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Room 101

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ok, so the point of this thread is to put something here, in brief, that really irritates you. A collective thread of annoyingness. You may find a lot of people share your annoyances, or that you're just a bit peculiar.

Me first:
I find people in shops who stand in the middle of the aisle annoying, when you're trying to get past and they start browsing, and then there are about 5 of them, and some of them are just reading the labels (for 10 minutes!), and I want to scream because I can't get past or get to what I want - because yes dear, I had some idea of what I was going to get before I came in the bloody shop.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Reality TV shows - dumbed down "entertainment" for the masses designed to stop them thinking about reality. If they did then there'd be more revolutions...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Slow walkers, they also tend to veer from side to side so you can't bloody get past and also tend to stop suddenly, espcially at corners, tops of escalators or other such bottlenecks.
    And then they have the nerve to look annoyed/like you did something wrong if you walk into the back of them cos they suddenly stop, or if you walk fast around them to get bloody past.
    Actually forget room 101, take them up in a space shuttle and just lob them out of the airlock.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Slow walkers... I second that! People who stop suddenly in the street really hack me off. I try to be nice to old people but the ones who get off the bus and then STOP DIRECTLY AFTER STEPPING FOOT ONTO THE PAVEMENT SO EVERYONE ELSE IS TRAPPED ON THE BUS (oops, caps) will send me into an apoplectic fit one of these days.

    Also people (notably my fella) who don't order/buy food for themselves because they profess they're "not hungry" and then when your food arrives/you resume your journey (this often happens after petrol station stops in long car journeys) they're trying to steal your supplies or half-inch things from your plate. Annoying! Even worse when they don't order/buy anything because they're "on a diet" and then proceed to scoff 80% of your scran.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    slow walkers and groups of people who take up the whole fucking pavement while either walking slowly or standing gasbagging so i actually have to ask them to move please, and they STILL dont give me enough room to get a pushchair past. Oh and people that park their car so far up the pavement that i have to take my pushchair onto the road to get past.

    fuckers. Im going to get roo-bars one of these days and spurs on the side of my shoes to burst tyres with.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    rachie004 wrote: »
    and on the theme of shopping - people that wander aimlessly through shopping centres, in random directions so its impossible to get past them :mad:

    I do this alot.:blush:
    Slow walkers... I second that! People who stop suddenly in the street really hack me off. I try to be nice to old people but the ones who get off the bus and then STOP DIRECTLY AFTER STEPPING FOOT ONTO THE PAVEMENT SO EVERYONE ELSE IS TRAPPED ON THE BUS

    I hate this as well.

    People who sit next to me on the bus (even though there are loads of seats everywhere else) and when I press the bell AND ask them to move (as in, stand up and get out of the way) they just move their legs so I've only got a tiny bit of room to move.

    People on message boards who moan about how everyone never replies to threads and how the posters are generally bitchy to each other.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    People who make disgusting noises when they eat.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheeta wrote: »
    People who make disgusting noises when they eat.
    Ditto... I can't be in the same room as somebody who doesn't have the consideration that others don't wanna hear their repulsive noises.

    Bigots (diversity exists, get over it)

    People who give me shit for being vegan (I'm vegan, I don't mind if you're not... I don't tell you how to live, don't tell me)

    People being loud in the library (this is a place to study you selfish knobcake, not a youth club)

    Machismo (why???)

    90% of the gay scene (even not having been there long I've realised it can be very sexist, shallow and I know people who have experienced racism)


    People finding cruelty to any living creature funny

    People who walk in groups and hog the pavement (this happens a lot in Kingston... They walk all side by side and you have to step in a busy road to avoid them)

    Chart indie music (especially when people consider it alternative... Tbh I find most of it quite souless and boring)

    People who drink and then moan about people who use illegal drugs (hipocrites)

    Closed mindedness

    Those gigantic pushchairs people have when they bring them in to shops... I mean park your car inside, it'd take up less space

    People who slag off other people on messageboards because they don't share the same opinion
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I second the group of slow walkers who are too busy chatting to notice anyone else so they take up all of the room and you can't get past.
    And also people who stop suddenly then look at you funny when you dive around them.
    Also, old people on super scooters who go zooming through the shopping centre at an incredible speed. There were 2 racing around like boy racers the other week, then they turned so harshly one almost went around on 2 wheels.
    Kids getting on the bus at 8am playing crappy 'club' music with that annoying high pitched voice.
    Unhelpful grumpy bus drivers.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Remixed version:

    How I am really shit with money.

