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How many friends do you have?



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have one best best mate....who i do everything with, knows everything about me and can tell anything to.

    Then I have about 10 very close mates who i speak to thorughout the week and go out with all the time.

    Then I have about 40 people who i will txt and talk to only of a weekend when out...but pretty much every weekend.

    Then about 100 people who go the same places and do the same things who i'll say alright to and have brief chats. These are the people who I either know through another friend or have met a few times at clubs/raves and can rely on, on the night, but don't know them all that well.

    But in the club scene your always meeting new people and your circle of friends is constantly growing...tis why i love it soo much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My boyfriend is my very best friend, and the only person I could talk to about ANYTHING and not feel weird.

    Then I have 5 or so people who I consider to be my best mates. Then god-knows-how-many people I consider to be friends.

    But I don't really talk to any of them apart from Rich on a very regular basis, largely because I don't really go out very much. The only people I really go out with these days are Rich's friends :(. But that's mostly because the majority of my friends live quite a way away (nearest is Colchester, and that's a bugger to get to/from), and I work too much to do anything really.

    Or something.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have 3 very distinctive groups of friends who kind of overlap in that we all come from teh same area and went to the same schools.

    Anyway from the people who were in my class at school there are 6 of us who are all really close - though sadly we dont' all meet up togeather every week like we used to because we all live all over the place. Then attached to that group which is where it kind of merges are they boyfriends/husbands etc and also my husbands friends from uni who we were all friends with and who some of us are married to - so thats like another 15 people on top.

    Then there is another group of 4 of us who went to school togeather who i'm still close with but dont' see as much as I used to - however the big thing here is that even though we dont' meet up and do things socially ALL the time we would go and see each other when one was upset or something. Then attatched to this group of friends there are about another 15-20 people who I have been close to and seen regularly lots previously and still meet up with from time to time.

    Then there is my out of school friends - from within this I guess there are my three bloke friends who I am closest to and who i would tell anything to - but there are like about 80 (up to 200 random aquaintances) other people attatched to this group including about 20 of us who are on a regular email group including girls I went to school with but who were in a different year but who were good friends with my sister and who I got to be friends with through the boys.

    Then outside of that there are a whole load of other random university friends, friends from work, friends from junior school and general life - which I guess is about another 30is people.

    Who knows I have loads of friends - I used to throw the most amazing parties when I was younger.

    Ohh and some of the best friends have been made under the influence of drugs in a club.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I suppose I have about 4 best friends, although 1 is drifting more into just good friend. Then I have about 10 really really good mates and then 8 good friends...I dunno really I don't tent to put people into best/good friend catagories cos I have uni friends/housemates/friends from home/friends who I see only occasionally but I still love to bits... so its all a bit weird really! Thank god for facebook to keep in touch!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have two best friends who I met at University who I can tell anything to and consider them as sisters.

    Then I have a best mate from my home town who I treat as a brother.

    The rest of the people make up networks.

    I have about 100 mates at uni who I either used to live with or did classes with that I can go out with or chill after classes etc.

    I have all my mates from school who I go out with when I'm home for summer and chat to on MSN throughout the year (and Facebook of course)

    The people I met in France who I consider really good mates (2 inparticular) and live all over the world (of course I'm really just using them so I can travel to cool and interesting places:p )

    Then finally the people I met in Dialogue Direct when I was working as a fundraiser. Three or four of them are still really good mates and we meet up now and then.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i have some very good friends but only 3 that i consider close friends.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have about 6-7 really close/best mates. I see and talk to them on a regular basis. I'd then say I've got about 10-20 good mates.

    As for acquaintances, I probably have about 200 or so. These are people I've worked with, gone to uni with, come out with me on nights out, etc. I tend to bump into most of them quite often (but not so often after moving to Manchester) and talk to them too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've been a bit of a social butterfly whose been part of lots of different social groups. The downside of this is now I just feel too overwhelmed, birthday parties or events every single evening, hard to just get away from it all.

    Soulmates: 0
    Great friends I'm in contact with every day: 10
    Good friends: 70
    "Friends" who came to my birthday: 150
    Acquaintances: 1,000+ literally

    I get on really well in a close matey way with so many people, but don't see them that often, so whether they're treated as a 'mate' or 'acquaintance' can be a bit iffy.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I probably have 2 best friends who i can talk to and will give me the best advice, you know the type, the guys you can talk crap to all day long. I then have probably have 4 or 5 people who i would talk to, not best mates, but i trust. I then have 20-30 mates who ive known for ages and just mates with them just for all the laughs weve had. Then theres everyone else, like workmates, old school friends etc, the list starts building :P
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've got say 1 best mate, about 5 close ones, and about 30 other people who i could go out with but not really do much else with. I used to have a lot more close mates but i'm seriously crap at keeping relationships going so they've sorta died out. Also i can be a bit anti-social and i think i give a stay away vibe off when i meet new people lol :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I only have a couple of close friends really but lots of people i would call mates
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've got a few good mates, 1 from school and a couple at work and most of the rest of my friends are all from work, we've all worked closely for nearly 4 years so we all get on well. I used to have tons of friends, but as others have said it's quality not quantity
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i only have about 6 or 7 real friends loadsa aquaintences tho, i count my friends as people who i feel comfortable telling them personal stuff, who would back me up if i got in a fight with a bunch of guys bigger than us (i've known supposed friends who have just walked away or turned their backs) and who stand by me even when i make bad mistakes,

    the aquaintences are people i go out with have a laugh with etc have conversations but dont get too personal etc,
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right now, probably 3/4 people I see a lot of and am with quite a bit.

    I've moved about quite a bit, so the people I spend time with now aren't necessarily the ones who know me the best, y'know? If I was in emotional anguish and torment there's probably people back home or back in Dundee who I'd speak to first before I went to any of my current mates just cause they're different types of mates.

    My Dad always says that he's got hundreds of accquaintances but he can count the number of actual true friends he has on his fingers. I honestly don't think you make a true friend just by adding them to Bebo, or even knowing them for six months or even a year, have a look in five or ten years time then you'll be able to see who your true, lifelong friends are.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Bri-namite wrote: »
    Right now, probably 3/4 people I see a lot of and am with quite a bit.

    I've moved about quite a bit, so the people I spend time with now aren't necessarily the ones who know me the best, y'know? If I was in emotional anguish and torment there's probably people back home or back in Dundee who I'd speak to first before I went to any of my current mates just cause they're different types of mates.

    My Dad always says that he's got hundreds of accquaintances but he can count the number of actual true friends he has on his fingers. I honestly don't think you make a true friend just by adding them to Bebo, or even knowing them for six months or even a year, have a look in five or ten years time then you'll be able to see who your true, lifelong friends are.

    oh yeah...my friends are those that have been there for me when I broke up with someone and let me talk about it for ages and who have cleaned me up after being sick and talk about the future and who I've known for years and years,

    thats a friend to me.
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