    Never suggested you did or should rely on American machismo, but only self preservation. Hour of need? No there isnt one at the moment, but what about when you are confronted by a dangerous situation - how do you react then? Theres no hour of need here either - but by carrying a gun, I am prepared against a possible element of danger.

    If you feel you can't rely on your police force to protect you or enforce the law and feel that you have to take the law into your own hands, then why do you tolerate it?

    I don't tolerate it - I avoid crime situations at all costs and carry a gun and have mastered self defensse (unarmed combat training) Our cops arent inept, thats NOT what Im suggesting - but policing in its reality is reactive to crime (After the fact) where self defence preparation is a proactive measure.

    Rather than hiding behind a gun, why don't you do something active: do you have a Special Constabulary in the US? Marmite, one of the posters at TheSite, is an SPC and dedicates a few hours each week fighting crime. He doesn't cower in a corner with an AK47 waiting to be robbed; he does something active to try to reduce crime levels, and I think we should all applaud him for that.

    Indeed anyone who takes an active interest in community security should be commended for such service. In the US however - or at least in Massachussetts where I live, the local and state police are the predominant law enforcers - there are constabulatory cops in some towns but they dont perform the same function you suggest - too many legal issues really for an ordinary citizen to be involved. I do take issue though with your above statement - noone is cowering behind a gun awaiting crime - I can say personally mine are merely preventive measures which I'll employ if the situation arises. ( I have used my weapons twice since the permit was issued, both legally and both without a single shot fired.)

    It's got nothing to do with "moral superiority", but perhaps America has more of a every-man-for-himself culture than we do. I don't know. Perhaps we will end up in that state in a few years time.

    I hope your country doenst go down any further on a social level - but I disagree here again - we're a very interdependant society here in the US - case in point all the donations and volunteerism surrounding the 9/11 attacks (personally I tried to offer my medical services to NYC but was rebuffed as there were too many volunteers) We care about each other, contrary to popular beleif, and usually jump at the chance to come to a neighbors aid. But to suggest we're an uncivilized, barbaric or selfish society is downright inaccurate. Are we guilty of being overworked, workaholic opinionated and loud? Yes, guilty as charged. But the only societal difference I see between England and the US (having been there a few times) is that the English are more laid back than we could ever hope to be- which is why I spend vacation time over there and Ireland - to be among relaxed folk.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hmmm did I really write all that? <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">

    I still disagree with you though. There is no need for ordinary people to carry guns on the streets in this country (ceteris parabus).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish:
    <STRONG>Hmmm did I really write all that? <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">

    I still disagree with you though. There is no need for ordinary people to carry guns on the streets in this country (ceteris parabus).</STRONG>

    Hey I dont like the idea either - I have met some cops here stateside that frankly scare me because they pack heat. Nonetheless, I dont advocate everyone carrying, merely that everyone has the option to self defence - I mean, can a citizen even have mace or stun guns there in England?

    <IMG alt="image" SRC="tongue.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nope they are also totally illegal.

    They are legal throughout the rest of Europe for use in home defence situations...Not here.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    <STRONG>Nope they are also totally illegal.

    They are legal throughout the rest of Europe for use in home defence situations...Not here.</STRONG>

    Wow. so in England one is totally defenseless against attack? Is anyone fighting this crap? (Ok being naeive here) What happens if one is accosted, can they use say a 2x4 and hit them? a rock? what???

    <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Unfortunately for some reason our laws are based on 'fair play' and sportsmanship. They rely on the victim playing fair with their attacker. Its called reasonable force.

    If an attacker comes at you with a brick, you can defend yourself with another brick and any weapon less effective than a brick. If he comes at you with a knife then you may use a knife and any weapon below that. You may not use a gun. If he comes at you with a bat you may not use a knife or a gun. If he comes at you bare handed then you cannot use a weapon unless you are substantially smaller than your attacker.

    Its completely insane. Someone attacks me then im not going to play fair. I will do whatever it takes to protect myself. Unfortunately if I step over the line in the eyes of a judge then im going to prison.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    <STRONG>Unfortunately for some reason our laws are based on 'fair play' and sportsmanship. They rely on the victim playing fair with their attacker. Its called reasonable force.

    If an attacker comes at you with a brick, you can defend yourself with another brick and any weapon less effective than a brick. If he comes at you with a knife then you may use a knife and any weapon below that. You may not use a gun. If he comes at you with a bat you may not use a knife or a gun. If he comes at you bare handed then you cannot use a weapon unless you are substantially smaller than your attacker.

