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An arm and a bed?

**helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,233 Supreme Poster
That's one of C_Funk's title ideas for our latest rant... :D

Decided to go with Expensive digs instead. Is renting too pricey?


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    **Helen** wrote: »
    That's one of C_Funk's title ideas for our latest rant... :D

    Decided to go with Expensive digs instead. Is renting too pricey?

    I don't see the point in this rant - my response is simply:

    Welcome to the real world, darling. You get what you pay for. :yeees:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru


  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oh, and in response to "is renting to pricey":

    No. Have you tried BUYING something these days for the rent you will be paying!?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    g_angel wrote: »
    Welcome to the real world, darling. You get what you pay for. :yeees:

    It shouldn't be like that though. It's not like that in other countries.

    Too many self-styled 'property tycoons' inflating prices (both rental and purchase) and treating their tenants like filth, me thinks.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What the fuck - that's all part of life!

    I think there's not enough control over rented properties, and it's difficult for tenants to exercise their 'rights' when landlords aren't playing ball. But complaining about having to buy furniture and paying the gas bill, come on! If you can't afford Sky then don't fucking have it

    If she's just moving out when she's 22 sounds like she's getting a wake up call. Life is certainly different when you're not living off mummy and daddy. Seeing your hard earned money go to theiving landlords, extortionate gas bills and cheap furniture that falls apart in the middle of the night is something you accept. Life sucks - deal with it
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    having lived away from home since i was 15 and in my own place since 16, i think she's being totally unrealistic. I've learnt to be happy with a roof over my head, basic facilities (NOT SKY!!??), and for it to be resonably safe. Dream house at 22? she seriously is living in dream land.

    anyway, house is not a home until you make it one, you don't just move in and find everything perfect...i've had to use freecycle to furnish a flat before because i only had £50 to spend, and that went on bed linen, towels, a bookcase, plates and kitchen stuff...

    i think she's far too used to having lots of disposable income...
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think it was an ok rant, but is it just me or is it missing something at the end? She doesn't really bring it together and just ends with:
    I've decided to stretch my budget to cover broadband. I think that's a necessity and not a luxury. Some people will no doubt disagree, being able to look things up on the internet is definitely an essential for me.

    And I agree with Kermit, people shouldn't have to spend the better part of their entire salary just to afford where they live, the market seems to be out of whack in the UK. In other countries, even America - you can BUY a house on an average wage or salary. In the UK, you would need two people paying a hefty hefty part of their salaries for 25 years to buy an average priced place. I know it's worse in Japan (100 year mortgages, for example), but they have a legitimate gripe in that there isn't any space for houses. In the UK as Kermit says it's speculation and greedy landlords / property investors looking to get rich quick who are pushing the prices up, and who are able to afford to not require a tenant if necessary (i.e. if tenants could only afford to pay £50 a week but landlord required £70, he could leave it empty and just pay the mortgage out of his own income, speculating that he's still making money because of capital gains - though the overall effect to society is a reduction in available property for people to live in, so artificially inflated prices).

    I think council / social housing needs to be much more available in order to be competitive with private land lords, at the minute you go on a list and can be waiting for years.
  • **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,233 Supreme Poster
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    I think it was an ok rant, but is it just me or is it missing something at the end? She doesn't really bring it together

    Very fair point. :yes:
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kangoo wrote: »
    What the fuck - that's all part of life!

    I think there's not enough control over rented properties, and it's difficult for tenants to exercise their 'rights' when landlords aren't playing ball. But complaining about having to buy furniture and paying the gas bill, come on! If you can't afford Sky then don't fucking have it

    If she's just moving out when she's 22 sounds like she's getting a wake up call. Life is certainly different when you're not living off mummy and daddy. Seeing your hard earned money go to theiving landlords, extortionate gas bills and cheap furniture that falls apart in the middle of the night is something you accept. Life sucks - deal with it

    Pretty much. Yeah there's possibly an argument that property is expensive, but that's how it is in this country. Market forces control it, as is plainly evident by the current financial situation. There are bargains to be had, but if you want certain things then it's quite likely that everyone else wants those things, too, so they would be expensive.

    I think she is experiencing the difference between student life and the real world.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I definitely agree with Lucy on broadband being a necessity and sat-TV not being a necessity.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Property prices are far too high in this country. It is a fact, but it doesn't make it any less rant-worthy.

    The article doesn't say where she wants to live. That could have a big impact on the 'validity' of the rant. In my experience, the closer to London you get, the more disproportionate (and large) the gap between income and rental price becomes.

    There's a lot of people who will jump down somebody's throat for wanting a place with comforts and say "I lived in a studio flat for fifteen years with just newspaper and 75w bulbs to keep ME warm" as some kind of protest .. but everyone is different. Just because someone is happy living on the bare minimum, doesn't mean that everyone else will be - or even has to be.

    We shouldn't HAVE to live in something the size of a postage stamp with only the bare necessities just because 'that's the way it is'.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think it's a fair enough rant; renting is fucking expensive - you're essentially paying someone else's mortgage for them. It sounds like she's living in a reasonably expensive area - i.e., The South - and so rent is a large chunk out of one's earnings. Council Tax is one of the worst thought out taxes, and I'd classify an internet connection as fairly essential.

    I suspect looking for a rented 'dream house' after just finishing uni' is a wee bit optimistic.
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