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charity fraud???????



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Oo-eerr :o
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1983 wrote: »
    Their birthday was a few days ago, what's to stop her giving her money from that?

    Or borrowing? It wasn't her money and it's no one else's fault but her own that the money was taken from her account when she knew she had outgoings.

    Ignorance doesn't stand up in court and it certainly doesn't stand up in this situation. Nothing about knives, it's about being selfish and completely thoughtless.

    Why didn't she donate the money after her holiday or keep it seperate like it already was? She's STILL not gave it back.

    The funny thing is that she's not even apologised.

    Well said young lady :)

    There really isn't any excuse to spend money that's been given to you, in all good faith, to pass on to a charity.

    I'd just call the police and let them sort the bitch out. Or phone the charity and let them deal with it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes im sure the police will give a flying fuck about £35...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well Franki had better come up with an answer soon cause this is lowest of the low.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm honestly not taking sides here cause I don't know the full story, but has anything been proven or has she admitted anything yet?

    I don't know what the script is here, but I've always had a lot of time for Franki so maybe it's best to let her put over her side of the story?

    Like I say I'm not "on her side" or on the other side either, just I think she deserves a chance to at least defend herself before all this accusations and stuff go any further? You guys probably know more about any of this than me though.

    Ignore all this if you want, that's just my 2p.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Her side of the story's on the Jake Thread.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    From what I can gather, she's dipped into the fund because she was a bit short and was then gonna pay it back later? Not the best idea in the world, infact it was at least a bit naive if she thought there wouldn't be a backlash like this.

    How do people know she's got no intention of paying it back though? There's a difference between taking money out, hoping nobody notices then not bothering paying it back, and taking money out, saying you'll pay it back and physically not being able to straight away?

    If I've got it right then she's been fucking stupid right enough.

    Why is this all kicking off now, if all that stuff was posted like a month ago?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Until you actually know Franki's situation, then I don't think you lot are in a position to judge like that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Given what she's told us about buying hair straighteners, arranging a booze up for her birthday, working 'excruciatingly' long hours and all that tripe I'm sure she could have afforded the 35quid well before now.

    She's not in a hurry to clear her name so why should anyone think any less given the circumstances? If she cares so much what people think about her then she can come and say it but 'til then I'll still think she's a rotten, scummy person for this.

    She could have easily borrowed the 35quid from her boyfriend, or her mates but she didn't for whatever reason - probably trivial - I'll keep my judgement, thanks.

    She's made money out of someone dead and you want to reserve judgement? Would you say it if it was someone else? I really doubt it.

    People swing from that girl's tits, I have literally no idea to be perfectly honest but I won't go down that road any further cause her wee 'brigade' will come to the rescue or something.

    Let's look at what he have here - a guy in his grave has no money for his charity from someone who was supposed to be his friend put the money in her account - I certainly wouldn't have done it until I knew I was ready to donate it accordingly - not just put it in and 'hope for the best'.

    This isn't her money, this is money collated from her college charity box.

    If you look at all the weekend threads you will see her whinge about how she's working etc etc. Surely she must have been paid to compensate these hours so morally she should reimburse the funds her bank have swallowed up.

    Fuck her being overdrawn etc and that, it's NOT HER MONEY. People need to stop defending her stupidity in this matter.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just because she had a booze up for a her party doesn't mean it was her that paid for it. For all you lot know, her boyfriend or parents could've paid for it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    1983, whilst when soemone doesnt pay up what they owe for whatever reason it isn't fun at all (look at my recent thread in relationships), a bit of compromise / understanding usually goes a long way.

    So take a step back - she has raised this money in the name of charity, and it went out of her account due to direct debits / bank charges. I can't think of anyone who would try to profit out of charity money, and I think it's poor judgement to insinuate this is what she's done. Of course, it's all a bit of a mess due to disorganisation / banks whatever - I think even she admits that.

    But at the end of the day it's not about scoring points it's about getting money for a very worthy cause so people with liver conditions have a better quality of life and a better chance of life. I just think from experience, rather than throwing insults about, reminding someone what they owe and then leaving it to their own morality to pay back it ends up getting better results.

    I'm not taking sides though as it's too contentious an issue and as you've pointed out there are 'brigades' on both sides. I'm just trying to diffuse the situation :D *bomb squad*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sofie wrote: »
    Just because she had a booze up for a her party doesn't mean it was her that paid for it. For all you lot know, her boyfriend or parents could've paid for it.

