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How to know if you're too picky?

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Not being too big headed, i have gotten asked out quite a bit in the 2 years that i've been single, but just havent felt that spark with any of them that makes me want to take that relationship risk (the risk where you invest all your time and emotions into it only to be shat on eventually, that kinda thing). Some are a definate no, some i get on with well enough but again no earth shattering, fireworks in your head spark, although i guess that could come with time.

Cos of this, ive been told by some that im just too picky and should give some a chance. I wouldnt say im picky in terms of looks, more to do with mutual interests/hobbies and compatability. Also im just petrified of getting my heart broken again.

So im wondering in what ways in general do you think a person can be too picky when deciding whether or not to go out with someone?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think it's too picky if you don't feel the spark. I can definitely tell when it's there and definitely tell when it's not there, and I just wouldn't feel comfortable carrying something on without that je ne sais quois.

    Though when my girlfriend 'soulmate' left me a few years back I was completely shattered and thought I'd never love again. I started seeing someone else 3 months later and even at first things didn't feel right for me 100%, but she was very fun to be around and I really enjoyed her company. She was interesting every day in a new and different way - she was smarter than any girl I've ever really known even if she was a bit strange too.

    Eventually I realised I was in love with this new girl and I felt fireworks every day. Funny how it creeps up on you like that. So if you really can't find the fireworks, just be natural and spend time with people you enjoy spending time with. Hopefully then you will get lucky and enjoy spending time with a guy and the fireworks will start.

    It's not sure-fire of course, but anything relating to the heart isn't. But you shouldn't hold yourself back from dating just because you're afraid of getting hurt (but going on dates with people you don't fancy at all just because you're bored doesn't help either - from experience ;)).

    In conclusion, no, I don't think you're too picky. If you don't fancy someone at first, why would you fancy them later when all their annoying habits and problems get up in your face??
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm picky.

    I'll have him and him and him and him. Oooo gotta have him and his mate, and him , and him...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    I don't think it's too picky if you don't feel the spark. I can definitely tell when it's there and definitely tell when it's not there, and I just wouldn't feel comfortable carrying something on without that je ne sais quois.

    Though when my girlfriend 'soulmate' left me a few years back I was completely shattered and thought I'd never love again. I started seeing someone else 3 months later and even at first things didn't feel right for me 100%, but she was very fun to be around and I really enjoyed her company. She was interesting every day in a new and different way - she was smarter than any girl I've ever really known even if she was a bit strange too.

    Eventually I realised I was in love with this new girl and I felt fireworks every day. Funny how it creeps up on you like that. So if you really can't find the fireworks, just be natural and spend time with people you enjoy spending time with. Hopefully then you will get lucky and enjoy spending time with a guy and the fireworks will start.

    It's not sure-fire of course, but anything relating to the heart isn't. But you shouldn't hold yourself back from dating just because you're afraid of getting hurt (but going on dates with people you don't fancy at all just because you're bored doesn't help either - from experience ;)).

    In conclusion, no, I don't think you're too picky. If you don't fancy someone at first, why would you fancy them later when all their annoying habits and problems get up in your face??

    Thanks. Good advice there. I suppose out of the guys ive been asked out by there is one that i could see something developing but i dont want to be one of those people who goes out with someone in the hope that something might happen... although i guess there's no harm in trying... hmm
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm in exactly the same boat, and when I have been interested they just haven't felt the same. But when I think about it I didn't have a real 'spark' with any of them. Just need to hang in and wait for the right person to come along, does feel like it'll never happen sometimes though. I hate it when people call me picky - just because it happened quickly for them doesn't mean it'll happen quickly for all of us.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It sounds more like you are worried about getting hurt by a guy than that you are too picky. I'd just spend time with these guys as friends, something might develop but you are not putting any pressure on yourself by entering a relationship which you are not sure will go anywhere.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't think it's possible to be too picky. In fact, I think it's healthy to be picky; people seem to be always in a rush to get into relationships and find partners, but being picky, for me at least, shows a level of comfortableness with oneself - with one's own company.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There is a difference between pickiness and the fear of relationships/commitment, however and I would not rule out the latter completely for your case, gauging on your post.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks everyone - i will admit the relationship/commitment fear thing is something i need to work on
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,287 Skive's The Limit
    When you die old and alone despite havng loads of atention youu know youre too picky

    When you get stuck in a relationshoi p that you cant wwait to get ouyt of you know your not puicky enough.

    Only you can anser this sort of shit. How longs a piece of string?
    Weekender Offender 
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think if you like somebody then you should date them (if you do want a relationship with someone)

    If youve been hurt before then i think its natural to take things more slowly and try and get to know somebody better before commiting yourself too much, having said that, if you really liked somebody then i think all that would go out the window as you would have a natural urge to want them...

    I have had people really fall for me and try hard to be with me but i just wasnt interested in those people at all, i cant say exactly why but i just wasnt, they didnt do nothing for me, they was alright, but i wasnt interested, also i have liked a couple of people along the way that was not interested in me and thats just life, you have to wait for the time when you will meet somebody who will like you just as you like them and go from there...

    It is difficult to find somebody, the way most people meet is at work or through friends, courses etc... I have never met someone in a bar or anything...

    Be yourself, keep your head up, have patience, go with your heart...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Skive wrote: »
    When you die old and alone despite havng loads of atention youu know youre too picky

    Bit late by then though aint it
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think it was a late-night philosophy post :P.

    How are things going now Lexi?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Umm well, ive taken on board everything thats been said and im no longer feeling like i've wasted any oppurtunities - i didnt feel any thing with any of the guys that have asked me out so i dont feel bad for saying no thanks.

    I have been thinking more about a past guy. We had a fuck buddy thing going on and then he got feelings etc and im in 2 minds about him. Either 1) i only want sex from him, or 2) i would like more but im scared.... hmmm i dont know which it is.
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