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Stop the coming destruction and genocide of Iraq demonstrate on September 28th

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
If there is another attack Iraq it will destroy the entire country and cause mass genocide. The Iraqi people are already suffering greatly from the effects of sanctions and the last Gulf War which resulted in the deaths of 200,000 mostly Iraqi civilians and destroyed factories, schools and hospitals. It also left the country littered with unexploded cluster bombs which continuie to kill and maim. The use of depleted uranium shells then created cloudsof radioactive gaswhich results in radiation related illnesses such as cancers, birth defects and leaukemia. Water and sewage treatment plants were destroyed resulting in massive outbreaks of water borne diseases that could not be treated due to sanctions on medical equipment.

The people of Iraq are amongst the poorest in the world as a result and another war would cause totaldestruction of their country and mass genocide asthe whole country is run like a refugee camp with people living on rations, a war could cause a break downof the ration system and mass starvation.

This issue is above politics! It is about defending an entire people from a devastating attack which would be as big a disaster for them a several major earthquakes!

There will be a mass anti-war demonstration in London on September the 28th starting at 1pm at the Embankment. Everyone who lives within travelling distance of London should therefore make an effort to attend this march!



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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How the hell does something "cause" mass genocide?

    Steelgate, go away. People really aren't interested in your socialist bollocks. You have no concept of the arguments for war, and your arguments against are so flawed. You must realise that by now, they have been picked to pieces in Politics so many times.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    This isn't about socialism or politics! This is about defending an entire nation from an extremely brutal attack by the most powerful nations on earth!

    America is the most advanced military power in the world if it attacks Iraq the whole country will be destroyed! Make no doubt about! In the last Gulf War the Iraqi army didn't stand a chance and Iraq was totally devasted by tons and tons of so called smart bombs, cluster bombs, napalm, fuel air bombs and depleted uranium shells. Sanctions on Iraq have since killed one million people half of them children due to the outbreaks of waterborne diseases being unable to be treated! And sanctions have prevented the rebuilding of the country!

    This left the country is totall ruins and killed 200,000 mostly Iraqi civilians. If 200,000 dead is not mass genocide then what is? You don't need to be interested in politics or to be a pacifist to be against this war. All you need to is look at the facts to see that this war is wrong!

    It doesn't mean that you are political if you demonstrate against this war it just means that you care about the lives of people in one of the poorest countries in the world! What is political about that?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate
    This isn't about socialism or politics! This is about defending an entire nation from an extremely brutal attack by the most powerful nations on earth!

    America is the most advanced military power in the world if it attacks Iraq the whole country will be destroyed! Make no doubt about! In the last Gulf War the Iraqi army didn't stand a chance and Iraq was totally devasted by tons and tons of so called smart bombs, cluster bombs, napalm, fuel air bombs and depleted uranium shells. Sanctions on Iraq have since killed one million people half of them children due to the outbreaks of waterborne diseases being unable to be treated! And sanctions have prevented the rebuilding of the country!

    This left the country is totall ruins and killed 200,000 mostly Iraqi civilians. If 200,000 dead is not mass genocide then what is? You don't need to be interested in politics or to be a pacifist to be against this war. All you need to is look at the facts to see that this war is wrong!

    It doesn't mean that you are political if you demonstrate against this war it just means that you care about the lives of people in one of the poorest countries in the world! What is political about that?

    And if we don't make a regime change, it's gonna be us that's totally devastated. Did you not do history my dear Red? Or did you just read the Stalinist history books. Does appeasment have absolutely no meaning to you? War is not nice, but when you're dealing with a mad man, it's often necessary.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    And if we don't make a regime change, it's gonna be us that's totally devastated.
    So far Iraq has never threatened to attack the West! And is a war that will totally destroy an entire country going to help the situation you idiot! It might just provoke Iraq to attack the West in retaliation! And arguing that a war would help the Iraqi people is same argument supporters of the VietnamWar used when they said inorder to save Vietnam we had destroy Vietnam!