    Yes, she's much more deserving of that money than someone who's dead who's money she took.

    Brass neck, regardless of what she's 'done' for The Site it doesn't excuse her for nicking someone else's money, a dead person for that matter.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    icey wrote: »
    Yes im sure the police will give a flying fuck about £35...

    Thats my point. Unless its a big crime the police will do fuck all about it. When my friends car was broken into the police drove past. They simply said just claim on your insurance and didnt report it or anything, they didnt even feel the need to get out their patrol car.

    The police are streched enough as it is dealing with murders, stabbings and gun crime, charity fraud is way down the list of priorities.

    Thats why I advocate thinking of more imaginitve ways to deal with this.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Becky, nobody's underestimating how shitty a thing it is if it's ho w people say it is.

    But it doesn't matter if somebody has allegedly taken money from a charity account, fiddled with kids or murdered a load of old people, all varying degrees of scummy things to do - I really believe in innocent until proven guilty, and they have a right to come and defend themselves within a reasonable timeframe. It's all very well saying "why can't she do this, she wouldn't have done this if she'd had the money" and all that stuff, but the fact is pretty much NONE of us know her exact situation till she comes on and puts over her side of the story.

    And I would still stick up for whoever it was in the same situation. While I appreciate that it's a nasty allegation and people are bound to get het up about it, would the same people be using the same sort of language and vitriol about this if it was one of their friends being accused? Really? This isn't personal about you - but you mentioned that you don't see why everybody "swings from her tits". What if it was someone who you liked and you COULD see why everybody swings from their tits? Would you be quite so vocal about it, or would you be advocating them to get their chance to speak up? Tbh a lot of this does seem a little bit personal.

    If she'd done a runner with all the money then fair enough, but she's admitted borrowing 35 quid, said she'll pay it back. There's a big enough difference between the two for me to advocate giving her time to come and defend herself, and for me to stick up for her against people calling her every name under the sun for it. And the same would apply for anyone who'd done the same.

    I'm not on anybody's side, I do like Franki but I also like those that are on the other side of the fence too. I don't like saying this, but I know some of the people who're vocal about this have had history with her and stuff, so all the more reason to hear both sides of events and directly answer the accusations in this thread, y'know?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    No way has she done this maliciously. It may have been a silly thing to do but Jake was her friend and I'm sure she has every intention of paying it back. Calling her out on the subject of Jake's death seems pretty hurtful to me and I'm sure a reminder rather than damning her as scum would have been a better solution.

    I'm not part of her 'brigade' but can just blatently see this isn't how to handle it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Although I don't read her journal, I've been told that she's been boasting about earning £500 in the past fortnight. She's annoyed alot of people. People are only bringing it up as it seems strange she's not yet paid the money into the Jake fund.

    I know what you're sayig and like I said in that post nobody's underestimating how shitty a thing it would be, totally get what you're saying about everybody being annoyed about it.

    But you've just said there that you got told about something in her journal, which is just Chinese whispers really rather than actual facts. I'm not sticking up for HER per se, I'm sticking up for her right to defend herself before the mountain of accusations and Chinese whispers get out of control. Would do the same for anybody else.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    People making money out of somebody dying.

    What is the world coming to? :no:

    Stace i think you're being a bit of a drama queen with this post.

    I mean, I know essentially thats what happened, Franki is £35 better off instead of donating it to the charity but i very much doubt shes set out to 'make money out of somebody dying' ?! Makes her sound well evil.

    I definitely don't agree with whats happened and I think she needs to pay it ASAP, even if it means borrowing off someone to do so, but a few more reminders wouldnt have gone astray.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    What I don't understand is, if she put the money (which I presume was cash) straight into her bank account, why not go on the internet and wire it straight through to the fund that day? Why wait till you get back from travelling, when quite probably, you're going to be skint and the charity money's going to be long gone? I mean, the worst ever time to rely on having money in your account, is right after you've come home from travelling - I know everytime I travel I'm Skint Eastwood for at least a month after I get home.

    I don't think it's anything fishy, but it's ridiculously short-sighted and naive. I'm sure there could be absolutely no reason why she couldn't have wired the money through after she deposited it in the bank, even if she was travelling that very day. Why wait till you get back?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If this is about Franki then her continued silence on the matter does nothing to improve her name.