    Noisy teenagers on the bus who feel as though it's necessary to cause attention with the amount of how much debauchery they natter about.

    People use ;o and -.- and ^.^ on the internet.

    The very arty cliquey scene of Glasgow who look as though they've just thrown themselves into an Oxfam Shop.

    Victoria Beckham - she's really not that interesting, nor is her life.

    Directline, Norwich Union, e-sure, Halifax, Bank Of Scotland adverts, ?Have you been hurt in an accident that wasn?t your fault??, ?How much do we want to borrow? £25,000? Yeah?? adverts, too.

    Actually, the worshipping of all those fucking cunts, the WAGs, the Celeb BB twats..FUCKING HILTONS, LINDSAYS, NICOLES, HILARYS, BRITNEYS! Whiiiiiiiiit. Get a fucking grip you munters. Munters being the dense demographic who swings from their tits.

    I also am annoyed when people make the same mistakes after agreeing to act on the sound advice I gave.

    Carol Vorderman.

    Kerry Katona.

    All the Channel 4 crap quiz shows from 3pm onward.

    That blonde annoying weathergirl who needs a brush at 11pm on ITV.

    People who never say please or thank you.

    Some neds in Glasgow.

    Leaving my bed in the morning.

    When my flatmates have a bitch about me and think I don?t know.

    Overtly gay men who look as though they're the spawn of their Dad fucking a Wotsit.

    Infact, ALL people who who look as though they're the spawn of their Dad fucking a Wotsit.

    Angsty teenagers who whine about things but actually don't sort them out.

    Unnecessary drama, especially internet drama.

    Old people who moan about going upstairs when you tell them where something is in a shop with whatever they want on one floor up, you fucking walked to the bus stop and then into the shop and you cunting whinge about something being upstairs?! Get a grip. Or get a Pro Plus in you.

    My Mum saying that when we argue it's deliberately to upset my Dad.

    How my Mum doesn?t listen to me when we argue.

    Sexual politics.

    When you shag someone and you get shat on emotionally.

    Gangsta fannies who act as though they stepped out a fifty pence video.

    People who don't know the difference between 'you're' and 'your'.

    When I get a fright in a film I didn't see coming.

    Everyone who goes to the Garage.

    Wet blanket men.

    People living so far away.

    The grease on top of freshly toasted cheese.

    When fried eggs aren't cooked properly and are slimey, boke.

    Those paintings with the wolves painted into the mountains for a Native American scene.

    Banks and everything they stand for.

    When I don't have money to go out.

    When my false eyelashes won't stick on properly.

    When my good friends break up and ask me to take sides.

    When my friends lose their personality and the ability to do anything on their own when they get a regular fuck.

    When I sneeze whilst putting on mascara, or if my nose runs after foundation and powder has been applied.

    My whingey neighbours downstairs.

    How my Mum feels the need to comment on TV when we?re all watching it but goes off her head when you tell her not to do it as you?re making her ?miss the programme!? WHAAAAAAT!

    My sister for turning into a right bint.

    The politics at work.

    People who don't get out the way but dance around you, move you cunts.

    People who walk down the street and tell you to smile more -I would look as though I've been let out for the day, mate.

    When high heels hurt when your favourite song comes on and you can't dance.

    When I didn't expect to get sex then I get some and I haven't shaved my legs.

    How much of a crackwhore I look after a 12 hour party.

    The way I dry heave after having a shot, ha.

    When people don?t text back.

    I also hate when there's no more cold sides to a pillow.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is this things you could ban or something cos I have quite a list ..

