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Do you think companies and corporations are 'right' to display LGBT+ flags during pride month?

AislingDMAislingDM Inactive Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
(e.g., banks, food companies, clothes companies, anything like that)
I'd love to hear people's perspectives on this one, basically I am wondering if you think doing this is useful/good? So, please do explain your answer if you feel comfy to <3 (also pls use respectful language, I am just interested in hearing why people might agree/disagree).
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Do you think companies and corporations are 'right' to display LGBT+ flags during pride month? 13 votes

SkiveAzzimanFormer MemberFormer MemberPast User 5 votes
Former Member 1 vote
Former MemberFormer MemberlovemimoonFormer Member 4 votes
Not Sure
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Past UserFormer Member 2 votes


  • lovemimoonlovemimoon Posts: 2,318 Boards Champion
    I'm conflicted in this one - On one hand, it's good because it shows massive support towards the LGBTQ+ community but sometimes, I feel like it's not enough. Depending on the company, I feel like they have the resources to do more than just stick the Pride flag on their logo. Maybe promote facts, ways we, the consumer can contribute to the LGBTQ+ community - maybe their sales gets donated to a charity, or run a campaign! Depending on the company, I feel like they have the resources to do more than just stick the Pride flag on their logo.
    Also! It's good that corporations are displaying the LGBTQ+ flag but I feel like we can do better and support LGBTQ+ businesses.

    On the other hand, sometimes, I feel like they can pander to the audience. Especially corporations that have history of homophobia.

    It's not a bad thing but be cautious of who you support.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Ex-Teenage Dirtbag Posts: 804 Part of The Mix Family
    I don't think its really enough on its own, like if a company uses a pride flag in their logo it doesn't mean anything if the actual company/people in charge don't respect lgbt people and protect their rights.

    Also, companies are often selective of where they use pride flags in their logos. It's very common to see some European and North American branches of companies use pride colours but then if you look at branches where anti lgbt attitudes are more common, like Russia, they don't. Again, I feel like changing a companies logo for a while is just symbolic, but it's a good thing to show support.

    You could apply the attitude that doing this is a business move, and they're protecting their sales where showing support for the lgbt community might hurt them, but I disagree. Respecting human rights and showing support shouldn't be a "business move" and it shouldn't vary based on how a company thinks their consumers may respond. Companies are only as moral as the bottom line and by choosing not to show support where this may be more controversial, companies are showing that they don't care about support at all, just sales.

    Basically, I think it's its a good thing to do, but only if these companies are going to actually show support everywhere, even where it might get them in bother.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 29 Boards Initiate
    I agree with both @Apollo and @lovemimoon have said above! I think pride month is definitely something to be celebrated and cherished, and the fact that companies/brands get involved to support the meaning is great. However, it's often just done for "show" instead of actually supporting the lgbtq+ community.
    Putting a pride flag on your logo and merchandise kinda comes off as a cash grab, especially if the company does nothing else e.g. raise awareness of lgbtq+ discrimination, donate proceeds to lgbtq+ charities, make better efforts/introduce guidelines to their companies so that lgbtq+ employees feel safe and respected, make sure that their employees are diverse etc.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Moderator Posts: 991 Part of The Mix Family
    It's interesting that I see this thread today because I also came across this video a little while ago that's talking about the same sort of thing.

    I think it's really important to hold companies accountable when they support anti-LGBT organisations or politicians, even moreso when they display LGBT flags during pride.
  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 281 The Mix Regular
    I can't say there is a right or wrong. Though it does seem like pride is increasingly becoming business like and for money, it seems like individuals can't even get a place on the pride whereas big companies can. It also feels like the original rainbow pride flag and the definition of what pride is has become confusing and dilluted.

    I mean they are profiting off it even if some of that is donations and that or its more or only for the publicity. Plus you wouldnt like see these same companies displaying the flag in certain places like the middle east, and the same companies may even do some very bad things with sweatshops or even involve slave labour. It can often be an excuse to hide unethical things. Like sure we need to hold them accountable (also with the environment) but it feels like only a fragment of what they are doing.