    If she's been working flat out for the past few weeks (or even just for one week to be honest) then she should be able to pay back the 35 quid that she has otherwise stolen.

    Saying that she unexpectedly went overdrawn is a lame excuse in the first place, it's even lamer to have not done anything about it weeks later.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Mist wrote: »
    If this is about Franki then her continued silence on the matter does nothing to improve her name.

    If she's been working flat out for the past few weeks (or even just for one week to be honest) then she should be able to pay back the 35 quid that she has otherwise stolen.

    Saying that she unexpectedly went overdrawn is a lame excuse in the first place, it's even lamer to have not done anything about it weeks later.

    I think you're brill. x
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Whatever has actually happened here, is there really any need to high five each other over it given that this is a really sensitive issue?

    My best guess is that Franki knows she was naive and she knows she's fucked up big style. Certainly don't think people should be using one of her close friends deaths against her and acting as if she went out and delibeartely pissed all over his grave, because it's very unlikely that she's done that. If she'd done a runner with the entire thing then yes - but she didn't and the fact that she might not have had time to be online and post a reasoned explanation of things isn't an excuse to keep on and on with the same old vitriol.

    And a young guy's death certainly isn't something to be used as a pawn in an ongoing feud over fuck knows what, because this whole thing is far, far too personal for my liking. Franki can come on, apologise and people can move on from it and stuff if that needs done, but calling her scum and the lowest of the low isn't something that people can just sweep under the carpet and forget about.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bri-namite wrote: »
    Whatever has actually happened here, is there really any need to high five each other over it given that this is a really sensitive issue?

    My best guess is that Franki knows she was naive and she knows she's fucked up big style. Certainly don't think people should be using one of her close friends deaths against her and acting as if she went out and delibeartely pissed all over his grave, because it's very unlikely that she's done that. If she'd done a runner with the entire thing then yes - but she didn't and the fact that she might not have had time to be online and post a reasoned explanation of things isn't an excuse to keep on and on with the same old vitriol.

    And a young guy's death certainly isn't something to be used as a pawn in an ongoing feud over fuck knows what, because this whole thing is far, far too personal for my liking. Franki can come on, apologise and people can move on from it and stuff if that needs done, but calling her scum and the lowest of the low isn't something that people can just sweep under the carpet and forget about.

    Yeah I agree with that :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Stace i think you're being a bit of a drama queen with this post..

    Fair enough.
    Bri-namite wrote:
    And a young guy's death certainly isn't something to be used as a pawn in an ongoing feud over fuck knows what, because this whole thing is far, far too personal for my liking.

    This isn't over any feud. This is exactly why I was a bit uncertain about saying anything in the first place because its a well known fact, me and Franki don't like each other. However, this would bother me had it been another user. Also, other people have been thinking the same thing but I'm the only one thats actually said anything. I did make hints in that thread but got accused of starting a bitch fest.

    Either way, I've said what I think. I'm going to stay out of it now before the accusations come rolling in :rolleyes:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hate to say it but nicely put bri.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This isn't over any feud. This is exactly why I was a bit uncertain about saying anything in the first place because its a well known fact, me and Franki don't like each other. However, this would bother me had it been another user.

    It's annoying me too, and it'll annoy everybody else especially those who contributed money to the fund. That would apply to whoever it was and nobody is doubting that.

    But you can see why people might think that it's personal, and how people might see it as you getting a chance to get one over on her? I don't think it's as black and white as that, but some of the stuff that you've posted has been really strong and if I didn't know there was history between you two then I'd have thought to myself "fuck, has something been going on with those two or what?"

    I'm honestly not getting at you or trying to make you feel bad, but just let Franki have her say in her own time now. She was close to Jake, so people jumping in and pointing out again and again about what she's done is only going to hurt and upset her even more.

    Over and out.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bri-namite wrote: »
    It's annoying me too, and it'll annoy everybody else especially those who contributed money to the fund. That would apply to whoever it was and nobody is doubting that.

    But you can see why people might think that it's personal, and how people might see it as you getting a chance to get one over on her? I don't think it's as black and white as that, but some of the stuff that you've posted has been really strong and if I didn't know there was history between you two then I'd have thought to myself "fuck, has something been going on with those two or what?"