    1. That Robyn woman (and it hurts with ev-ur-ree heartbeat) - I can handle the song just not her shoes or hair !!

    2. People (mainly chavvy boys or chavvy girls) who start fights to look cool and hard

    3. My step-mum and her bitchy looks just because she's getting old

    4. Sea food and fish (they can still live but can't eat them) and those really large birds with massive beaks that eat the fish out of my pond

    5. Business men on trains who are alone and take up the six seater and give you funny looks for sitting down near them

    6. I would put a ristriction on Indie music because there are far too many bands around at the moment with their mediorce guitar strumming and whiny voices

    7. Nail polish that chips !



    10. The new weekend would be Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday

    11. I would have 'Kate TV' that plays only my favourite shows

    12. I would ban the Theory Driving test

    I don't know if I've got the point of Room 101 but it's been fun thinking of how I would change the world !
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right, I have no idea why I hate this, it's quite irrational, and lots of people will disagree with me.

    I hate buggy zones on buses. More specifically, I hate women who get on the bus with a monster truck for a buggy, takes her large, fat toddler out of it, plonks them down on the seat next to her, while this monster truck takes up the space of at least three paying adults, while some little old lady with two sticks has to stand because there aren't enough seats left. Grr :mad:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »

    Me first:
    I find people in shops who stand in the middle of the aisle annoying, when you're trying to get past and they start browsing, and then there are about 5 of them, and some of them are just reading the labels (for 10 minutes!), and I want to scream because I can't get past or get to what I want - because yes dear, I had some idea of what I was going to get before I came in the bloody shop.

    Oh god yes, that really fucks me off.

    The same goes for the twats who walk in the middle of the pavement at a fucking snail's pace and don't seem to care that there are about 20 people all behind them nearly tripping over eachother because we're actually trying to get past. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!!!!

    I also hate really narrow minded people.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    EMA payments being 2 weeks late :mad:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    people who don't wash ever then stink my house out. then you have to be nice coz you don't want to upset your friend who is madly in love with said stinky bastard.

    also, thin people that moan about being sooo enormous.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    People who cannot drive in the dark. Small tip - you do not have to brake everytimes smoeone comes in the opposite direction.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Namaste wrote: »
    People who give me shit for being vegan (I'm vegan, I don't mind if you're not... I don't tell you how to live, don't tell me)

    Seconded, well vegitarian for me. I don't like meat, you do like meat, simple. So why the fuck do you have to go on at me about not eating meat ??

    Drivers who park on the pavement so you can just barely squeeze a greased squirrel through the gap between their car and the wall.

    Aggressive pram pushers, especially the dreaded double buggy.

    Jeremy Clarkson. I don't get him, i think he's a cunt. One that is paid to have fun which i have to help finance, and if i don't i could easily go to prison.

    The TV license. Or maybe the system. If i watch the BBC, fine i'll pay for it but i fail to see why i should pay for it when i rarely do.

    ITV Play/Glitterball etc.

    That ginger bastard that keeps picking on my kittens :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Richard Littlejohn.

    Those "Amy before and after" boob job adverts on the Tube.

    Any magazine that spends any of its print time analysing "celebrities'" weight.

    Brussel sprouts.

    Anyone who thinks you're is the same as your, and there is the same as their - and any school that didn't teach them grammar!

    People who can't mind their own business and stop you in the street to tell you what you're doing wrong.

    Businessmen who sit in the outside seat of a 6-seater on a full train with their coat next to them, their bag on the window and their feet on the opposite seat. :mad:



    Charity workers on Tottenham Court Road.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Plus, people who think its funny to taunt you about being scared of spiders
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Overused expressions that dont express anything apart from BORING. A few examples are:
    to be honest- so everything you have said up till this point as been a lie??
    at the end of the day- you shuuuuuuuut the fuck up and go to sleep

    oh and RANDOM..yeegahts..yeah i'm so RANDOM me with my keraaazy friends..we talk such RANDOM bollox and have such RANDOM fun. Give me a RANDOM hug before I give you a RANDOM punch in your RANDOM face.

    those fucking child abuse memoirs with shitty names like 'dont tell mummy'..appeals to the a child called tit audience and it really does make me wonder why people enjoy reading them. I'm sure many claim to use them for self-help but I question what help can be gained from reading an explicit account of how some little boy somewhere got buggered with a Biro. People like to indulge in all the gory details while reminding themselves constantly how sick and depraved the actions are while all the time masturbating over how good a human being they are because they find these acts APPALLING and DISGUSTING and are so SHOCKED and OUTRAGED. It's human fascination at the grotesque.

    men who say they are 'confused'. Stay away at all costs and wait for them to grow a pair.