    By the way what is destroying Iraq the most is the effect of the sanctions which have prevented the rebuilding of the country and have led to over one million deaths of Iraqi people! And the effects of the last Gulf War which totally devasted the country in the first place!

    Saddam maybe a brutal dictator but so are many of America's allies in the middle east such as Suadia Arabia, Oman and Pakistan. When has America ever called for a regime change of these countries?

    Lets get this straight America isn't against Saddam because he is a brutal dictator but because he wont tow the line and do as America wants! Saddam used to be one of Americas allies in 1980s when he was fighting Iran, then they didn't complain about him being a brutal dictator then they armed Iraq to the teeth and gave Iraq the technology to produce chemical and biological weapons! Only when he stepped out of line and threatened American oil interests in 1990 by invading Kuwait did they then consider him an enemy!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Suggest no-one responds to this. The mods'll omve it to where it belongs...

    Steelgate knows that this shoud be posted in the Politics forum, in fact he already has posted it there.

    Naturally it has been met with derision.

    As are the rest of his ramblings...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    3 words for you Stealgate......ready?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Turtle and MoK, you may not agree with Steelgate's stance or his ability to argue, but he does state the truth about America's support of Saddam in the past.

    The rhetoric being employed by the US and British leadership is hypocrisy of the highest order. Steelgate makes a valid point that noone is planning to invade Saudi Arabia or Pakistan to oust those dictatorial regimes, which would be just as much a defence of those hallowed democratic and freedom-loving ideals that Bush and Blair like to drone on about.

    Any level headed individual has to admit that this is about stealing control of oil production pure and simple. Any other excuse is merely a pretext. Now, if we superpowers run roughshod over countries that have oil any time we so desire, how are we morally any better than Saddam when he invaded Kuwait?

    Frankly there is no easy solution to this mess, but more guns and bombs won't solve it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    Turtle and MoK, you may not agree with Steelgate's stance or his ability to argue

    I don't think I questioned it here, I actually only pointed out that he shouldn't have posted this argument in the "Anything Goes" forum. It has now been moved to Politics, where it should be. THat's all I was arguing for.
    he does state the truth about America's support of Saddam in the past.

    I don't remember ever suggesting that the US didn't support Saddam in the past. The "enemy of my enemy" argument.

    Doesn't mean we have to like what he does now...
    Steelgate makes a valid point that noone is planning to invade Saudi Arabia or Pakistan to oust those dictatorial regimes

    You know this?

    Might be worth pointing out that Pakistan was subject to sanctions from the US, until recently.
    Any level headed individual has to admit that this is about stealing control of oil production pure and simple

    Because the US doesn't have any oil reserves of its own :rolleyes:

    If this was truly the case, why not take over Saudi (which has the higest quantity of oil?
    Frankly there is no easy solution to this mess, but more guns and bombs won't solve it.

    You're right, there is no easy solution. And that's why after 11 years of diplomacy, military action is closer.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate
    So far Iraq has never threatened to attack the West!

    Want to bet?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoK, The truth about US oil interests runs deeper than a question of reserves. Of course the US has reserves, nowhere near enough to suit its consumption for any length of time mind you, but it has reserves.

    Nevertheless, successive US administrations have had this agenda in common wherever in the world they can call the shots with respect to oil production by hook or by crook. We dont need to Attack the Saudi's because they have been reigned in politically by the Western powers and are content with the arrangement since it is in the best economic interest of the Saudi leadership to adhere to the status quo. That doesnt mean that America isnt throwing its military might around elsewhere, where it can get away with it without starting WWIII (as re: Afghanistan/ Turkmenistan).

    I suspect, from watching these items in the news for a couple decades now, that the real intent is to take what we can at rock bottom prices from the arab world until either the wells run dry or something else prevents easy and cheap access to OPEC and mid-Asian oil, and then the US will turn on its Alaskan pipeline and be the big oil baron on the block selling crude back to the world at over-inflated monopolistic prices. This last point is my own pet theory however.

