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The 00s are almost over - how's it been for you?

What happened to all of you over the last 10 years? Has it been better than the 90s? How old are you then/now? For me, life has been generally good since 1994. I'm now aged 31.

Green = good years
Orange = Average years
Red = bad years

2000 - Good 1st half (uni life), bad 2nd half (placement year, no social life)
2001 - Excellent, my clubbing honeymoon
2002 - Graduated but spent 2nd half on the dole
2003 - Got new job & house-share but had housemate trouble
2004 - Things improved, got back into clubbing
2005 - The most stable year
2006 - The year of World of Warcraft
2007 - Run of bad luck, including change of boss, death of friend and bank fraud
2008 - Discovered Lilo & Stitch, nuff said :-) Also, fairground/themepark honeymoon
2009 - More of the same, although I recently lost my job

For me, I would say that the 00s have been better than the 90s, although the 00s does suffer from shite chart music and those reality shows. They do nothing for me.
Beep boop. I'm a bot.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    There aren't any years that I've had that are bad really, a few average ones. My best ones were 2003 when I started work in the police and 2007 when I got married.

    As a side note, we've been in the noughties, what do we call the next decade, because the tennies is the best I can come up with and it sounds stupid.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    the teens?

    ive been a teenager through the most of noughties so they've been full of the related drama, and angst, but now most people my age have outgrown that nonsense they ended pretty good.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ive been married, divorced, bought a home, lost it, had three children.....

    Its been a pretty eventful decade. I expect the next decade will be more settled
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2000 - Year 5/Year 6 , plenty of luz and not a care in the world but I was in trouble alot, got suspended from school for playing pranks on other kids and teachers - little rebel.
    2001 - Year 6/Joined secondary school, still getting into trouble but a fresh start at a new school. Joined the scouts. Went to Greece.
    2002 - Was popular and carefree, wasted lots of time playing out in the street, on the computer and having a laugh in school. Went to Italy and plenty of camping trips.
    2003 - Same as before, always in trouble at schol but just enjoyed life. First drank alcohol whilst camping and got wasted on 9 cans xD.
    2004 - Everything changed, somthing happened (Got outed as gay, I'm not gay) lots of homophobia in school but okay outside of it. Got more mature, insular and had a complete attitude change.
    2005 - Had work experience, Begun GCSE's and was feeling great - extremely fit and healthy, been going the gym 5 days a week. Still an outcast at school but doing extremely well outside of it socially.
    2006 - Things getting better across the board.
    2007 - GCSE results very good, joined sixthform and had regained friends at school. Doing very well overall.
    2008 - Began to hate sixthform acedemically, got very bored but had a great time plenty of booze and laughs.
    2009 - Things got worse at sixthform, completely disillusioned with the subjects and ended up pretty much failing (a C and an E). Turned 18. Lost all my friends and ended up on the dole looking for work. Things begun getting a bit better in the last month, and I have a job with very good prospects lined up. Experienced an existential angst over the fact a decade of my life could be summarised into coloured numbers and a paragraph.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since 2000 when I was 10 years old:

    Went through the troubles of secondary school, very low self esteem due to bullying, worked my ass of to get to sixth form. Made great friends, had good times and good laughs.

    06 - Lost my older brother to a long illness due to heart problem, guilt, relief, missing him, having to adjust to just 4 of us in the house.

    07 - First relationship which went on for the best part of a year, taught me alot and changed how i think of myself, slightly more confident

    Started uni, met great people, got independence, second bf been and gone, generally life has been good and am looking foward to the future
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Not sure, I can compile such a detailed chart. Still, 00's time was about finishing school, getting my grades, visiting Japan and getting cool job. Not bad, in general. I've just turned 24.
    P.S. 2010 will rock for me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lexi99 wrote: »
    Since 2000 when I was 10 years old:

    Went through the troubles of secondary school, very low self esteem due to bullying, worked my ass of to get to sixth form. Made great friends, had good times and good laughs.

    06 - Lost my older brother to a long illness due to heart problem, guilt, relief, missing him, having to adjust to just 4 of us in the house.

    07 - First relationship which went on for the best part of a year, taught me alot and changed how i think of myself, slightly more confident

    Started uni, met great people, got independence, second bf been and gone, generally life has been good and am looking foward to the future

    Why did I think you were older than me....:p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thanks for the charts peep, especially from Liverpool Stephen. Keep 'em coming!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good for me, got I forget years but it has all been uber good, I met Lolz, got enganged, got married, had a kid n got one on the way, got a job I do not mind/enjoy, house/home everything I want (except an Iphone have to wait till next year for that)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well I was born in 1985 so the 90's for me was just being at school and being young and carefree! The most significant event for me that decade was my parents getting divorced and thus moving 360 miles to where I live now.

    Lots more has happened in the noughties. I left school, went to college whilst working part time and have been working full time since leaving college in 2003, albeit doing something completely different to what I studied for at college! I've got married, I have a nephew, have bought my own place etc etc, the usual stuff really.

