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school uniform



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is school uniforms a common thing over there or did you all go to fancy private schools or something?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    pretty much all schools in the UK have uniform.
    When I was younger it was only secondary school that had it, but now most primaries do as well.

    I think its ridiculous tbh. I dont see the point much. It makes everyone look like clones.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nearly every school in the UK has a school uniform.

    I'm sure it's pure coincidence that school uniforms cost, on average, about £150 a year (you always need a special tie and jumper), and schools get a fuck-off huge slice of that pie...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    pretty much all schools in the UK have uniform.
    When I was younger it was only secondary school that had it, but now most primaries do as well.

    I think its ridiculous tbh. I dont see the point much. It makes everyone look like clones.

    Ahhhhh, thanks :D
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote: »
    I'm sure it's pure coincidence that school uniforms cost, on average, about £150 a year (you always need a special tie and jumper), and schools get a fuck-off huge slice of that pie...

    This is very wrong, imo. The jumper I was meant to wear had the school logo on, but I did get away with wearing a plain navy v-neck jumper without the logo on.
    Edit to add: boys were not allowed to grow their hair long either, and girls were not allowed to cut theirs too short.

    :eek2: We're allowed to wear our hair any length, but if it was long then during PE. technology & science, it had to be tied back.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote: »
    Nearly every school in the UK has a school uniform.

    I'm sure it's pure coincidence that school uniforms cost, on average, about £150 a year (you always need a special tie and jumper), and schools get a fuck-off huge slice of that pie...

    and I dont buy the (sometimes quoted) reason for having a uniform, that it saves money because you dont need to buy other clothes - well you still need a full wardrobe for the holidays, it just means most of it is wasted the rest of the year.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    [QUOTE=foxysoxy;2024545, no trainers in P.E- only plimsolls. [/QUOTE]

    But plimsolls are crap. We wore trainers in PE, but got told they had to be white. Still, I managed to get away with wearing grey and orange ones.:chin:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote: »
    Nearly every school in the UK has a school uniform.

    I'm sure it's pure coincidence that school uniforms cost, on average, about £150 a year (you always need a special tie and jumper), and schools get a fuck-off huge slice of that pie...

    Probably a lot cheaper though then having kids constantly needing to wear different clothes each day to be in fashion.

    Better all kids wear the same thing then the rich kids teasing the poor ones for not having the best of everything.

    The only special thing we ever needed was the school tie and badge and blazer. White Shirts and Black trousers you can buy from anywhere no ides how you come to a figure of £150.

    Uniforms also make it easier for the general public and shop keepers to tell which school any potential trouble makers are from
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    DG wrote: »
    no ides how you come to a figure of £150.

    I don't either. The only special things we needed were tie and a jumper. (which never lasted long)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ours was silly. You could get a detention for any of the following:

    - girls wearing trousers
    - girls wearing skirts that did not sit exactly at the knee
    - wearing anything other than flat, black lace-up shoes. No heels, no trainers, no boots, no slip-ons, no velcro, no patent, no decoration
    - not wearing your tie, and/or having the top button of your shirt undone unless it was a designated 'no tie day' (temperature was 28 degrees plus)
    - wearing a black or coloured bra under your white shirt
    - wearing any make-up (you could just about get away with concealer and lip balm)
    - wearing jewellery other than a plain watch, crucifix/st christopher and plain gold stud earrings (no silver, no hoops).
    - wearing non-uniform socks -they had to be either white knee socks (very cool when you're 16 and trying to impress lads) or black ankle socks. Opaque black tights were allowed as long as they were 'opaque enough'.
    - not having your shirt tucked in
    - having a big logo on your coat or bag
    - wearing non-uniform PE kit (had to be school polo short, gym skirt, gym knickers and hockey socks). You could wear a plain black sweatshirt and plain black jogging bottoms, but only between the Christmas holidays and February half term. Useful.

    If you were caught wearing something that broke the rules, you were offered a suitable alternative out of The Box (a collection of minging clothes the school had presumably stolen off people over the years). If you didn't accept it, you got detention. If you were wearing makeup or nail varnish, you were taken to the technology department, where the resident school perve would remove it from you with some kind of caustic substance that also removed half your face.