    Its completely insane. Someone attacks me then im not going to play fair. I will do whatever it takes to protect myself. Unfortunately if I step over the line in the eyes of a judge then im going to prison.</STRONG>

    I guess it is a cultural thing then as Kentish may suggest - but isn't it already unfair and unreasonable if someone is using force to either harm you or steal from you?

    Out of curiousity - do people actually agree with this pile of shiite?

    <IMG alt="image" SRC="mad.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:

    Can you provide links to the 10 US massacres that have happened since 1996 please Whowhere. Id like to read up on them.</STRONG>

    I, too, would like to see the 10 school massacres to which you refer. If you cannot find the number proporionate to the population level, then it might APPEAR that UK is more violent than the US. <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">

    Oh, goodness GRACIOUS! <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0"> ANOTHER DELUSION blown away? <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0"> rotflmfao! <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    From Russia with love...& a rifle!


    88888888 <IMG alt="image" SRC="eek.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish:
    <STRONG> He doesn't cower in a corner with an AK47 waiting to be robbed; he does something active to try to reduce crime levels, and I think we should all applaud him for that...</STRONG>

    Since the person who commented on owning AK-47's was me, it would be presumed that the "cowering" comment was directed this way...
    POINT OF CLARIFICATION... ~ I have never "cowered" in ANY moment in my life, not when engaged in combat, and not when I was sixteen and knifed, nor seventeen and shot while being mugged; in BOTH instances, the assailant was relieved of his weapon AFTER it had been used upon me. "Cowering" would have meant that he would have taken my life...
    I AM and always shall be a COMBATANT! In the interest of accuracy, you have misdirected the "cowering" comment.
    Ever ride a motorcycle? Wear a helmet?
    Drive a car? Use the seatbelt?
    Own a home? Pay for insurance?
    Carrying a firearm upon my person, or behind the seat of my truck, serves the SAME purpose. It is not because I expect an armed confrontation, because statistically, I have already experienced my fair share, but because of a close and lasting acquaintance with "Mr. Murphy"... if it CAN go wrong, it usually will at the worst moment. The one SINGULAR moment in which I might need to defend myself or another could be the exact same singular moment when I was "lazy" and left the weapon at home.
    Responsibility is EVER VIGILENT!

    The concept of FREEDOM is based upon an individual being accountable and responsible for HIMSELF. You believe in running to mommie to take care of you, to protect you, and I accept that being a FREE MAN requires that I take care of myself.

    THAT is as clear as it gets.

    If you believe that you might EVER find me "cowering", then a moment of edification most CERTAINLY awaits you... <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">

    btw ~ best deterent to crime in THIS country has been arming the individual CITIZENS (as opposed to "subjects"), so you WOULD be accurate to say that I am taking pro-active measures... <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ok, that second link is complete crap.
    I wondered how long it would take someone to mention sept 11th.
    Tell me how owning a weapon would help there?

    As for the last bit "security blanket for grownups" just shows what owning a rifle or pistols is. It is a way of letting the supposed "hard men" of society feel a little bit safer, when in reality if they were confronted by someone with skill, or more than one person they would be dead.
    Owning a gun Thanatos, won't stop someone sneaking up behind you and smacking you with a bat.
    And as for fair play rules, ok so they are a bit stupid, but don't you honestly think that shooting someone for holding a stick or knife at you is a little bit out of proportion to the event? People who do that deserve to goto prison for being stupid, and endangering their own, and many other peoples' lives. Imagine if the assailant overpowered you and took the gun away? Then what do you do? You're fucked.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere:
    <STRONG>Owning a gun Thanatos, won't stop someone sneaking up behind you and smacking you with a bat.</STRONG>
    EXACTLY....or when you're in the shower, or when you pop out of your cab and leave your AK47 to get a doughnut...whatever.
    If we move onto guns, the criminals will go one step further - battering the victim unconscious from behind.
    There are more gun crimes in the US (and thus more fear of gun crime) because there are more guns on the streets. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You can come up with any number of situations where a gun wont help, I conceed that. But there are many many situations where it will help. Wearing a seatbelt wont help me if I drive my car off a cliff, does that mean I shouldnt wear a seatbelt ever?

