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Showing off your CV on MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn etc



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    One thing I've just noticed.

    I would put LinkedIn into the same category as facebook and myspace. I see LinkedIn as being a career type site, so CV details on there wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, I had always thought that was the point of LinkedIn.

    Facebook on the other hand is for friends and social stuff and nowt to do with work.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    **Helen** wrote: »
    Probably not, but some of the responses in this thread really are ridiculous. As go_away said, if you don't like someone's posting style then just ignore them rather than kicking up such an absurd fuss.

    If anyone has anything more to say about social networking and CVs then go ahead, otherwise this thread will be closed. :yeees:

    On behalf of most of the people on this board, sorry :blush:

    So yup, social networking & CVs, I've got a few jobs listed on Facebook but my profile's set so that only my friends can see it. Its to let my friends know what I'm up to, not to show off. My jobs aren't really anything to boast about anyway.

    Facebook's a thing for friends, not work. If headhunters are looking for people on Facebook, thats just laziness on their part imo. "I can't be bothered to work, I know, facebook!!" Actually that sounds like my life. Maybe I should be a head-hunter :chin:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Pringle wrote: »
    Facebook's a thing for friends, not work. If headhunters are looking for people on Facebook, thats just laziness on their part imo. "I can't be bothered to work, I know, facebook!!" Actually that sounds like my life. Maybe I should be a head-hunter :chin:
    How do you think headhunters find people? They use directories of people - Bloomberg and maybe Reuters are good ones for bankers, there'll be similar good directories for other professions. But that way all headhunters get very similar people so nothing to differentiate one vs the other. Get on somewhere like Facebook and find potentially good people who you wouldn't have normally come across.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ricardo R wrote: »
    How do you think headhunters find people? They use directories of people - Bloomberg and maybe Reuters are good ones for bankers, there'll be similar good directories for other professions. But that way all headhunters get very similar people so nothing to differentiate one vs the other. Get on somewhere like Facebook and find potentially good people who you wouldn't have normally come across.

    I fail to see how listing your work on Facebook shows that you're a good candidate for a job. Directories of people that actually focus on work sounds a much better idea for finding a good employee.

    Plus Facebook isn't exactly hard to lie on. I could write I'm the President of the United States on there - doesn't make it true.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Pringle wrote: »
    I fail to see how listing your work on Facebook shows that you're a good candidate for a job. Directories of people that actually focus on work sounds a much better idea for finding a good employee.
    Well the Bloomberg directory just lists job title & employer, in Facebook you can put pretty much your full CV using the description field. When searching for a candidate, for the first stage you just need to find people who've been working at an equally good/better company in the right job for a while - and you can assume if they're good enough to be working there and not been fired they should be competent enough to do the same job at a rival.. you then meet them and see if it's the case..
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ricardo R wrote: »
    Well the Bloomberg directory just lists job title & employer, in Facebook you can put pretty much your full CV using the description field. When searching for a candidate, for the first stage you just need to find people who've been working at an equally good/better company in the right job for a while - and you can assume if they're good enough to be working there and not been fired they should be competent enough to do the same job at a rival.. you then meet them and see if it's the case..

    Taking Facebook-stalking to a new level.

    I can see your point, but to me, Facebook is just an easy way to contact my buddies, share photos & stuff like that, and I doubt that'll change (for me) anytime soon.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wouldn't employ anyone in banking who's stupid enough to put their entire CV on Facebook available for any identity thief to read. If they're that liberal with their own details, imagine what they'd be like with company information.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I wouldn't employ anyone in banking who's stupid enough to put their entire CV on Facebook available for any identity thief to read. If they're that liberal with their own details, imagine what they'd be like with company information.
    There are 7m people using LinkedIn.com where you have your entire CV available -someone I know won an award this week as a top young City star, and wouldn't have got that, was only talent-spotted because of his online profile - has his full CV all over sites like Facebook. There are millions of people with their full CVs all over the internet. Many of the most successful people in the business world are so successful precisely because they are very good self-promoters, putting their CV up and about for the world to see to increase their opportunities. And there are millions of people who because of their line of service have their full life history information available to anyone, so putting your degree, jobs online makes you as exposed to identity thiefs as another billion people out there.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I can barely understand his CV. It's pretty dull. Doesn't exactly make me want to meet him for a drink, although I know that's not the idea!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lol, yeah all the Finance terms will make little sense to people not involved in Banking.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ricardo R wrote: »
    There are 7m people using LinkedIn.com where you have your entire CV available - is someone I know of who won a "Top 100 Rising Stars in London" award this week - and he was talent-spotted because he has his full CV on sites like Facebook. There are millions of people with their full CVs all over the internet. Many of the most successful people in the business world are so successful precisely because they are very good self-promoters, putting their CV up and about for the world to see to increase their opportunities. And there are millions of people who because of their line of service have their full life history information available to anyone, so putting your degree, jobs online makes you as exposed to identity thiefs as another billion people out there.

    Well unless you're someone who's wanting to make in big in london - there's no point is there? And most people here are not high flying bankers or whatever - so I don't really see why you made this thread, it's a bit of a no brainer that most people don't advertise their working life for the world to see because there just isn't any point.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ballerina wrote: »
    Well unless you're someone who's wanting to make in big in london - there's no point is there? And most people here are not high flying bankers or whatever - so I don't really see why you made this thread, it's a bit of a no brainer that most people don't advertise their working life for the world to see because there just isn't any point.
    Hmm well I'd have thought in a lot of professions it's good to make yourself known. If you're a plumber, electrician, carpenter, decorator, builder etc, obviously the more people who know that's what you are the better for when they may need your services/help. Similarly in a whole load of professions/careers around the country it can't hurt, you never know what opportunities could come your way.. I did say in the OP this is more for people with professions/careers than "jobs".. as the "success stories" page of LinkedIn shows it's not just London bankers for whom making yourself known is useful for.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It's never even occurred to me to put my cv on facebook. I only see it as a way to communicate with friends and so I have set my profile to private sot hat no one else can nosey at me. I get enough loser lads trying to poke me as it is.
    If there was a site that was geared more for careers and networking then obviously I would put my cv up then but I don't know of any, nor have I tried to find out. I am only just starting my career so I hadn't thought about it. It seems like an OK idea.. except on facebook - that's too personal for potential employers IMO.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    If there was a site that was geared more for careers and networking then obviously I would put my cv up then but I don't know of any, nor have I tried to find out. I am only just starting my career so I hadn't thought about it. It seems like an OK idea.. except on facebook - that's too personal for potential employers IMO.
    1, 2, 3, 4 - those are the big ones with millions of members.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    lipsy wrote: »
    If there was a site that was geared more for careers and networking then obviously I would put my cv up then but I don't know of any...

    There's loads of such sites .. linkedIn, Ryze, etc
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Good to put up your cv on a more professionally oriented networking utility, i.e. linked in. Not so sure if it's wise to put it up on facebook, together with the partypictures from last new year...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    stargalaxy wrote: »
    I've actually softened in my attitude towards bank staff in recent months. I actually find the staff at my local NatWest branch quite helpful. Hence why I now do my banking with them. Nah, it's the investment bankers I don't like.

    I used to work for the bank too :p business support.

    I include what I've done but my profile isn't public. I like having control over who's reading my profile.

    Rick: would you post a link to your facebook profile? :p No? But then are you missing opportunities lol. It's all about a balance I reckon. I'll probably put my CV up on specialist recruitment firms after I graduate.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    whoever mentioned Bloomberg: You don't want to work there. Not unless you want to become a slave anyway.
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