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Do you see vaping as a problem? Why/why not?

Nobody in my social circle vapes but I get the sense it's super common, especially at schools and unis, which I find really interesting. I'm curious what y'all think even if you yourself don't vape.
Do you see it as an issue?
Do you see it as an issue?
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I hear that too @IainJammyboy about vaping inside, I suppose it's still something you're having to breathe in at the end of the day even if it's not something harmful to you. Are there a lot of people at your school who vape indoors? Do your teachers mind?
Quite recently when travelling to and from college I have noticed a lot more students vaping in and around the bus shelters and even on the bus. They also tend to breathe the vapour directly at people too sometimes so you have to breathe it in. It happens to be more in colleges a lot especially in groups. I tend to see groups of students vaping and in a way it seems like it is becoming a social activity for some students to do. My only issue is that if it is a social activity, does it also become a way of peer pressuring someone who doesn't vape into doing it with their friends?. I can see it becoming a peer pressure thing similar to smoking.
Overall, I don't have an issue with people who vape as there is always a reason why they chose to vape in the first place whether that being that they chose to themselves or not. However, I personally feel that smoking and vaping kind of belong in the same category as they both have disadvantages including health disadvantages as well. I know that with some vape juice they do put random chemicals in them alongside high grams of sugar which means that technically you could be breathing dangerous chemicals that you may not be aware of. Also, the sugar can have an affect on your teeth too. Personally though, I don't really have an issue with it though.
But then I've realised that younger people, some of whom have never smoked before, have taken up vaping. I can see the appeal- they do smell really nice, are colourful and look cool, and I can see why young people might want to vape, especially if their friends are doing it or because it's the in thing to do.
Buuuut....because vaping is new, there isn't much research available about any long term effects. And more recently, while watching the news (article: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-65614078 ), it was found that in some vapes (illegal ones...but would you know if they were illegal or not?) there were high levels of lead, nickel and chromium. Lead in particular is known to cause problems with brain functioning.
I can understand the logic behind cutting down on cigarettes/tobacco products and switching to vaping to help reach that goal but I do find it a bit concerning that many people are vaping, even if they have never smoked before and we don't know much about any risks to health.
However at the end of the day everyone has there reasons for vaping/not vaping so I'm not going to judge them for what they do
✅ Vaping instead of smoking
❌ Vaping when you've never smoked
And you guys are conscious of the potential unstudied health effects too, which is fair.
I have to admit, the only vapers I know are my mum and my auntie who are both ex-smokers. So there are probably things I don't understand about it too.
This might be a silly thing to suggest, but do you guys think it's possible that people vape as a way to fidget or stim? I say this as someone who has a lot of fidget toys and needs that constant stimulation, and I can imagine vaping becoming an addictive habit for that reason too.
I know stimming is being talked about a bit more now, I imagine partly because people are more aware of autism and ADHD, and I wonder if that all ties in somehow. I might just be joining dots that aren't there but it did get me thinking about whether they're linked.
@Mike that is a very interesting point to make actually as I never thought as vaping being used as a form of stimming or fidget. Morover for people who identify as neurodivergent as it can help with daily stress or sensory needs. I know that most people vape to escape reality as well as something they can do to clear their minds. It reminds of something similar where there was a recent rise of CBD oil users due to studies that CBD helped to calm anxiety and particular conditions such as ADHD and autism. CBD oil was something I did look into once when I struggling a lot with my anxiety as an alternative form of medication. However, I went for medication as I felt that I didn't know what the long terms effects of taking CBD oil would be. Therefore I guess I played it safe maybe. I have thought of vaping once but I always been very unsure of how it could affect me or my health as I know some of the chemicals in vapes can be dangerous to inhale if consumed for a long period of time.
But I did start as an adult and when I had previously smoked, so I can’t judge other adults for what they do. I also use refillable vapes which I don’t feel are as much of an issue as those little disposable vapes you get in corner shops, at least you have more choice and awareness over what you’re putting in them.
I hate the fact they sell them to kids and I personally wouldn’t buy one for someone under 18 ever. If they can be so strict on alcohol (and heck, even paracetamol) with IDing they can do it with vapes too and I don’t understand why it’s seen as different than smoking/drinking and ok for kids to do. My parents weren’t happy when they found I vaped but as I was an adult they couldn’t do anything, had I been a kid I would hope they would do something.
They are very addictive and i do find myself using mine as a fidget when there’s nothing to do with my hands. It’s like how I bite my nails too I need to have something in my hands if that makes sense?
For a while, I think, I was very in denial about the strong impact the nicotine in vaping was having on me. Thinking 'hey it's just for fun when I go out with friends' but it did very quickly turn into something I relied on. I sometimes feel very gutted about this, because not only do I feel like I'm wasting my money, lol, but also that there are health consequences I do not want to be unnecessarily worrying about!
Given all of these self-reflections, I have begun a process of stopping vaping. I tried to just stop abruptly 'cold-turkey' if you will, but this was very ineffective for me. Instead, I have started by not bringing one to work, so no vaping during 9-6 hours and my next step will be not to vape at all in the morning before work / before 10am on weekends. We shall see how this progresses and I am trying not to let any missteps get me down. It can take time to stop a habit, even of only a year or so. I am looking forward to having stronger lungs though haha xx
Well... I've seen a lot of people vape a lot. And TBH, I don't have anything against them.
But I don't vape myself, even if it looks cool. I won't even try. *steps away*
full grown adults on the other hand can make their own decisions, i do not care about that . but the way it is marketed, i dont know.... a little insidious . it shouldnt be advertised as anything other than a tool to help someone quit smoking . but then, all marketing is the devil . rule of thumb, block your ears and scream really loud when you are shown any commercials, and dont sell babies nicotine for breakfast