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Straight guys and BJs



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Scorcher
    Seems to me the actual act of receiving a BJ from a bloke does not make you gay. A mouth is a mouth no matter what gender it is attached to.

    I agree ... receiving a blowjob off a guy does NOT make you gay. You can always close your eyes and imagine its a woman. You're only strictly gay (or bi) if you are turned on sexually by the male sex - which truly straight men aren't - and not just because you receive oral sex off a man.

    Straight men in long length prison sentences often have sex with other men in prison but immediately revert to straight sex once they are out and have no further interest in sex with men.

    So getting a blow job off a gay man will not make or indicate you are gay (presuming of course that you don't want to give him a blow job back).

    Skin is skin and a mouth is a mouth ... in my experience, men DO give better blow jobs than women just as I presume lesbians would give a woman better head 'cos they know and understand the area and it's sexual responses so much better. They must do - just as men must know the response to sexual stimulation of the penis. Try describing the male orgasm to a woman and vice versa - how could either possibly completely understand each others experience? You may LEARN how to correctly stimulate a woman by the response you get from her but you'll never understand the FEELING she is getting from it.

    Anyway, everyone knows that the only difference between a straight man and a bisexual is .... 6 pints of lager!!!! :D
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Teagan

    Anyway, everyone knows that the only difference between a straight man and a bisexual is .... 6 pints of lager!!!! :D

    Maybe in cornwall :p
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Balddog
    Maybe in cornwall :p

    Hehehehe ... I'm not in Cornwall BUT they do get a lot of "straight" holiday makers in the summer - especially from Hertfordshire ... :p
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Teagan

    I agree ... receiving a blowjob off a guy does NOT make you gay. You can always close your eyes and imagine its a woman. You're only strictly gay (or bi) if you are turned on sexually by the male sex - which truly straight men aren't - and not just because you receive oral sex off a man.

    Straight men in long length prison sentences often have sex with other men in prison but immediately revert to straight sex once they are out and have no further interest in sex with men.

    So getting a blow job off a gay man will not make or indicate you are gay (presuming of course that you don't want to give him a blow job back).

    Skin is skin and a mouth is a mouth ... in my experience, men DO give better blow jobs than women just as I presume lesbians would give a woman better head 'cos they know and understand the area and it's sexual responses so much better. They must do - just as men must know the response to sexual stimulation of the penis. Try describing the male orgasm to a woman and vice versa - how could either possibly completely understand each others experience? You may LEARN how to correctly stimulate a woman by the response you get from her but you'll never understand the FEELING she is getting from it.

    Anyway, everyone knows that the only difference between a straight man and a bisexual is .... 6 pints of lager!!!! :D

    You say in your experience, " men DO give better blow jobs"

    I'm curious.....is it your personal experience ?

    Have you had a BJ from another guy ?

    If so are you completely straight ?
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Teagan - very true. I couldn't comment on who gives better BJ's as I've not really had all that many from women, compared to men. It's probably true, but because it's an experience thing.
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