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The 00s are almost over - how's it been for you?



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    She's not a mega poster so most of you won't have heard of her. I'll ask her later if I can say who she is :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ah don't worry if you're keeping it on the down low, all I'll say is I'm pleased for you :) you come across as a really decent guy so it's cool you've met someone :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bwahahahaha, my cover is still intact then!!

    Cheers though :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's KymC by the way :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's KymC by the way :)

    Awww thats sweet congrats to both of ya, you deserve it!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's KymC by the way :)

    congrats! :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Congrats Glenn :)

    I'm gonna do a more detailed one now, seeing as my revision is making me lose the will to live lol.

    2000: was still in primary school, cant remember much, except bullying, guides, bit of bullying there too (i think i must have been a wee arsehole or something)
    2001: as above
    moved up to high school, bit more bullying, started getting a bit gothy (way to make it easy)
    2003: drifted away from some primary school friends, made became best friends with L
    2004: Bullying, diagnosed with depression, stayed friends with L
    2005: Peak of my gothyness Became friends with C and a different group, things seemed great, i pissed off the almightly leader and got the boot, stopped being completely repulsive to boys and got somewhat attactive, meet my lovely boyfriend, started going out just before christmas, things started looking up
    2006: Standard grades did well, outgrew goth phase, teacher spread a rumour about me sleeping with a boy who wasn't my bf on a school trip, things looked better at the end of the year, came off ADs, stopped seeing my counsellor etc
    2007: Highers, lots of the dicks from my school left so became a much less shit place, got on well with the teachers, did fairly well in highers
    2008: AH's didn't do so well, had unconditional to uni, turned 18, started uni, wasn't too great, didn't make proper friends,mostly just people i'd chat to in classes, one of whom took to tackling me whenever he saw me walking around uni, cause hes a dick, drifted away from friends from school even though they were at the same uni as me, didn't get one of my modules at all, things were still all good with my lovely bf though
    2009 started out with much of the same as the 2008, but realised i had great friends outside of uni. Had to resit second semester of module i didn't get. Started second year, found basically my brain twin, finally made a proper friend on the course, maintained friendship with outside uni peeps, still with lovely bf.

    Thinking back although it wasn't great, and doesn't sound that great, a lot of the bad i'd forgotten until writing this and the good things seemed much more important

    But i was a teenager, so felt things in extremes, and im sure the next decade will be a lot less turbulent and a lot more stable
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Time for mine! yey!

    2000: Left school with crap grades but I hated it there so woopee! and then went to college to do cookery and waiting on, met an ugly girl and lost my virginity. Then she left the course :hyper: oh and my grandad died.

    2001: Continued doing course and got my first job, then left my first job after telling the boss he was a twat (he tried to blame me for his mistakes) started my second job but it was only for a month, which was good because i was going to call the boss a twat.

    2002: Finished college and started my own cafe where i could be the twat and do whatever i liked, broke even in first year and met a lovely charming and wonderful girl!

    2003: lovely charming and wonderful girl started turning into a manic depressive despite my best efforts, business made money!

    2004: business made a bit more money, girlfriend because more manic depressive phoning me at work and saying she was going to kill herself if i didnt come home early etc. One day it all got on top of me and we split up, she tried to kill herself - something which she apparently is not very good at since she tried it so many bloody times!

    In between 2004-05 something else happened which changed the course of my life when i met a girl i really loved, she was everything i ever wanted and more and after 3 months of being together she died of a brain hemmorage (or however you spell that word) and it sent me into a bit of a horrific depression until mid 2006, shes still in my head though and whilst it was 'only' 3 months it helped me become who i am :)

    2005: business made a bit more money, bored as hell one night i decided to play world of warcraft... thats this year pretty much done with, oh i met my furture girlfriend on wow (not the one coming up)

    2006: WoW, Work, met a girl on wow and ended up going to norway and givin her one costing an obscene amount of money for a jump and then she cried rape because her boyfriend (who i didnt know about but was also met on wow, lol.) found out and interpol was on my ass! In the end the allegations fizzled out and i sent her a 'thank you' message. She then posted a picture of my cock on the internet. Touché.

    2007: WoW Work and the girl i met on wow in 2005 split up with her boyfriend and we hit it off! Pretty uneventful year. Last 2 grandparents died.

    2008: Set off with my long distance relationship with this new and wonderful girl and found she was not a bloody nutter like the last 3, my mum and dad both lost their jobs and i gave everything up in this country to go and live in denmark in the name of love!
    Spent 4 months unemployed in Denmark before getting a job in a warehouse, got screwed on money and called the boss a twat. Went home for christmas.