    It is just massively hypocritical for the US/UK administrations to spout about how nasty Saddam is now that he is no longer our trained dog, when he was just as dispicable and genocidal while we were arming him to the teeth. Since the media refuses to remind the average western citizen of this fact, it is no wonder the majority of Western citizens are so prepared to swallow, without question, whatever our leaders say we must do.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Steelgate knows that this shoud be posted in the Politics forum, in fact he already has posted it there.
    No this doesn't really belong in the politics forum as it is far more to do with what is right or wrong than politics. Politics doesn't really come into saving millions of people from a terrible war that will destroy an entire country and possibly kill vast amounts of innocent people.

    What is really at issue here is whether or not it is right to use such extreme force to remove a brutal dictator who could be a threat to peace in the region.

    If we look at the records of other countries in the Middle East like Israel which has been a threat to its neighbours and has weapons of mass destruction there has never been a threat to Israel to force it to comply with UN resolutions of face war!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Steelgate, that is because Israel has the best PR and lobbying in the US that money can buy. Maybe Saddam should spend his money to coddle Bush like the Israelis do instead of shaking his fist at the west.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Israel also happens to be the biggest reciever of American aid and American military hardware. America uses Israel to keep the neighbouring arab states down, thats why it supports Israel so much as well as the fact that there is such a strong Jewish lobby in America.

    Another reciever of massive amounts of American military hardware is Turkey which has brutally oppressed its Kurdish minority since 1984 forcing millions of them to flee as refugees and destoryed thousands of Kurdish villages. Turkey claims that this is in response to terrorism by the PKK the Kurdish guerrilla movement which is demanding a Kurdish homeland. America not only ignored atrocities in Kurdistan by Turkey it continued to sell the country massive amounts of arms. Strangley though when Milosevic tried to do the same to suppress the KLA the Kosovo Albanian Indepence guerrilla movement, America and other NATO countries responded by mass bombing of Serbia.

    The hypocracy of American foreign policy is staggering!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate
    No this doesn't really belong in the politics forum as it is far more to do with what is right or wrong than politics.

    Truly you are a moron. Warfare is the ultimate political act.
    If we look at the records of other countries in the Middle East like Israel which has been a threat to its neighbours and has weapons of mass destruction there has never been a threat to Israel to force it to comply with UN resolutions of face war!

    When has Israel ever threatened it's neighbours?

    Typical of the "let's support the terrorists" attitude of you, that you cannot see that Israel has always been the nation threatened.

    But hey, why let truth get in the way of your "Support the freedom fighters" bullshit.

    I would lay money on you finding support for every single terrorist organisation.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Man Of Kent

    When has Israel ever threatened it's neighbours?

    Try reading a history book.

    During the Suez crisis and incident, Israel, acting as the aggressor, invaded an seized a large portion of Egypt. If that isn't a threat, I'm not sure what is.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Truly you are a moron. Warfare is the ultimate political act.
    No you are a moron, warfare is mass murder!!!Just like terrorism is mass murder! The only difference is the war is mass murder and terrorism by a national army instead of by individuals. Terrorism and war are both the same thing they are about killing, maiming and murdering people! That is not political that is criminal murder!!!!:mad:
    When has Israel ever threatened it's neighbours?
    Typical of the "let's support the terrorists" attitude of you, that you cannot see that Israel has always been the nation threatened
    What about the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebonan in which tens of thousands of people were killed by aggresion by Israel! What about Israelis massacres of the Palestinian people like Deir Yessen when 250 men women and children were brutally butchered! Also in 1946 Zionist terrorist group Irgun demanding a Jewish state in Palestine bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem killing 91 people, they also bombed British army barracks. During the six day war in 1967 Israel also bombed an American war ship killing hundreds of sailors! Israel was also originally offered 58 percent of the land in Palestine by the UN in 1947 but went on to seize 78 per cent of the land and since 1967 has been illegally occupying the West Bank and Gaza Strip and is in breach of 31 UN resolutions!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate
    No you are a moron, warfare is mass murder!!!