    I'm honestly not getting at you or trying to make you feel bad, but just let Franki have her say in her own time now. She was close to Jake, so people jumping in and pointing out again and again about what she's done is only going to hurt and upset her even more.

    Over and out.

    You aren't making me feel bad. Not at all. Say what you like :p

    Of course I can see why people might think I'm being a bitch for saying the things I have but to be honest, I don't really care. People can think what they like. Yes, we've got a history but I have better things to do with my time than go round upsetting someone. I would have said the same things had someone else done the same thing. I know that and as long as my friends think the same (which they have reassured me they do and they have all agreed with where I'm coming from) then I don't really care. Its not just me thats picked up on whats been going on, its other people too and people have been talking. I've just been the only one to say anything so hey, I'm out to get her obviously :yeees:

    Right. Thats it. I'm outta here (gotta wash off my hair dye! :lol:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Addict wrote: »
    why not go on the internet and wire it straight through to the fund that day?

    Because she might not have had the time?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I do so love that a thread I haven't even posted in has turned into being all about me.

    Some of you lot need to grow the fuck up. Do you know how much time I've had since I got paid that money from working my ARSE off for two weeks to even use the internet for more than about 10 minutes? That's right NONE.

    You want the story of why I haven't put that money in yet? REALLY? Not that it'll make an inch of difference, but fuck it.

    I go into college the day before I go to Kenya, I pick up the £35 from my collection box and I go and pay it into my account. Given that I haven't packed yet, and I had Rich over on that night, I didn't have time to put it into Jake's fund. I apologise. It was my full intention to pay it back as soon as I got home, because it was supposed to still be there, but AS I HAVE EXPLAINED BEFORE, I didn't get any of my holiday pay, and so I came home £250 overdrawn. Oddly enough, getting charged another £30 wasn't top of my list of things to do.

    How the fuck do you lot know I wasn't going to do it this week, huh? I was actually going to do it tonight, for the record.

    As for the fact that it was just my birthday....so? I got FUCK ALL for my birthday. Oh wait, no, I got the £250 my mum gave me TWO MONTHS AGO to PAY OFF MY FUCKING OVERDRAFT. Oh, and that "birthday party" I had, where I must have spent soooooooooooooo much money....I guess £14 must be MASSES, huh. Don't assume things just because that's what you'd fucking do, yeh? Oh, and the bit where I can get my boyfriend to pay for it for me......fuck you. He has enough outgoings as it is, and he's paid enough of my debts off for me without having to pay for something which won't (unlike all the other things) get me into even more fucking debt.

    I knew as soon as I was told about this stupid fucking thread who would have started it. Just like I knew that you bringing it up in the first place wasn't "just out of curiosity". So I guess other people have been telling you the contents of my LJ again, huh? Some things never change. Just one thing though - next time you have a problem with me, tell me first, yeh? Instead of badmouthing me and trying to make me look bad in front of all these people in an attempt to make yourself look "cool". The people who know me know that I'm not stealing Jake's money. I don't give a fuck what the rest of them think because they mean nothing to me. How DARE you insinuate that I was using the death of one of my fucking friends as "financial gain". HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. You have NO idea how it affected me AT ALL, so don't you ever start trying to get one up on me like this again.

    Wow, Stacey, I didn't think even you'd stoop this low. You're accusing me for using Jake's death for my own gain, when you're doing EXACTLY the same thing. Trying to make me look like a fucking criminal to get one up on me....very clever. If it wasn't so fucking sick and twisted I'd almost be impressed.

    I can almost guarantee that this thread will be closed within 24 hours, but fuck it. I don't care anymore. But next time you or any of the people you have running around doing your little errands for you have a problem with me or anything I write in MY journal, how about you tell me. For the meantime I'd appreciate it if you kept your bitter, twisted little face out of my business.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    People making money out of somebody dying.

    What is the world coming to? :no:

    Words fail me.
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    **helen****helen** Deactivated Posts: 9,235 Supreme Poster
    Words fail me.

    Me too. But what the hell, I'm going to try and type something anyway. All I can it I'm sorry Franki that this thread got this far. Some of you really need to open your minds and stop and think before you post. I totally agree with everything Bri has said. I'm closing this now.
This discussion has been closed.