    People who over do the sarcasm thing till you are afraid of having a verbal conversation with incase they completely like PWN you (their words not mine). Unresolved issues of Lookwhatafunnyfuck i am.

    probably more, i'm an angry little girl.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    Ok, so the point of this thread is to put something here, in brief, that really irritates you. A collective thread of annoyingness. You may find a lot of people share your annoyances, or that you're just a bit peculiar.

    Me first:
    I find people in shops who stand in the middle of the aisle annoying, when you're trying to get past and they start browsing, and then there are about 5 of them, and some of them are just reading the labels (for 10 minutes!), and I want to scream because I can't get past or get to what I want - because yes dear, I had some idea of what I was going to get before I came in the bloody shop.

    Shyboy :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Period pains *grumble*.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    People who shuffle along in their ugg boots. PICK YOUR FEET UP! :razz:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The way all shops are now boiling hot, so when you go inside in a coat you feel as though you are going to faint.

    Drivers who don't know how to look out for motorcycle riders.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    People who not only want to question my choice not to eat meat (ok can deal with that) but then want to go into how I am a hipocrite because I have some leather shoes, and that fish have feelings too. :banghead: I KNOW ALL THIS, THEY DONT NEED TO TELL ME.
    (Im a pescetarian)

    Friends who force me to go out even though I havent slept properly for weeks and am shit scared am going to have a panic attack.:nervous: I mean of course that I wuld like panic attacks and insommnia to be sent to room 101 not me mates!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    cheeta wrote: »
    People who make disgusting noises when they eat.

    blargh :yuck:

    my brother is the worst offender I know for that.
    I have to sit about 50cm away from him at the table too :mad:

    hmmm I'm a natural moaner so loads of things people do anoy me haha

    erm talking over the top of me especially something irrevliant bugs me.
    Hypocrites too, fucking hate those. :mad:

    Oh and people who drive about 20mph EVERYWHERE and those who get up my arse
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Two-faced backstabbing hypocrite liers.

    People at work who dont read all the file notes on queries, tell me utter bollocks about them and it then ends up taking two/three times longer to sort things out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'd put the word 'like' into room 101. Oh dear, what would young people do without the word 'like' to lubricate each and every one of their sentences?

    'Excuse me I have to like take this phone call' :impissed: 'Did you see her? She was like crying her eyes out!' :mad:

    I mean for fucks sake was the girl doing something that looked similar to crying her eyes out, or was she actually crying her eyes out? If she was actually crying her eyes out then why in God's name can't you just say that? :banghead:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    7. Nail polish that chips !



    10. The new weekend would be Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday

    11. I would have 'Kate TV' that plays only my favourite shows

    Haha :hyper: Kate Tv loving it :thumb:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    dog poo on pavements, early xmas decorations - there was a family on my street who used to put them up on bonfire night! Luckily they've moved, but i'm sure someone else will do the honour.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RubberSkin wrote: »
    Seconded, well vegitarian for me. I don't like meat, you do like meat, simple. So why the fuck do you have to go on at me about not eating meat ??

    I've never understood people who do this.
    Drivers who park on the pavement so you can just barely squeeze a greased squirrel through the gap between their car and the wall.

    I see this alot and it's normally related to the fact that if they do park on the road, they'd be parking on double yellow lines.

    - People having a go at me because I sat in a disabled person's seat on the bus and telling me to move because I'm not disabled. Of course I'm not,t hat's why I got a disabled person's bus pass.:rolleyes:
    - Trains that don't arrive on time.
    - Thw amount of hotels who don't cater for people with allergies and intolerances
    - Being squashed by people at gigs
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