    Its fact that a gun will protect you in many circumstances so why not make sure you are armed during those circumstances.
    but don't you honestly think that shooting someone for holding a stick or knife at you is a little bit out of proportion to the event?

    Are you serious? Nobody is talking about holding a stick or knife. We are talking about being attacked. The attacker wants to plunge that knife into your chest, he wants to crack your skull open with that stick..You think shooting him is out of order in that situation? I happen to value my life over the life of anyone who would attack me with the intention of killing me. If you despise yourself enough to side with the murderer then you are beyond hope.

    I notice youve moved away from backing up your 10 school massacres since '96 Whowhere. Funny that <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog:
    <STRONG>The attacker wants to plunge that knife into your chest, he wants to crack your skull open with that stick
    No, we were talking about a mugger who wants to take your wallet, not a random nutter who wants to batter you to death or stab you. Muggers use the threat of violence, and generally aren't violent, unless you start fumbling around for your gun...
    <STRONG>I notice youve moved away from backing up your 10 school massacres since '96 Whowhere. Funny that <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0"></STRONG>
    It really doen't matter how many there have been. I can remember three: one in Columbine and two in Florida. Plus don't forget all the schools in the cities that have to employ metal detectors and security guards to prevent the kids coming in with weapons. (Also, you will remember that both the Dunblane massacre and the machete attack were committed by adult nutters, not school children, and that makes a difference too).

    I shall repeat myself because you're not listening:
    There are more gun crimes in the US (and thus more fear of gun crime) because there are more guns on the streets. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    You are picking up and taking out of context, arguments I am having with Whowhere. He disputed my claims about the reasonable force laws and my previous post which were about someone trying to kill you.
    It really doen't matter how many there have been.

    Of course it matters...He specifically said there had been 10 US school massacres since Dunblane. I want to know if thats true or whether he was speaking shit.
    I shall repeat myself because you're not listening

    Im not arguing that...If im not listening then you most certainly arent reading.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Whowhere:
    Ok, that second link is complete crap.
    I wondered how long it would take someone to mention sept 11th.
    Tell me how owning a weapon would help there?
    If SOMEONE on any one of the airplanes had been armed, the moment would have ended... <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0">
    Lubby's Restaurant in Texas... one of the victims had left her gun in her car... didn't help to be without it in the ONE moment it would have been most helpful.

    Owning a gun Thanatos, won't stop someone sneaking up behind you and smacking you with a bat.

    Having ANY weapon is not a panacea for the lack of requisite skills. The gun is the tool, the weapon is between the ears... Ever try to hammer a nail without the hammer? <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">
    btw... good luck on sneaking up behind me... <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">
    Imagine if the assailant overpowered you and took the gun away? Then what do you do? You're fucked.
    ...AND, obviously had your head stuck someplace where light of day cannot get to it. AGAIN, requisite skills were not employed. btw ~ hasn't happened to me in fifty plus years. <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">
    Originally posted by Kentish:
    EXACTLY....or when you're in the shower, or when you pop out of your cab and leave your AK47 to get a doughnut...whatever.
    If we move onto guns, the criminals will go one step further - battering the victim unconscious from behind.
    There are more gun crimes in the US (and thus more fear of gun crime) because there are more guns on the streets. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.</STRONG>

    .45 is on my hip, ALWAYS. I don't use a "cab", ever. I OWN a vehicle. <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0"> And I don't lard myself up with donuts...

    It is only simple for the SIMPLE-MINDED! It is the guns in the hands of criminals, and NOT in their would be victims that causes high crime rates. Criminals will ALWAYS have guns, just like there was ABUNDANT booze sold OPENLY when it was illegal.

    THAT perspective of yours is CLASSICAL DELUSION! <IMG alt="image" SRC="rolleyes.gif" border="0">