    2009: spent 8 months unemployed in denmark (the longest i have ever been unemployed) and then my mum almost died so i came home with promises of finding a job and feeling realy low, and in 3 short months everything is rosy again, me and girlfriend are now engaged and i am moving back to denmark in a week since the job i have is workable overseas so it is with optimism i go into the new decade. I do however think my current boss is a Twat :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How do you lot remember so much?! I have no clue what happened when... Some good, some shit. Swings and roundabouts.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kat_B wrote: »
    How do you lot remember so much?! I have no clue what happened when... Some good, some shit. Swings and roundabouts.

    Certain things stick in our minds - first romance, first split up, GCSE results, uni, weddings, car accident, trip to Disneyland, job promotion, and so on.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    well, im glad to be leaving the 00's as ive had a shit time for the majority of it - although finding my boyfriend and starting university are probably the best bits.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Errmmm well, I was born in 1997 soooo can't remember the 90's.
    And considering I was 2 when the year 2000 came round... can't remember that.
    I can remember being 3 and being torn from my dad by my mum and then I refused to leave, so she left without me.
    Then I started school in like 2002, and it's been down hill from there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ooh, loving your colour coding system </geeky>

    The 90s for me were my formative years, and generally pretty shit. 00s had their low points, but started to improve radically pretty recently, so they pretty much win.

    2000 - resat my A levels due to being insane during the vast majority of 1999 and fucking up the first lot. Started uni.

    2001 - started uni again after ballsing up the first time. Broke up with the bf I was engaged to until I realised I knew f-all about relationships and we were thoroughly unsuited. Woops.

    2002 - turned 21. Met someone new. Left home. FINALLY passed my driving test. Joined TheSite :p

    - was throroughly insane for the vast majority of this year.

    2004 - got it together a bit. Graduated. Got first proper job. Met the man who I eventually married.

    2005 - Bought first house in the spring, then generally shit for the rest of the year. Spent 9 days before Christmas in hospital.

    2006 - Generally terrible. Improved at the end of the year when I left my bf, and even more the day before Christmas when I found out the guy I'd been secretly in love with the last 2 years liked me too. Good times.

    2007 - generally excellent, except got a new job, which I hated. Moved in with love of life.

    2008 - still hate job. Got engaged in the spring and married in September.

    2009 - still hate job. Bought new house. Making lots of plans for the future.

    Got high hopes for 2010 :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Don't remember much, tbh:

    2000: Started secondary school. Had a fit which left me with very poor memory.
    2001: Can't remember anything; apart from having a dodgy skin infection
    2002: I believe this was the year I discovered music, properly.
    2003: Quite liked this year. Met someone online (as friends) who introduced me to music and got me out of what someone called a "70's bubble".
    2004: This year really was crap. My dad was taken to hospital after a bit of an accident at work. 6 months later, I was unfortunate enough to witness him fitting.:( Turns out, he's epileptic.
    2005: Finished GCSEs. Was slightly annoyed that I'd failed one (as in, got a U) by one mark. Because it was coursework, was able to resubmit the one module that I'd failed with.
    2006: Started off ok, I think and then very downhill from there due to self harm issues and stuff.
    2007: Found out I couldn't drive.:( A friend then said I could legally; but it won't be that safe. I do believe this was the year my dad started tracing his family - very interesting to say the least.
    2008: Got into college and had a hard time with disability support & stuff.
    2009: Eye sight really started going downhill. Managed to just pass access course and got into uni.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Melian wrote: »
    2007: Found out I couldn't drive.:(

    I know what you mean. We are both visually impaired and I got ruled out for driving too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I know a lot of people who can't drive... see them every day going to work :p

    It is weird to think back a decade... was too young in the 90's to have much, and after this one with the hopeful exception of finishing school and getting a job, the rest of my life will monotonous and mundane. I guess this was the decade for things to happen...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Monserrat wrote: »
    RedOfTheRose - I like how you've done split-colour for some of your years. It makes it very clear. As you're in New Zealand, are your school years different? I noticed that you put year 8 as your final year of primary, where in England, it's year 6. Then secondary is year 7 (aged 12) to year 11 (aged 16).

    Some schools go through from year 1-8 for primary, where as some only go up to year 6 and then there are Intermediate schools which just have year 7&8/Form 1&2. But MOST colleges/high schools don't start at year 7, they start at third form/year 9. Only the poncy ones start at year 7.

