The Mix needs YOU: What should The Mix be talking about?

Hey Everyone!
Some of you will know me and others probably won’t – my names Harry and I’m a member of the Youth Voice Panel at The Mix. It’s our job to help the charity to make sure that young people are at the heart of everything that it does. It’s quite a big job to do ourselves, and so we need your help!
The Mix are setting out on an exciting process called annual planning, which helps to set priorities for the organisation in the upcoming year. I’ve included some more information about the process below (as a spoiler to keep this post at a reasonable length.)
What is annual planning?
Annual planning is a process that The Mix goes
through every year to determine what the organisations priorities will be going
forward. As part of the process, The Mix’s Youth Voice Panel are leading some
consultation work with the young people. We will then present your views back
to the staff team at The Mix so that YOU can have a say in what the charity
focuses on in the upcoming year. For example, if you tell us that young people
are concerned about how to manage their money, we will feed this back to the
staff team who will then look at ways in which The Mix could help address this
Your voices are a really important part of this process – we can’t know what you want if we don’t ask! I’m going to be asking a few questions over the next few weeks and would love to hear what you’ve got to say. To start of with, I’d love to know ‘What do you think The Mix should be talking about?’ What issues do you feel particularly passionate about? What things worry you, and your friends, most?
Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll be sure to feed what YOU think The Mix should be talking about into the annual planning process. I can’t wait to hear what you all think! Feel free to comment with any questions you've got, or drop @Italia or @The Mix a message if you'd rather ask privately!
I also think that individual illnesses that are most stigmatized (BPD, PTSD ECT.) we need to talk about them more as well and break the sterotypes that surround them. I know whenever I say I have bpd everyone ALWAYS mentions girl, interrupted. like NO I am not like that, there are so many combinations of symptoms that come with bpd, some people have all of them, some only a few.
"The way that I have found the light in my life is through the expressive arts because I know that I will be accepted for the way I am." ~ Me
"I'm going to get strong again and see you soon. " ~ Anonymous
@GreenTea @Aidan - a really interesting point you've both raised and you're both so right! Like you've pointed out Aidan, the stats for men aren't great and GreenTea as you rightly say, men often have this idea that they have to be strong and masculine that can be really damaging. Looking at how we can get men talking could be a really cool project.
Disabilities can be visible as well as invisible.
@Kasa2103 - another really great idea! Funnily enough I was on a disability awareness training course at the weekend, and I think that really opened my eyes to how little I knew. Educating people on the importance of creating inclusive spaces for young people with disabilities is so important going forwards.
Happy first boards post @MountainPeak it's really great to have you here! That's a really interesting take on it and not something I'd thought of before. I can see the huge benefit of sharing positive stories to ensure were projecting an image of hope to our users.
Thank you for such such amazing insights everyone! If you want another piece of the action, check out my second question and let's keep chatting!
Stay awesome!
Great to hear you echo Shaunie's thoughts @Aidan . Sounds as though we've identified a gap in the resources that are out there at the moment!
Thanks to everyone who has taken part in this conversation. It formed a really vital part of the Youth Voice Panels recommendations.
We were keen to share with you a bit more about the process and what was presented to The Mix staff team last week.
Head over to this thread and read my update at the bottom.
Thanks again, it makes a huge difference!
“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
- Brene Brown
I used to use childline before I aged out and they had a full section for it which helped me through a lot.
I know there's a family and relationships section but it's not as specific and I think it's a major thing that needs it's its own section.
Thanks so much for commenting and sorry I've been a bit slow to get back to you - been a bit of a crazy week. In short, it's never too late! We're always looking to hear about any gaps or anything that you'd like The Mix to talk about!
We've already fed back on this particular piece of work for annual planning, but I'll make sure your particular feedback is fed in aswell as those conversations are still very much live! You can always post up on the 'Fix the Mix' forum (linked) if you have any further ideas or suggestions for us, and these threads will always be here and open too!
Thanks for taking the time to come back to us - we really appreciate it. Stay safe and chat soon!