    You really should get out more you know.

    What prompts this "mass murder"?

    Couldn't be politics, could it?
    The only difference is the war is mass murder and terrorism by a national army instead of by individuals.


    I would suggest that you should stick to topic about which you know anything, but if I did we wouldn't see you at all.

    Terrorist use innocent people as their prime target. THey aren't interested in going after the well armed well trained soldiers because they know they would get killed.
    What about the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebonan in which tens of thousands of people were killed by aggresion by Israel!

    Yes, indeed there was no provocation at all was there?

    Its not as if Lebanon was being used by the PLO as a staging post for armed incursions into Israel or anything :rolleyes:

    Next you'll suggest that the six-day war was an Israeli act of agression too.
    Also in 1946

    Check your history book. When did the state of Israel come into being?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thank you, MoK, for deciding to take the easy stance of attacking Steelgate's arguments, conveniently allowing you to ignore others.

    Do you believe that Israel threatened its neighbours or not when it launched a pre-meditated and unprovoked invasion of Egypt during the Suez crisis?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Vox populi, vox Dei
    Thank you, MoK, for deciding to take the easy stance of attacking Steelgate's arguments, conveniently allowing you to ignore others.

    Do you believe that Israel threatened its neighbours or not when it launched a pre-meditated and unprovoked invasion of Egypt during the Suez crisis?

    Apologies, not my usual style...

    Israel, as allies of the UK and France unilaterally invaded Egypt to secure the Suez Canal, that I don't deny.

    Prompted by...?

    Its also worth looking at the strategy here, did they threaten "Egypt" or was the target purely to maintain access to Suez? I think that inpite of their action, they had no problem with Egypt's right to exist. Something you couldn't say about their neighbours attitude towards them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    The Anglo-French invasion was prompted by Nasser's decision to nationalise the Suez Canal Company (which had previously been owned by both the governments of, and private interests within, Britain and France) in response to the US' decision to suspend their aid to Egypt. Nasser had intended to use the aid to build a dam on the Nile, allowing regulated flow and the provision of water for increased farming. When the US withdrew the aid, he nationalised the company in order to raise profits to build the dam himself.

    The British and French concocted a deal with Israel in which Israel would launch an attack on Egypt, sweeping swiftly across relatively poorly defended Eastern Egypt. The British and French would then land troops in the Canal zone, ostensibly as "peace-keepers" to protect the canal zone.

    They went ahead with the plan, and the action was immediately condemned by both the US and the USSR; an extreme rarity in the climate of the Cold War. America began a run on sterling, and the British were forced to withdraw to prevent economic catastrophe. The Israelis, however, held on to many of their territory acquisitions.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Next you'll suggest that the six-day war was an Israeli act of agression too.
    Actually it was Israel attacked first calling it's attack a prementive strike! Israel then illegally occupied the Egyptian Sinia Peninsuala for several yaers!

    By the way there is no difference between war and terrorism! In the recent so called "War On Terrorism" American and British forces had killed over 7,000 Afghan civilians by December and pounded the country with massive daisy cutter bombs which are the most powerful non nuclear bombs and thousands and thousands of cluster bombs many which failed to go off and have injured thousands of innocent civilians! Before the bombing even started one million Afghan civilians also fled their homes and went to live in squalid refugee camps on the Pakistan border when it was anounced that Afghanistan was to be bombed!

    Thousands of Afghan homes were also destroyed in the massive bombing raids over Afghanistan and the country has been left in chaos fought over by rival warlords!