    Happy days.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think you guys had it easy...

    when i was a school, (in spain, not in england, but that was bad enough) we had to buy PE kit from one shop, and had to have separate winter and summer uniform all from one shop, even the shoes had to be brought from this one shop...cost over 300 euros...fucking ridiculous...no wonder my mother is broke now...i got suspended for wearing purple coverse boots because my ankles had swollen after being beaten up with hockey sticks, and i had a note...fucking awful school

    but in england, i went to a school that was very strict on uniform, had a uniform card, tie had to be a certain length, white socks for PE, no coloured socks to be visable ect, though i got away with my scafold and cartlige piercings...they made me take my nose stud tho...

    i got away with a hell of a lot at school, college is much stricter...but saying that i was a prefect, and thus got a hell of a lot of leeway
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    DG wrote: »
    The only special thing we ever needed was the school tie and badge and blazer. White Shirts and Black trousers you can buy from anywhere no ides how you come to a figure of £150.

    I didn't, NACAB did.

    A primary school child's uniform will typically cost £92, and a secondary pupil's uniform can rise as high as £275, so I think £150 is a fair average.


    At my school I had to wear a school tie (£8), an embroidered school jumper (£25), and then also shoes, football boots, PE kit, trousers, shirts...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I hated them at school but I'm happy to dress up for one of those School Disco events.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I didnt get done for anything in school even when we had to wear uniform in sixth form. We got to wear coloured shirts then though. I only recently discovered i still fit into my school blazer. If i had known this i could have worn my actual school uniform to the various school discos there were at university!

    Also it would mean i havnt grown since i was about 17.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I went to some strict ass schools: indoor and outdoor shoes, dicky(head) bows, jumpers only to be worn under blazers, regulation length skirts, blah blah blah. A neighbouring school had fetching brown regulation knickers though, now that would have been hell.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    kaffrin wrote: »
    - wearing non-uniform socks -they had to be either white knee socks

    Which is the sort of thing that you see in primary school.

    We never had rules about socks and tights. We had to wear black or brown shoes and grey trousers/skirt.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Kermit wrote: »
    I didn't, NACAB did.

    A primary school child's uniform will typically cost £92, and a secondary pupil's uniform can rise as high as £275, so I think £150 is a fair average.


    At my school I had to wear a school tie (£8), an embroidered school jumper (£25), and then also shoes, football boots, PE kit, trousers, shirts...

    The news report is like 5 years old, send the kids to Asda £10 for a Black Blazer .. £3 to £4 for trousers ...



    I'd be struggling to get anywhere near £150 ...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yes, I did go to a private school, but I had a scholarship. We still had to buy the same uniform - over £100 for a blazer and about the same for the kilted skirt.

    On top of that, the PE gear had to be school issue (yellow aertex, urgh!)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Sera wrote: »
    Yes, I did go to a private school, but I had a scholarship. We still had to buy the same uniform - over £100 for a blazer and about the same for the kilted skirt.

    On top of that, the PE gear had to be school issue (yellow aertex, urgh!)

    Ha, we had yellow aertex too- how dreadful is that?! :yuck:

    Our PE kit was disgusting- yellow polo t-shirt, blue skirts which never did up properly, whiter-than-white trainers with granny knickers underneath. And oh yes, they would check to make sure you wore them. I don't remember us actually having the option of wearing joggers.... :chin:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i liked my school uniform

    it would be like a vest top underneth the shirt (all the girls had the top two buttons undone) just above the knees black tight skirt with a slit then black heals and black handbag. we had blazers but i would just carry it usually

    but its all changed now most of the suckers have to wear ties and long minging flouncy skirts
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dobbin wrote: »
    whiter-than-white trainers

    We had to wear them, well were meant to but no-one ever did. We were also meant to wear rugby shirts, but no-one ever did. (they were rather expensive and never lasted long)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Dobbin wrote: »
    Ha, we had yellow aertex too- how dreadful is that?! :yuck:

    Our PE kit was disgusting- yellow polo t-shirt, blue skirts which never did up properly, whiter-than-white trainers with granny knickers underneath. And oh yes, they would check to make sure you wore them. I don't remember us actually having the option of wearing joggers.... :chin:

    :eek: Did you go to my school?!