    [ 09-01-2002: Message edited by: Thanatos...AGAIN ]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Thanatos...AGAIN:
    <STRONG>If SOMEONE on any one of the airplanes (sic) had been armed, the moment would have ended...</STRONG>
    ...with the death of every innocent person on the plane before they hit the WTC, because the hijackers would have brought guns too. Muppet.
    <STRONG>Having ANY weapon is not a panacea for the lack of requisite skills.</STRONG>
    What? What skills are you talking about? If you are knocked unconscious from behind there aint a single thing your 20 years in the marines is gonna do for you. You lose.
    <STRONG>.45 is on my hip, ALWAYS.
    Fair enough. But see above.
    <STRONG>I don't use a "cab", ever. I OWN a vehicle.
    Language misunderstanding: I didn't mean cab as in taxicab, I meant the part of your truck that isn't the trailer, you know the part with the big engine and steering wheel and seat...rig?
    <STRONG>It is only simple for the SIMPLE-MINDED!
    More American psychobabble rhetoric.
    <STRONG>It is the guns in the hands of criminals, and NOT in their would be victims that causes high crime rates.</STRONG>
    Have you not been reading a single thread? If criminals know their would-be victim is likely to be armed, they will not start the proceedings by asking politely for your wallet whilst giving you a chance to get your gun out. No, they'll shoot, steal and run. Or get you from behind with a baseball bat.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    While I realize the world will likely never accept the idea of armed airline passengers - I have to agree with the notion that firearms on the aircraft in the 9/11 atacks would indeed have stopped the incident from ever occuring.
    Presently, the US FAA has stated they cannot possibly guarantee the presence of an armed Air Marshall on every flight in the United States. After what happened on 9/11, the concept of a flight originating out of or within the US unarmed is simply unacceptable.
    My proposal? If youre not able to guarantee an Air Marshall to all flights, arm the crew - Pilots, a flight attendant etc - they will be highly trained and 100% responsible for the security of the flight.
    #2. make the airlines themselves responsible for paying/training/maintaining an active ARMED security presence (with Federal oversight) on each and every flight uniformed or not (Im already seeing some holes in this idea ie bribary, strikes etc which is why Im more for the Federal level oversight)
    #3 provide substantial discounts and immediate allowance of firearms of non federal ARMED law enforcement officers to carry firearms on planes. This would create an excellent "security blanket" to the above.
    #4 and perhaps most radical: allow certain citizens (frequent flyers) to carry weapons annonymously on each frequent flight they take. This would call for radical restructuring of many state to state laws on firearms transport but with federal training and perhaps a stipend, this would provide for an excellent layer of armed response onboard.
    The simple idea that there is a gun on a flight may just be enough to keep terrorist scum from turning our aircraft into crude weapons of mass destruction - to allow a flight to take off without a measure of lethal self defense is not only irresponsible but a huge disservice to the safety and security of flight passengers worldwide. Also - goes back to my original concept - if Presidents, Senators and government officials are afforded armed protection while in flight, why are we as citizens (who for the most part voted them in) asked to fly unprotected? <IMG alt="image" SRC="mad.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sorry but that is the most ridiculous thing I have read ever on this forum (and I've read a lot of Balddog posts <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">).

    Frequent flyers allowed guns? Have you ever thought that the Al-Qaeda nutcases would simply sign up to these frequent flyer programmes and take an arsenal of weapons on board. Or maybe a copper taking a holiday would want to take his gun with him on the flight. I don't see it happening. And I think you defeated your own first point about sky marshalls - an expensive and risky undertaking (could be distracted and shot from behind).

    One of the reasons I believe the hijackers on Sept 11 were able to take the planes so easily is because most of the passengers would have thought the plane would land safely, and then for negotiations to begin. Why? Because thats how most hijackings work.

    A repeat could never happen (not in the near future anyway) because if someone was attempting it, there would be 200+ people willing to take them on, knowing that the alternative was to be flown into a building. Richard Reid anyone?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish:
    <STRONG>I'm sorry but that is the most ridiculous thing I have read ever on this forum (and I've read a lot of Balddog posts <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">).

    Opinions are like... no never mind

    Frequent flyers allowed guns? Have you ever thought that the Al-Qaeda nutcases would simply sign up to these frequent flyer programmes and take an arsenal of weapons on board. Or maybe a copper taking a holiday would want to take his gun with him on the flight.

    The frequent flyer program would be subject to severe scrutiny and investigation of course, background checks etc - all but eliminating the Al Qaeda threat. Of course as far as police are concerned - I merely present that as an option to the officer in question - if he / she brings the weapon, their ticket would be discounted - incentives my friend.

    I don't see it happening. And I think you defeated your own first point about sky marshalls - an expensive and risky undertaking (could be distracted and shot from behind).

    Fact is though skymarshalls are already employed on many flights in the US - without a single incident like the one you suggest. Theyre annonymous, so a terrorist bastard won't know theyre there. Of course the other alternative is to not have sky marshalls altogether - an even more ridiculous and "risky" proposition.

