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I'm happy because I've finally left o2! :yippe: After all the chaos they've caused me I just have to write to them and tell them. So they can charge me for cancelling. But I DON'T CARE. Heehee.
EDIT: Also
- I've finally finished my goddamn course and am qualified
- I may have a new job
- I have new bargains from New Look
- I get to get totally plastered on Friday night.
- Ooh and I have money for once.
It's a good week.
You're not alone. My half hour dentist appointment "impacted on the business" today, so by the time I've had my hour long operation in a few weeks I don't know if they'll have any customers left by the sound of things :rolleyes:
On a happier note, I've had an hour long bitching session with my g/f/ex/special friend/partner in crime (I don't know what the script is justnow either) cause she was on a bummer, but bitching about weasel features (don't ask) seemed to perk her up a bit. Good stuff :thumb:
/grumpy bitch syndrome
love love love that song. Tis in mi car, in mi walkman, in mi head, comin' out mi mouth as I hum/sing/screach(however you'd describe it)
Ok, that cheered me up!
Also you on WoW yet? If so, what servers?
Larking about on Steamwheedle. I don't fully understand all this realm stuff but i've been asking around Northshire for bum love but no one wants to know.
I'm the mage with the nipple clamps +3, poppers of restoration and the come to bed eyes
People get annoyed when I try to sell boar tusks on the trade channel. Nubs.
Still no job, but everything else is good!
I'm even more happy because my tutors for next year have given me permission to take two modules that clash.
And I'm ecstatic that I received an email from the BBC saying I might have some of the experience needed to work for them as an interpreter/liaison for the Beijing Olympics!!
And yes Renzo, I did get lucky again
You get lucky, I get a broken jaw. Wheres the justice. :grump:
Sorry to hear about the jaw old chap. Chin up (no pun intended ), I'm sure there are lots of lovely ladies for you.
I have had three seperate women i know say they will do ANYTHING if I need it. Im yet to test this out...
Go for it. I'm sure they'd feel bad about hitting a guy with his jaws wired shut. Though it does mean you actually have to listen to them. Which normally sucks
Probably wouldnt give a second thought to a swift kick in the nuts though!
Sara, your cat is having kittens? I thought you only had kittens? Is it a teenage pregnancy?
Yes, she's a big rampant hussy.
Basically, they're 1 tomorrow. When we took them to the vet to get 'done', he did Ninja because he was big enough but Indy's pocket sized, so he said that he didn't want to do it until she put on some weight as the anaesthetic can be difficult to administer when they're that small or something. I took her home, didn't really think about it for a while... and then she came on heat, while i was out at work. I got back and she was behaving VERY oddly, so i shut her in the house (which neither cat was particularly impressed with; they kept on headbutting the catflap!). The next day, as we left for work, she shot out between my legs and ran off into the distance.
And now she's pregnant. Grr. But also awww, i like kittens!
I just bought humous last night. Roasted garlic. :hyper:
I am happy because I am now like KHSS
And how exciting about moving! That came so quickly.