    In the last Gulf War 200,000 mostly Iraqi civilians were also killed that is terrorism by anyones standards!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If there is no difference between terrorism and war, Steely, then there is no difference between war and terrorism... the relation is commutative. That being the case, one cannot object to a warlike response to acts such as the September 11 attacks, with all that that entails. If you were a military pragmatist you would deploy the best weapons for the job -- busting caves, or whatever -- regardless of how it might offend the sensibilities of certain bleeding hearts.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate
    Actually it was Israel attacked first calling it's attack a prementive strike! Israel then illegally occupied the Egyptian Sinia Peninsuala for several yaers!

    Occupying land conquered during war is not generally illegal. Or maybe you think the US/UK/French and Soviet occupation of Germany was illegal too?

    Ever been to the Sinai? Only the Negev is more desolate and unwanted.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by MacKenZie
    If there is no difference between terrorism and war, Steely, then there is no difference between war and terrorism... the relation is commutative. That being the case, one cannot object to a warlike response to acts such as the September 11 attacks, with all that that entails.
    The Afghan people though did not attack the World Trade centre and Pentagon on September 11th though yet they were the ones who suffered from the revenge bombing in massivre amounts of cluster bombs, fuel air bombs and so called smart bombs were used to devastate wide areas of Afghanistan! This resulting in the killing of at least 7,000 Afghan civilians by December 2001 and in destruction of large numbers of Afghan peoples homes and in the fleeing of one million Afghan civilians to escape the bombing who fled to refugee camps onthe Pakistani border!

    It has also left Afghanistan in chaos fought over by rival warlords and the Afghan people still ruled by Isalmic fundamentalists.

    Large numbers of unexploded cluster bombs have also killed, maimed and injured large numbers of Afghan civilians.

    The response to the September 11th attacks was therefore an even greater act of terrorism than the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.

    If Amercia, Britain and other western countries didn't have such bad foriegn policies then they would never have become targets for terrorism in the first place as terrorism is always a response to oppression. For example in 1969 in Northern Ireland the IRA hardly existed and the Catholics there used to write graffitti saying IRA = I Ran Away at the IRAs refusal to protect Catholics from sectarian loyalist attacks. The IRA though grew massively after events like bloody Sunday and after loyalists attacks increased such as the Shankill Butchers brutal killing of Catholics who were kidnapped off the streets then tortured to death. Wherever there is oppression terrorism will grow as a response!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by stee1gate

    If Amercia, Britain and other western countries didn't have such bad foriegn policies then they would never have become targets for terrorism in the first place as terrorism is always a response to oppression.

    Sheer, unadulterated Bullshit. The Soviets and the Chinese were/are far more oppressive than any western country and neither have anything resembling a "good" foreign policy, yet neither of them had/have much problem with terrorism. Your logic (in this case, lack of it) is rather flawed. Please, get a psychiatric evaluation.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Actually I submit that it is your logic that is flawed Greenhat. You are comparing apples and oranges by citing ex. Soviet Union/China as comparable with Western economic hegemony and in many parts of the world outright banditry.

    The Soviets and Chinese, whilst practicing support for insurgencies throughout the world or by undertaking direct military expansionism were/are largely insular societies. The dual factors of Western foreign political manipulation and uncontrolled/unregulated business hegemony of foreign resources puts us well ahead in culpability for the conditions of destitution that are the breeding ground of terrorist recruitment.

    Given its move toward Western market driven economics, Russia may yet experience what the West has if it does not learn from our global mismanagement and regulate its economic interests accordingly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You need to do a bit better research...

    Try learning a little bit about Vietnam from 1970-1990
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Greenhat, you consistently base your rebuttals on singular exceptions. I would expect someoone who represents himself to be the fount of all knowledge and insight to do better than that.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Originally posted by Clandestine
    Greenhat, you consistently base your rebuttals on singular exceptions. I would expect someoone who represents himself to be the fount of all knowledge and insight to do better than that.

    Single examples are sufficient to illustrate your incompetence. There are always more, but it really isn't worth the effort when one is enough. ;)
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