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6th form

PetiteQuarkPetiteQuark Posts: 47 Boards Initiate
edited March 27 in Work & Study
So ive been to 6th form induction last week and it was actually very fun!
I chose a level physics, chemistry and maths (not sure if i should do core maths, or further maths) im thinking of doing french but i wasn't too sure so i didn't do it (yet, maybe in November i could change my options)
Like for chemistry we did a quiz on equipment (like burettes etc) and we did the elephant's toothpaste experiment (it was cool but messy) i was very, very excited for physics because i love particle physics and astrophysics! And we actually did do alot on that (and electromagnetism) for maths i actually couldn't believe i understood everything because i did foundation maths

So anyways ive actually been a bit worried if i'll ever actually get to go to 6th form and do all this. Although i did triple science (higher tier) i had to do foundation maths :(
I moved alot during year 10-11 and for year 11 school i moved to allowed me to do triple science (ive been doing combined science higher tier since year 9) but i still had to do foundation maths, and to be honest it wasn't that bad i mean i really liked physics... I feel like out of all my gcse subjects i think physics is the only one i will actually get really good grades on.
I'm very nervous about my results, i know that either way id have to retake gcse maths (maybe chemistry too since the gcse exam on chemistry was basically just maths) but im worried if they'll even let me do alevels at all even if i retake maths in november! (that's the earliest date i could retake my gcses!)
i asked one of the teachers at the sixth form i wanted to go to and he said he is not too sure but maybe i could still do physics alevel still but he wasn't sure about maths (since i wanted to do physics, i have to do maths a level aswell :/)
My mum also wants to move (again) to...lets just say the place she wants to move to is very expensive and if she wants to move there, then she and my siblings and I would have to be in a very small place and that would be hard since my siblings are wild and they're very noisy late at night, so I would most likely have to live in my dad's house.

If i go to my dad's house then it would be very different, and there is a 6th form near his house but the problem is, the grade boundaries there are ridiculously high! (I mean grades 8/9 in physics AND maths!) And not only that i would have to wear a school uniform... There was also another 6th form near his house but they said my 'gcse score' for my mock results wasn't high enough (they wanted 50 and i got a little bit below that) which was weird since all other 6th forms i applied to accepted me (well, they were all conditional offers...)
So im very worried about my results and even though i don't have alot of money im still trying to find a job so i could save money to even afford to retake my gcses or maybe convince my parents but idk. Right now my dad wants me to work at maccies for the summer but im not sure since i still have ALOT of anxiety, and i have not actually recieved any help, other than exposure 'therapy' which made it worse (it wasn't actually therapy it was actually just my parents telling me off for things like not walking 'properly' and making me do stuff like going to the shops by all myself)

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    PetiteQuarkPetiteQuark Posts: 47 Boards Initiate
    Sorry if there were mistakes my phone randomly started to glitch when i was typing.
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    ebyrne556ebyrne556 Moderator Posts: 870 Part of The Mix Family
    Heya @PetiteQuark Hope your doing ok and sorry their hasnt been any responses to this! How are you feeling about 6th form now? Firstly its really great to hear that you enjoyed your expereince at the open day and are thinking about what subjects you might want to take! Your entirely right your able to change your subjects i think its up until the end of the first term so if you dont like them you can always change your right
    I can also understand how you might be worried about results and not getting into 6th form.Have you planned anything around results day to try and take your mind of things? Ill be thinking of you ardunt results day and hopefully they go ok but if not you have tried your best and its a really hard thing to even get through exams so you should be really proud of yourself.I think defiently having a backup plan might be a good idea and mabye making a postives/negatives list for both 6th forms.I always find writing it out helps me to get a clearer picture and sort of oragnise my thoughts

    Im also hearing how you are worried about expereincng anxiety when working at mcdonalds and that exposure therapy hasnt been the best expereince for you.Have you found anything that helps with your anxiety? Take care and we are here for you if you want to chat a bit more
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    PetiteQuarkPetiteQuark Posts: 47 Boards Initiate
    ebyrne556 wrote: »
    Heya @PetiteQuark Hope your doing ok and sorry their hasnt been any responses to this! How are you feeling about 6th form now? Firstly its really great to hear that you enjoyed your expereince at the open day and are thinking about what subjects you might want to take! Your entirely right your able to change your subjects i think its up until the end of the first term so if you dont like them you can always change your right
    I can also understand how you might be worried about results and not getting into 6th form.Have you planned anything around results day to try and take your mind of things? Ill be thinking of you ardunt results day and hopefully they go ok but if not you have tried your best and its a really hard thing to even get through exams so you should be really proud of yourself.I think defiently having a backup plan might be a good idea and mabye making a postives/negatives list for both 6th forms.I always find writing it out helps me to get a clearer picture and sort of oragnise my thoughts