    I was allowed to wear joggers at hockey because I'm the goalie and you can't wear a skirt with a goalie kit.

    For "games" the skirts were what we wore, but for PE we got off with wearing shorts. As long as they were tight lycra. *shudders*

    We also had to wear the white trainers - Dunlop green flash trainers, before they were in fashion! I was well shocked when they actually became fashionable because they'd been one of the most hated part of the school uniform!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    J wrote: »
    Whats the name of that nightclub where all the girls wear school uniform?

    From the sounds of it, the sexy school girl doesn't actually exist :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    DG wrote: »
    The news report is like 5 years old

    It is, add inflation then. £300 do you?
    I'd be struggling to get anywhere near £150 ...

    Well aren't you clever then?

    My school jumper was £30 for starters, and my PE jumper was another £30. The tie was £10, and all had to be branded with the school's crest. I went to an inner-city comp, albeit a Catholic one.

    I believe now that you can get sew-on patches (though when I was there you couldn't) but then everyone knows you're poor because the "official" jumpers have the crest emboidered into the jumper.

    But you obviously know more than NACAB, the Citizen's Advice Bureau and the Child Poverty Action Group, so I shall bow to your superior knowledge.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    School uniform is very expensive, especially if you have more than one child at that school. The year my brother started at secondary school, my mum had 3 children there and they changed the uniform from black trousers, white aertex top with logo and burgundy(lower school)/grey(upper school) jumpers to shirts, ties and blazers. So that cost her an absolute fortune! All the blazers had to be bought from the school because they wouldn't accept anything else and wouldn't provide a sew on patch, and then even if she bought shirts from Tesco or BHS or something the sheer number of them she had to buy made it really expensive, especially as my brother - being a boy and all - got through about twice as many as my sisters.

    Then, school shoes cost at least £30 a pair. Oh and they all needed football boots for winter PE and white trainers for indoor PE, plus winter coats.

    Blazer and shirt combo is horrible for the kids because they weren't allowed to wear a jumper between the two and they were always really cold. I'd hate to go to that school now, mean they do look smart but I'd have hated it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Life is better when you don't have to wear a uniform (aside from the uniform of non-offensive casual dress) :cool:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Christ, sounds like all of you had it really rough. Ours was pretty scruffy - I always fancied the look of a blazer when I watched Grange Hill.

    At mine, it was simply a navy sweatshirt with the school badge (which <i>always</i> faded after a few washes), light blue polo with badge, and black bottoms (trousers, plain skirt, whatever. In year 10 I rolled mine up everyday). I don't remember any funny rules about buttons, or the colour of socks.

    We could get away with pretty much anything else, except maybe trainers. Towards the end, I swapped my sweatshirt for a black v-neck, wore a heck of a lot of jewellery and make-up, and was using a handbag instead of a rucksack. I stopped bothering to wear black shoes and wore coloured pumps instead.

    There were rules, but only a few teachers really gave you gyp about them. I never pushed them enough to get punished badly, except maybe have some jewellery confiscated for a few days.
    Although we often looked sloppy, I think really fastidious rules on uniform would've just wasted our learning/pissing about in class time.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Life is better when you don't have to wear a uniform (aside from the uniform of non-offensive casual dress) :cool:

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My secondary school uniform wasnt that bad: White polo necks or school branded tops, school jumpers or plain black sweaters/cardigans. Black trouser/skirts and shoes. I wore trainers, jogging bottoms, branded stuff and got away with it most of the time. They didnt really have any jewellery rules apart from earing had to be taken out for P.E . and they wearnt keen on any non-ear peircings unless your where in the sixth form.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    My secondary school uniform wasnt that bad: White polo necks or school branded tops, school jumpers or plain black sweaters/cardigans. Black trouser/skirts and shoes.

    This sounds very much like my primary school uniform, apart from the fact that we had to wear a blue jumper/cardigan.
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