I need a rant about home stuff 😢

I apologise in advance because this really is just a big rant.
So, I turn inwards and the progress on self harm Ive made has been wrecked. I havent even gone a day without cutting for a few weeks Its not her fault, but, what has she driven me to. Feeling so worthless that is my only option? Feeling so desperate and helpless and barely getting a few lucid points in the day where I am not plagued by voices or urges or fear. I prefer not being lucid right now. Its easier than feeling things. Thats how bad it is.
I’ve let her down. I love her anyway. its pathetic almost. Im like a puppy that cant get the message- it gets hurt over and over and over, yet still crawls back hopeful. Still gives love. Because my love is *unconditional*. Thats how family should be, right? Love shouldnt rely on a weight or an image or an action. Ive not *done* anything. Im vulnerable, so I let her hurt me again?
I’m struggling and trapped and scared. Please? Hug? Anything? Because now I’m just plagued by voices and everything and it’s bad bad bad and I’m crying and I can’t face dinner and I can’t be honest with the chaplain tomorrow because what if I am just too much?
Sorry- thanks for reading though 💜
Aj xxx
Take care
Thanks for your reply
The chaplain has been very helpful in terms of getting things off my chest. Unfortunately no one really knows what to do; lots of people are suggesting I just move out and live elsewhere, but that’s not really an option because of finances. I’m due to talk to her today and hoping to say more about what’s going on, but it’s really tough because I don’t want to worry her.
We are in such uncertain times and I think we all wish things were very different to how they are.
I'm sorry to hear that the progress you had made with self harm has disappeared but its encouraging to hear that you were making progress
What do you study at university, and have your uni been in contact to say about virtual lectures or virtual seminars? If your studies continue then that will hopefully provide more structure and order to your days.
Have you been mapping out daily schedules atm? Even just applying a small framework of control to the day can help our minds be at ease with the wider uncertainty
People on here care about you so keep posting and keep trusting 🙏
It doesn’t really feel like any progress any more- I’ve been self harming for almost 6 years and it’s only got worse and the tiniest thing at home triggers me and I just feel ashamed.
How's the last week been?
So cool you study Classics! I studied Literature at uni so we read the main ones like Virgil, Homer, Ovid, Aristotle, Plato, Sophocles. I read Marcus Aurelius' Meditations recently which I really enjoyed. Have you read that?
The 1 on 1 tutorials should surely be able to continue virtually and that social interaction will be really stimulating. So sounds like it's the geographical place of uni, and the independence and liberty that brings. What do you mean when you said they're not listening? Would they be able to house you given your context?
Take care and stay safe ✌️
Not been the easiest- home been especially tricky and I have been rather (mentally unwell) Starting to feel a bit more uneasy here tbh.
Ooh cool! Yes, I've read the Meditations- they are really good. You might like Seneca's On the Brevity of Life (I've just done a translation of that this afternoon)
Yep- tutes start from next week and we have had our initial tutor meetings too.
I'm at a collegiate uni so the college isn't listening to what the uni is saying! The uni are pledging to house (after lockdown is lifted slightly) estranged students and those in difficult home situations, but currently it is looking like that might have to be through the general uni rather than college. I've been told they are looking on a case by case basis and will provide housing if my situation warrants it and I can prove that I have the welfare support in place to manage.
AJ x