    But I am glad still there is open support for it to make individuals feel comfortable, so that is positive to see it everywhere. Though I think the overall aim is to normalise these things and not to use it as an excuse to sell pride merch. There is still work to be done.
    Of those who don't feel suppportive or even neutral maybe it can convince them and it a good way to start a conversation, but then even without all the big companies I think there would be pride.

    Still I don't think people should be forced to wear pride flags if they dont want to like in companies and that it just breeds resentment, I have seen people turn to religious extremism because of that.
  • AislingDMAislingDM Inactive Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
    Thanks so very much for responding everyone!! I am so grateful for your insight and I can defo agree with a lot of the points being made, particularly the points about selective display of flags and companies actually donating to anti-LGBT+ groups, orgs and politicians whilst still flying the flag. It all feels a bit ironic tbh! I also reckon the more I am learning about capitalism and the harms of it, I am able to clearly see how cash-grabby all this pinkwashing is, especially when actual employees for a lot of these companies are being greatly harmed by poor working conditions and inadequate pay. (similar but not the same, like how PayPal has lots of Pride flags everywhere but won't let us GNC and trans folks change birth names on platforms). In a more superficial sense, I think I do feel secretly (and guiltily lol) happy about the representation that these companies can provide, because I don't know how much easier life could have been growing up had I seen this stuff all over TV reminding me that it is ok to be gay lmao. Overall it's a really nuanced convo, and I am really glad to hear everyone's perspectives. <3
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Inactive Posts: 23 Boards Initiate
    'Pride month' should not be celebrated by corporations whose purpose is first and foremost to deliver a product or service (not deliver opinions on social issues) until they're willing to dedicate a month to commemorate members of our armed forces and people who actually do commendable things.

    Merely existing is not worthy of praise; praise is something that should be earned. Pride for no reason, if pride can even be considered virtuous, is not a healthy state of affairs to be in.
  • Past UserPast User Posts: 0 Just got here
    I think it's great to support pride. I don't think it's great to cynically use and diminish these causes in order to sell products and gain moral brownie points. If you genuinely support something and are committed to making a difference, then go for it. But a lot of companies claim to support pride while addressing potential consumers in the Western world, where LGBTQ+ rights are more widely accepted, while in places like China and the Middle East they actively and conveniently hide all mention of pride. They could try to be the difference makers in those places, but they won't, because it loses them money. Not all mind you, but most. It's cynical and played out and tiresome, and I'm kind of sick of seeing it. I'd like to see some genuine support for these good causes for once.
  • AzzimanAzziman Moderator, Community Champion Posts: 2,203 Boards Champion
    They're welcome to if they want to :)
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  • AislingDMAislingDM Inactive Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
    Thank you both for your insight!!! I can definitely see the rationale behind people's answers. I think it's wonderful that everyone is so open to expressing their feelings towards companies and organisations who do this :)
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    I think in some cases, it is good and shows solidarity with the community. It is nice to know that even though your family may not accept you, a big, multinational corporation will. I mean, that corporation must truly care, if they have the pride flag on social media. Corporations need to understand that 1. this isn't a trend or something only done for pride month and 2. it is better to support lgbtq+ charities instead of changing your profile picture once a year.
  • AislingDMAislingDM Inactive Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
    I really love your answer @maryam852 ! You've perfectly explained how it can be helpful to feel seen and heard, but also frustrating when this feels like virtue signalling! I think something that I always try to remember in these kinds of convos is, even if no structural changes are actually being made - which is simply rubbish, at least kids feel like they can be proud of themselves? <3
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  • Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 187 Helping Hand
    @AislingDM I agree! The impact on young people is the most important thing to consider.
  • AislingDMAislingDM Inactive Posts: 1,666 Extreme Poster
    So very true !! They’re the most vulnerable to the impact of the world so hopefully we can try to make it a better place for them <3
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