    Im also hearing how you are worried about expereincng anxiety when working at mcdonalds and that exposure therapy hasnt been the best expereince for you.Have you found anything that helps with your anxiety? Take care and we are here for you if you want to chat a bit more

    thank you so much! i haven't found a job yet it's just that my parents want me to work for the summer (like they want me to work anywhere even mcdonalds) but although i would like to work, i dont think i can because of my anxiety. Im not too sure what to do with my anxiety since exposure therapy did not help at all, in fact it made it worse, even though i have done it for so long it just made it worse. but anyways ive applied to so many places but still, no job offers! Am I really that bad that no one wants to hire me?

    im still a bit worried about results day, my parents want me to do alevels, and i myself want to do alevels (i want to do atleast an alevel in physics) since i really wanted to become a physicist or well, do something with high energy physics/astrophysics since I was in primary school (and i still do, but im feeling extremely demotivated and feel like giving up) my parents think that btecs/vocational qualifications are for those who fail their gcses and even ive heard on the news that they might scrap btecs because some dumb politicians think btecs don't deserve funding and people who do alevels deserve funding, like everywhere there's also this stigma with btecs, i don't agree with this stigma, but that's what society would think of me if I have no choice but to do vocational qualifications. i'm terrified for results day, since i did foundation maths either way i would have to retake if i pass or not since alevel physics requires a grade 6 and i cant get that since im in foundation :( i still can't believe how the 6th form near my dad's house requires a .. 9 in physics and maths, im pretty sure 9s are very hard to get, but i'll probably have to move to my dad's house because my mum has her stupid drama and wants to move yet again to idk where because sometimes she wants to move to another country.

    ive heard that there are fewer girls doing physics, and science alevels but i don't believe it's because most girls don't want to do physics/STEM- most of us do! The school i went to for year 11 was an all girls school,( and i felt much more happier and calmer there),most of the people in my class actually wanted to do things like biology, chemistry or physics, but it's also the crazy high entry requirements to do alevels in these subjects, the pressure of gcses and the scaremongering from teachers, like once i had an assembly on how we must go to the exams no matter what! Even if you are feeling very ill, you must go unless you have a doctors note and good luck with getting a note because that would also be very hard to get, and even the slightest smudge of ink on your hands would get you disqualified,how these results would dictate your life and you'll get asked about your gcse results even 20/30 years after doing them etc etc, I know im certaintly not alone in this, im pretty sure there are many people who feel worried about their gcse results especially from the pressure from exams in general and the scaremongering from gcses, and the constant invalidation that people around my age face (that we are 'too young' to be upset, anxious, stressed etc)

    but anyways im considering on just giving up on my hopes for physics, I dont even have alot of money and probably never will have enough money even when I grow older, so it will cost too much for me to retake my gcses and doing alevels at a later age, even when if i start at 17 since i'd be finishing at 19 and i'd have to pay for everything, i feel way too tired after gcses, waking up very early in the morning to revise since my feral siblings scream all night, sitting in a hall in intense silence for almost 2 hours worried about whatever im writing is right or wrong and what my results would be and how furious my parents would be at me if i fail.

    it's just depressing on how much pressure we face even when we are still very young, the pressure from gcses at 16, and even sats in year 6, i remember crying when i was in year 6 seeing my sats results, and that's not right.

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    Amy22Amy22 Posts: 4,112 Community Veteran
    @PetiteQuark I totally feel you there with the whole year 11 and exam pressure thing. It can be so draining to have all that pressure especially at a young age. It sounds like you are anxious about results day and I know how that feels too (I remember doing my gcse's and feeling the same too). I may not be the best at giving advice but at the end of the day it is totally understandable to feel nervous and anxious about your results as it shows that you really care about what you do. Also, at the end of the day the main thing is that you tried your best, you may not have had the best grade or result but the truth is grades do not define our success or our chances of success in the future. You can still be amazing even without the best grades. I always felt like there was a pressure for everyone to do well, my school was like it too but I wish schools realised that grades really are just numbers on paper and don't determine a student's success.

    The government trying to scrap BTEC's honestly don't know what they are doing as BTEC's are important to many students. I know there was talks of scrapping separate sciences which is wrong as what about the students who want to study a particular science and you do kind of need to separate science alongside double award science. I totally feel you there on that situation as I feel like student's are being wronged again and there should be more things in place for students who want to do those sciences.

    I also noticed that you mentioned about struggling with motivation as well. Being motivated can be very tricky at times and trying to get back into the swing of things can be a challenging to do. Maybe writing down some small goals could help bring back some motivation. I know sometimes setting even small goals that are realistic and achievable can help a bit. I also hear that you want to study physics and I think this is very brilliant to do and I'd say keep trying even if you feel like it's your best, just keep trying. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment which has been causing you to feel anxious.

    I'm always here if you ever need advice or someone to talk to, hope you are okay

    Sending a big hug,

    Amyy22 <3
    Just a person who likes pop culture and films
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