    Also just remembered as people are posting about health:

    2006: Diagnosed with petit mal epilepsy = can't drive w/out not having a seizure in a year. Go through a couple of years of trialing meds until get on a good one end of 2008 where I have no seizures.
    2007: Get first tattoo.
    2008: Diagnosed with PCOS. Fun times. Get second tattoo.
    2009: Get gall stones! Chronic pain = FUN! Though meet bf at the time at A&E as he comes to see me as he is there with daughter haha. Get third tattoo. Hehe it's gonna be one a year at this rate.
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    SkiveSkive Posts: 15,286 Skive's The Limit
    Not as good as the 90's.

    Good stuff
    Did my fair bit of partying and had a few quality holidays. Earnt myself a nice bit of vonga.

    Bad stuff
    Almost went to prison, got stabbed, my mother died
    Weekender Offender 
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    Indrid ColdIndrid Cold Posts: 16,688 Skive's The Limit
    Things are more easily divided by "school year" for me, but I'll still use your format. However, I added another colour because 3 weren't enough.
    From worst to best: Red, Orange, Blue, Green.

    Also, before anyone gets offended, keep in mind that what is "red" to one person might be "orange" or even "blue" to another; each one of us has their own scale.

    2000: Having arrived from pretty good times in the late 90s, I one day realised I wanted more from my life. That didn't make things less good, though. Then halfway through the year I suddenly lost what I consider(ed) to be more important than anything in life: my friends, who with one exception turned into bullies from (almost literally) one day to the next. The rest of the year is pretty much a haze. My parents also got (finally) divorced -this was a good thing.
    2001: Things picked up a bit but still not by much. Found some people to talk with at school but that's all they were as I eventually realised. My mother began to make me hate coming home.
    2002: Finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. I believed I'd found two people I had a real connection to (in different ways) and this coloured things a lot better than they used to be. I also thought I might have found a way to get back to how I was in the beginning of 2000 and even better.
    2003: Things picked up even more. Got a glimpse of what I still believe life should be like, and realised that it might have been possible for me to make things better long before if I had realised that. However, it was too late to make this glimpse permanent. It turned out I was wrong about the two people I mentioned. The latter half of the year didn't feel as bad as back in 2001, but it was mostly dominated by boredom.
    2004: Started uni. Again thought I'd found some people to get close to but apparently they thought otherwise; still had some very good times though.The "remaining friend" from 2000 disappeared -still very very grateful to him. Near the end I found a group I really felt good with and had good times; things got pretty much back to how good they were in the beginning.
    2005: Probably the best year all in all. Went on from the end of the previous one, darkened only by the lack of the things I realised I wanted in 2000.
    2006: Somehow (I'm still not sure why) we stopped doing the things we used to do as much. My little siblings were born. Near the end of the year something happened and I somehow started to feel a lot better, without anything having actually changed -except my attitude towards life.
    2007: Also a pretty good time, but halfway through the year I was made to realise that I was wrong about a very fundamental thing: I don't have time to be how I want to be. Apparently my change in attitude was supported by that illusion and the realisation shattered it, bringing me back to the previous condition. I began to try and accept this.
    2008: Having decided to accept how things are (although it's still far from reaching my core) I started to try and make my life go forwards. Found a job near the end of the year, for the first time.
    2009: Feeling like I belonged somewhere made things better. My grandpa died halfway through the year; I wasn't that much affected by that, though... Things are still this way. I'm still hoping I'll get back to green somehow. Possibly even better, but I've stopped hoping for that. I still need to really that it's impossible to find things that are gone.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bring on 2010
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    grace wrote: »
    Bring on 2010


    I graduate next year (hopefully), so next year i'll be let loose into the big old world, can't wait! :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2000 At University. Got mugged in Liverpool. Scary, but they didn't get any of my valuables.
    2001 Joined various student clubs, including the Conservative party (where i became best freinds with PGH) and the Roleplaying society (why oh why did I not discover this earlier?). also joined thesite.org!
    2002. Graduated! Sadly my grandad died just over a week later. Couldn't find a job in what I graduated in, ended up working with my Dad.
    2003. Summer holiday with freinds in Benidorm. My first time abroad.
    2004. Left the assisting dad business to join the Merchant navy. Joined first ship on 28 December.
    2005 Sailing the world.
    2006 Got my ticket, start hunting for jobs.
    2007 Signed on the Volendam.
    2008 Bought a flat in Ayr.
    2009 Grandma died while my brothers and I were on holiday in Wales. Fainted on watch, handed in my notice (see Work board)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    thinking about the last 10 years just makes me feel a bit sad :(

    the next 10 will be better :yes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Basically, it feel like it's gone past quicker than any previous decade. A sign of getting old I suppose. It's marked the passage of my thirties...

    Still, I think that I've achieved plenty. Can't complain really.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm 31 now, so the next decade will mark the passage of my thirties.
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