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Boyfriend bought protitutes



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    jamelia wrote: »
    Interesting to note that, though I don't know the genders of all the people who've responded, at a guess it seems to be the case that the men who have replied to this say it's no big deal and the poster is being uptight, while most of the women disagree and can completely understand her feelings.

    I'm not saying that its 'no big deal' but its needs to be put in perspective. We know nothing about this boy or his age, we don't know what sort of prostitute he visited and we don't know under what circumstances he visited them either. Not all prostitutes are victims (many belong to the Union of Sex Workers) and those that are victims, require legal and police protection as does any abused member of scoiety should. But to throw this guy out on such little evidence or understanding is rather silly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I - for my part - would never use a prostitute, because they just don't look like the ones in the movies. They don't appeal to me physically and that's the least it's all about, the attraction. I wouldn't even think of it when I was several years sex-less. So the point "paying for something that's free" is a weak point. Yeah, for some it's free, for some it's almost impossible to get if you have a crave for it.

    As a male adult I think you are more confronted with people who did use such services, or you at least know about some and this changes your view of it.

    It's like a STI when you are a young teenager. It's ewww and gross and the person who has it is dirty, but when a friend or yourself has the clap at one time, you start to think different and realize that it can affect anyone. I think men are a bit more accustomed to prostitution, because even if they didn't use it, they either know someone who did, or something like that.

    That STI test is a sensible thing, but I think it's a bit ridiculous to think, that sleeping with a prostitute is automatic infection. At least over here sex workers are obligated to have STI tests every week. So your average night club tramp is far more likely to pass something on.

    For many the idea is prostitution is repulsive, but hey, it's the oldest craft and I think if you deal with that subject through personal experience (either self-use or talking to someone who does, or knowing someone who is "perfectly normal" and not a creepy loser who did use at least once) it appears far more "usual" and not so out of this world.

    Like I said, it's nothing for me, but I do not condemn people who do.

    /e: bad english, yuck, but I can't be arsed to reword it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote: »
    Belle du Jour is fiction, you know.

    The average price for anal sex without a condom in Tyne and Wear is £32.17, or £30.63 with a condom.

    Source (at p.63).

    Aye, though I've not seen anything of Belle de Jour for years. I was looking on a website called 'adultworks' at prices local to me, rather than up there. Obviously, it only shows one part of the picture, but I'm presuming the prices you've found would be for 15-30 minute "quickies"?

    Whilst there were exceptions, the majority of girls in the areas I looked at were charging £50-£90 per half hour. It's probably different for the girls standing around in red light areas, but I've never spoken with one so have no idea.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Obviously, it only shows one part of the picture, but I'm presuming the prices you've found would be for 15-30 minute "quickies"?

    No, it's an average across the market. Obviously the fact that some street workers were offering it for a fiver lowers the average, but it includes non-street workers and agency workers too. When understanding the average you should remember that the highest paid workers didn't do it without a condom, either.

    The research was carried out by a charity which works solely with female sex workers.

    If the woman is making a genuine decision to have sex for money, and all parties consent, then I don't think it should be illegal. But I have grave doubts about how many people make a genuine choice. As a general rule, I don't believe in the story of the happy hooker. I've seen too many people professionally that have been totally fucked up by it.
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