    One of the reasons I believe the hijackers on Sept 11 were able to take the planes so easily is because most of the passengers would have thought the plane would land safely, and then for negotiations to begin. Why? Because thats how most hijackings work.

    In a way youre right but at the same time, they DIDNT opt to land the plane now did they? If anything it signals a new era in terrorit methodology that should and MUST be met with lethal defense measures. Perhaps flying planes into buildings will become the new "Way hijackings work" - I for one am not willing to wait for that.

    A repeat could never happen (not in the near future anyway) because if someone was attempting it, there would be 200+ people willing to take them on, knowing that the alternative was to be flown into a building. Richard Reid anyone?</STRONG>

    Never?? Hmmm well Im sure bin Laden would love for the world to adopt such careless complacency. Such an attitude would indeed GUARANTEE a repeat. From now on however, we must be on constant guard against radical attacks - indeed such radical attacks do call for radical measures to fight back - which includes and ARMED presence on all flights.
    I hope youre right - I hope there is never a repeat of 9/11 but if Im wrong - is that really the humble pie you want to swallow?
    <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="mad.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by DevilMan:
    <STRONG>Never?? Hmmm well Im sure bin Laden would love for the world to adopt such careless complacency. Such an attitude would indeed GUARANTEE a repeat. From now on however, we must be on constant guard against radical attacks - indeed such radical attacks do call for radical measures to fight back - which includes and ARMED presence on all flights.
    I hope youre right - I hope there is never a repeat of 9/11 but if Im wrong - is that really the humble pie you want to swallow?
    <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="mad.gif" border="0"></STRONG>
    FFS, do you not read what I write? I said that there won't be a repeat of the plane flying into building scenario because any attempt would be halted mid-air by passengers who are prepared to risk their lives to protect the plane from hijack because they know the alternative is for the plane to be used as a suicide bomber. Have you even heard about the Richard Reid incident? It was an *American* Airlines flight if that helps.

    I will not ever agree to an armed presence on aeroplanes, and I think I explained my reasons clearly enough above (which you have chosen to overlook).

    (BTW can you please learn how to quote correctly, because I no longer want your drivel associated with me. Thank you.)

    [Edited: grammar]

    [ 10-01-2002: Message edited by: Kentish ]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish:
    FFS, do you not read what I write? I said that there won't be a repeat of the plane flying into building scenario because any attempt would be halted mid-air by passengers who are prepared to risk their lives to protect the plane from hijack because they know the alternative is for the plane to be used as a suicide bomber. Have you even heard about the Richard Reid incident? It was an *American* Airlines flight if that helps.

    A flight that originated under the "watchful" eyes of French security....

    I will not ever agree to an armed presence on aeroplanes, and I think I explained my reasons clearly enough above (which you have chosen to overlook).

    Then you can opt not to fly on them because I see this as a realistic solution that will in SOME ways be adopted. Obviously you overlook my intent - Im merely seeking to find good solutions to the present security lapses in AIRPLANES (learn how to spell now that we're insulting each other)and in reality you have failied to present reasons - every situation you present I countered with a rational solution - perhaps you need to school yourself in the art of debate.

    (BTW can you please learn how to quote correctly, because I no longer want your drivel associated with me. Thank you.)

    "Drivel?" why drivel? because you disagree with what I propose? wow Kentish, how mature of you - I had a lot of fun political fights during my studies at UCD with English folk but wow - you certainly beat them down - how DO you do it oh master of the argued word? Either argue with me like the adult you so aspire to be and accept criticism or - DONT bother. <IMG alt="image" SRC="tongue.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="tongue.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="tongue.gif" border="0"> <IMG alt="image" SRC="tongue.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish:
    [QB]What? What skills are you talking about? If you are knocked unconscious from behind there aint a single thing your 20 years in the marines is gonna do for you. You lose.


    Skill NUMBER ONE: an awareness of the area around you.