    2002 has been the best year for me out of the noughties, I spent the first half of the year with a really active social life, clubbing several times a week, always out with mates etc. Then I met my now hubby so the second half ish of the year I was all loved up!

    Lots of life changing stuff happened during 2006/2007, in the space of 12 months I got engaged, bought a flat, got promoted twice at work, my hubby passed his driving test, I'm sure there was more than that but can't remember.....

    2009 has by far been the worse, not just in the noughties but the worse year of my life so far. Way too much to put here but December has started off badly as well so looks like things aren't about to change for the better any time soon.

    So at the start of the decade I was some spotty, geeky 15 year old teenager and right now I'm happily married, have my own place, have a decent job/salary compared with most people my age in this part of the country, but am also finding adulthood not as good as I thought it would be as I was growing up and I often find myself wishing I was young again! Some serious crap has happened this year so I personally cannot wait until 2010! Not just a new year but a new decade as well. Hence the signature!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2000 – Started secondary school, Got picked on a lot.
    2001 – Got my PS2, had my first leg op but still had problems with bullying
    2002 – Actually started fitting in, got OK grades and made some good mates
    2003 – Got stressed/depressed out due to not knowing what to do. Did semi-well considering on my GCSES. Got the all clear on my leg.
    2004 – Had some fun in 6th form and with friends
    2005 – had a breakdown early on in the year, made work get harder.
    2006 – Mates left school and I got really depressed, found thesite.
    2007 – Tried to get back into work so I could get into uni, a new teacher destroyed my confidence and made me feel low. I started uni.
    2008 – Made good friends and had some laughs, enjoyed class but I developed a hip problem.
    2009 - Hip still not fixed, am enjoying classes but anxious to what I will do after
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The 00s have been one strange ride for me, and not totally in a bad way, although there were some events I'd like to do all over again in order to keep from making the screw-ups I made. It's going to be good to have a new, fresh decade to refocus my life and everything that's important in it.
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    Dr PirateDr Pirate Posts: 8,303 Legendary Poster
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hellfire wrote: »
    Why did I think you were older than me....:p

    Haha I dont know! Maybe cos I'm so wise and articulate haha :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'd rather forget about the things that happened between 2000-2008.

    2009 has definately been the best year for me. i moved in with my boyfriend, bought my first home and started my career :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2000 - had two friends, spend some time with them, spent too much time on computer games
    2001 - loner most of the year, spent lunchtimes at home
    2002 - finished SATs, started college doing GCSEs, first girlfriend L!, made lots of friends
    2003 - split with L, enjoyed single life as a teen for a bit, she started going out with my best mate,
    2004 - got with R (june 21st, kissed in a tent, lol), did ok in GCSE, not as well as I should have
    2005 - my dad died, did ok in AS
    2006 - R left me for someone else, got shitty a levels, started uni, lonely, got back with R
    2007 - dropped out of uni due to lack-of-friend and lack-of-comprehension, got a proper job in a bank, loved it, re-enrolled to uni in finance :D
    2008 - went on a 'break' with R, got into uni properly with clubs etc. and really enjoyed it
    2009 - friend died, uni sucked, R met someone else
    2010 - graduating, starting a job in finance (hopefully! :))

    Worst thing of the decade was definitely losing my dad. I still miss him so much today. I don't think I appreciated how good things were before he was gone. So in that sense, the 00s were worse than the 90s, because for half of them I didn't have my dad who was the best guy in the world.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2000 - pretty good. life: computer games and getting wasted.
    2001 - good: computer games and getting wasted.
    2002 -great: spited idiots who thought i'd fail. computer games and getting wasted.
    2003 - ok. computer games and getting wasted.
    2004 - so so. alevels were crap. idiots from 2002 semi-vindicated.
    2005 - shit
    2006 - shit
    2007 - some fail and some win
    2008 - epic fail
    2009 - epic fucking fail

    New year/decade resolution: sort life out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    Worst thing of the decade was definitely losing my dad. I still miss him so much today. I don't think I appreciated how good things were before he was gone. So in that sense, the 00s were worse than the 90s, because for half of them I didn't have my dad who was the best guy in the world.

    same in 2003. things have never felt truly normal or right since then.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2000 - Year 7. Nothing exciting.
    2001 - Year 8. Final year of primary school. Get glasses. I am cool.
    2002 - Beginning of 3rd form. Established some good friends. Also established friends for those 5 years I would hate at the end of those years and never want to see again :)
    2003 - Indoor soccer year. Became friends with group of guys. High school crushes began
    2004 -Probably the best friends year at school. Fondest memories with low-level bitchy-ness.
    2005 - July - Had first boyfriend, first love etc etc
    2006 - Oct - First bf leaves me. Bad bust up with friends.
    2007 - First and last year of uni. Gain a fair bit of weight :s ooer. But make great friends and get up to a lot of mischief.
    2008 - Go on first holiday to Australia. Bad time. Still quite fat. Get first job. It's horrible. Get second and first (and current) proper job Sept.
    2009 - Dry spell of 2.5 years of no sexual contact with guys is broken. 4 guys in one year. Loose 30kgs (still going) from heaviest point, just new me.

