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Do men have the right to know they're going to be a father?



  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    exactly, and unless youre wanting to force those women who dont want the father to know, into abortions, then it cant be made law.

    Although I think the father has a right to know, it's just in some cases the wellbeing of the child overrides that right. So I don't think it should be seen as 'all green' for mothers to start choosing when and where (and if) they think the fathers should be involved in the child's life unless there are legitimate grounds to base it on. I.e. similar to the law on termination in some ways, you can't have a late abortion based on 'lifestyle' reasons i.e. you changed your mind, it should only be carried out if the pregnancy presents a danger to the wellbeing of the mother at the stage.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,875,648 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    I'll quote:

    What stops the father from taking over care of the child in that example?
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