    Let's put it this way... attempt to sneak up upon me and attack me from the rear. Do it. <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">

    btw ~ I am NOT responsible for your death. Old reflexes die VERY hard, and yours would be the proof. Follows the adage: if you do NOT want to dance, do NOT call the music. You are used to playing with sheep... I am not another prey, but an experienced preditor, and I will feel you coming. If you doubt it, c'mon and play... <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">

    TO THE MODERATORS!: Please do NOT construe this as a threat directed at ANY individual, but rather a PROMISED consequence to an injudicious choice... <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">

    Skill NUMBER TWO: ...Unless you can comprehend the validity of skill number one, the rest would be a TOTALLY wasted effort, kinda like teaching a sheep to sing... <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by DevilMan:
    <STRONG>A flight that originated under the "watchful" eyes of French security....
    AAAAaaaarrrggghhh THAT'S NOT THE POINT. The guy was overpowered by passengers and crew before he was able to do anything more serious than light a match. Remember that part?
    Never mind.
    *Mental note: why do I bother?*
    No I definitely meant a-e-r-o-p-l-a-n-e-s.
    <STRONG>(learn how to spell now that we're insulting each other)
    And you accuse me of immaturity?

    I've been thinking through your reasoning and logic but I keep going back to the same flaw: a skymarshall can only respond to an incident in the air and therefore if a hijacker has grabbed an air hostess and is holding a knife to her throat what can a skymarshall realistically be expected to do? I don't think it would be wise to shoot, not only because of the obvious dangers of firing a gun in a pressurised aeroplane, but also because of the danger of injuring the innocent passenger/air hostess caught in the middle. It seems to me that a single armed guard on each flight would be useless against this kind of attack.

    Also, on a tangent slightly, don't you think demand for air travel would go down if people knew that the airline had chosen to put an armed guard on each flight?

    [Edited for spelling]

    [ 10-01-2002: Message edited by: Kentish ]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by DevilMan:
    #4 and perhaps most radical: allow certain citizens (frequent flyers) to carry weapons annonymously on each frequent flight they take.</STRONG>

    Understand your perspective, but would suggest that you amend "frequent flyers" to those who have permits for concealed carry of firearms, and thusly have already BEEN extensively checked out by law enforcement. Would make national CCW licensing a step closer to reality... <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Thanatos...AGAIN:
    <STRONG>You are used to playing with sheep... I am not another prey, but an experienced preditor, and I will feel you coming. If you doubt it, c'mon and play... <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0"></STRONG>
    I have no intention of playing your macho games. I think you are over-estimating your own ability to expect the unexpected though. If someone really wanted to batter you over the head, they easily could.
    Skill NUMBER TWO: ...Unless you can comprehend the validity of skill number one, the rest would be a TOTALLY wasted effort, kinda like teaching a sheep to sing... <IMG alt="image" SRC="wink.gif" border="0"></STRONG>
    American psychobabble rhetoric, caused by you not being able to think of a second skill that you possess.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Kentish:
    And you accuse me of immaturity?

    I've been thinking through your reasoning and logic but I keep going back to the same flaw: a skymarshall can only respond to an incident in the air and therefore if a hijacker has grabbed an air hostess and is holding a knife to her throat what can a skymarshall realistically be expected to do? I don't think it would be wise to shoot, not only because of the obvious dangers of firing a gun in a pressurised aeroplane, but also because of the danger of injuring the innocent passenger/air hostess caught in the middle. It seems to me that a single armed guard on each flight would be useless against this kind of attack.

    Simple solution - Id shoot the stewardess - then the asshole with the knife - better to have 1 dead civilian than 10 000.
    On the gun - you dont know much about guns - for one most pistol calibers are incapable of rupturing a hull with a shot - then theres specialized ammunition that breaks apart when hitting such surfaces yet retains its killing power - I wont bore you with the facts because no doubt you'll ignore them but lets just say the plane would be safe.

    Also, on a tangent slightly, don't you think demand for air travel would go down if people knew that the airline had chosen to put an armed guard on each flight?

    Actually here in the US its been suggested people have no problem with armed security in the air ports - im not so sure theyd have an issue with them on flights....

    Funny you also mentioned the fact that Reid was taken down by the group - realizing a gun wouldnt stop him I think thats merely suggestive of a need for better security here in the US airports and abroad - and yes I mean profiling!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Thanatos...AGAIN:

    Understand your perspective, but would suggest that you amend "frequent flyers" to those who have permits for concealed carry of firearms, and thusly have already BEEN extensively checked out by law enforcement. Would make national CCW licensing a step closer to reality... <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0"></STRONG>

    Exactly - they would have already been extensively cleared and given special clearance to carry on planes - a nationalized CCW would be the absolut best way to do this. Hell, a uniform system would probably cut down on all the Liberal harssment gun owners regularly recieve in this country.

    <IMG alt="image" SRC="biggrin.gif" border="0">
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