    Bring on next year.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RedOfTheRose - I like how you've done split-colour for some of your years. It makes it very clear. As you're in New Zealand, are your school years different? I noticed that you put year 8 as your final year of primary, where in England, it's year 6. Then secondary is year 7 (aged 12) to year 11 (aged 16).
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well up to 2004 i was still in the innocent days of Primary school and all was great.
    2005 - end of 2006 were good
    2007 - 2008 - rubbish
    2009 - Has been good but 2010 is going to be amazing.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2000-2002 - really can't remember much about these years.. was at primary school and was quite care free :)
    2003 - started secondary school
    2004 - this year was quite bad for many reasons
    2005 - went skiing with a load of good friends, and also spent 3 weeks on an exchange in France which did me good.
    2006 - pretty good :)
    2007 - Again... struggled a bit this year... but went to Japan which was awesome :D
    2008 - really good year, was doing a load of stuff out of school and still did OK in my gcses, and generally had my life and priorities balanced right :yes:
    2009 - Been an OK year, just some stuff has been squeezed out due to school work and doing the IB ha.
    2010 - Hope it will be green =]
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is it bad that for the most part I can't remember what happened in what year?

    Been a cracking decade though!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    z0ma wrote: »
    Is it bad that for the most part I can't remember what happened in what year?

    Been a cracking decade though!

    That probably means its been awesome!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    (same shit different decade)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    God, I feel old when some people are talking about still being in primary school at the turn of the decade or beyond. I left primary school in 1993 lol.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whowhere wrote: »
    God, I feel old when some people are talking about still being in primary school at the turn of the decade or beyond. I left primary school in 1993 lol.

    Tell me about it!! I'm not far off from you, myself having left primary school in 1990.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2000 - 2002 - dad died, i was only about 7 or 8 so the two years was horrible.
    2003 - started secondary, it was alright, i was bullied abit at the start of the year. But i met my best friend who im still best friends with now!
    2004 - nothing amazing happened in year 8, i started to make new friends which was good!
    2005 - first proper boyfriend, went out for about 8 months, but then he broke up with me, he got with a friend, and i was being made out to be the bad person in all this.
    2006 - was a pretty damn good year, found another group of friends, partys, getting drunk experiencing alot of new and exciting things!
    2007 - was the same as last!
    2008 - started to grow out of the partying scene, but i met my amazing boyfriend, that im still with! did amazing in my GCSES, but then start 6th form hated it, but got a last minute place at an art college and loving it!
    2009 - did amazing in my first year at college, applying to Birmingham Uni, so excited for that, but my boyfriends gone to uni, so i done see him as much anymore.
    2010 - should be amazing!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I like what the Blonde has done so I'll follow her lead...

    2000 - I was 25 and had just bought a house with and got engaged to a woman I wasn't happy with. I'm not blaming her entirely because no-one put a gun to my head but she was very overbearing and demanded everything her way. I just agreed for a quiet life. I was miserable.

    2001 - The relationship ended and I found out she'd almost bankrupted me. Took me many years to repair my finances. I moved to Oxford to get away from her and made some great friends. A few months later I returned to South Wales after missing it badly. I began my "if it's female, it has a pulse and it consents, shag it" phase.

    2002 - One of the best years of my life. Had a relationship that helped shape who I am today, became team leader at NTL and earned the 2nd most pay I've ever had. Was on a channel 4 documentary and GMTV. My daughter was conceived.

    2003 - The full implications of the financial troubles my ex left me in became apparent. My daughter was born, started work properly as a radio presenter and stopped my promiscuous behaviour.

    2004 - Radio career really kicked off. Started dealing with my finances. Did something really really stupid that would lead to me to appear before a magistrate. My mother had a heart attack but survived, my dad had a minor stroke while waiting for the ambulance.

    2005 - A year I could do without. Almost screwed up my radio career by arguing with the wrong people. Appeared in court for benefit fraud and was fortunate to get a conditional discharge. Just about the stupidest thing I've ever done.

    2006 - Learned to start being a proper dad. For the rest of the year it just rained...

    2007 - Radio career came to a halt as our contracts were not renewed due to a buy-out. Finally had 90% of my finances sorted.

    2008 - Toyed with the idea of growing up. Had an influential relationship with a woman who....let's leave it there. Really needed my friends around me, they didn't let me down. Had to move back in with my parents to look after them.

    2009 - Got back in to radio albeit temporarily. Out of work for the longest period of my life. Most importantly, met my future wife (on TheSite! I love this forum) and are planning our engagement for next year, also will be moving in together.

    It's funny, I'm ending the decade in a similar way I started it, only this time I'm really excited about being engaged and living with her.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    2009 - Got back in to radio albeit temporarily. Out of work for the longest period of my life. Most importantly, met my future wife (on TheSite! I love this forum) and are planning our engagement for next year, also will be moving in together.

    It's funny, I'm ending the decade in a similar way I started it, only this time I'm really excited about being engaged and living with her.

    Whos this?!?!

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