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Doctors tomorrow (warning about period)

Posts: 606
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Some of you may remember my post from last month (support with healthy eating)
Well good news I have lost 3lb so far in 4 weeks. (I got weighed again today)
But I mentioned a small problem with my period (sorry guys if it's a bit tmi)
Im normally like clock work come on, on the 5th bleed for 3 days and sometimes spot for 2 days after that.
This months period has been quite strange. I started spotting on the 2nd which I thought nothing of as a few days early is nothing. But I spotted for that day and then nothing for two days. I came back on, on the 5th and have been lighter than normal although I've had the worst stomach cramps ever!! To the point I almost called in work sick. I bled up until 6pm today. Then I had a bath and now nothing for 6 hours?????? I've had a little check around my self and there is nothing at all no blood inside or anything. Although I have just had the stomach pain again.
Back to my worry, the nurse I spoke to doesn't deal with this part of health but has made me an appointment to see another nurse tomorrow. She wants to take some swabs. I'm a bit nervous about it. 1. From time to time I get a horrible smell down there that can be strong sometimes.
The other thing that makes me nervous is that I'm a virgin and while I know there is no sham in being a virgin (I'm 21 btw) I an feeling a bit anxious about her reaction/thoughts towards it. What if she thinks im a freak (some people do)
I don't even know if you can someone is a virgin when examining but still......
Depending on what she thinks I may have to be examined by a male doctor (we don't have female doctors) I feel very nervous about that!
It doesn't seem right having someone else whom I don't know looking down there before someone I want to share my body with does.
I doubt I will but what if I freak out after what happened at school. Although what happened was only minor I don't like being touched in certain ways especially from the waist down.
I know it needs be done for my own health (unless I start bleeding again, then will probably need to go back some other time 😐)
Well good news I have lost 3lb so far in 4 weeks. (I got weighed again today)
But I mentioned a small problem with my period (sorry guys if it's a bit tmi)
Im normally like clock work come on, on the 5th bleed for 3 days and sometimes spot for 2 days after that.
This months period has been quite strange. I started spotting on the 2nd which I thought nothing of as a few days early is nothing. But I spotted for that day and then nothing for two days. I came back on, on the 5th and have been lighter than normal although I've had the worst stomach cramps ever!! To the point I almost called in work sick. I bled up until 6pm today. Then I had a bath and now nothing for 6 hours?????? I've had a little check around my self and there is nothing at all no blood inside or anything. Although I have just had the stomach pain again.
Back to my worry, the nurse I spoke to doesn't deal with this part of health but has made me an appointment to see another nurse tomorrow. She wants to take some swabs. I'm a bit nervous about it. 1. From time to time I get a horrible smell down there that can be strong sometimes.
The other thing that makes me nervous is that I'm a virgin and while I know there is no sham in being a virgin (I'm 21 btw) I an feeling a bit anxious about her reaction/thoughts towards it. What if she thinks im a freak (some people do)
I don't even know if you can someone is a virgin when examining but still......
Depending on what she thinks I may have to be examined by a male doctor (we don't have female doctors) I feel very nervous about that!
It doesn't seem right having someone else whom I don't know looking down there before someone I want to share my body with does.
I doubt I will but what if I freak out after what happened at school. Although what happened was only minor I don't like being touched in certain ways especially from the waist down.
I know it needs be done for my own health (unless I start bleeding again, then will probably need to go back some other time 😐)
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The Mix Honorary Guru
From one ladybug to another I know that sometimes things like stress or changes in sleep or diet can have an effect on our cycles, most of the time it's nothing to worry about but again it might be worth bringing it up with the nurse to be on the safe side. congrats on the weight loss by the way
I am on no way qualified or trained I'm just another 21 year old whose navigated their life through google, Holby city and Casualty hehehe. Going back to topic it might be worth noting down when these flairs do happen and whether you're doing anything different from usual i.e diet,sleep, stress or soaps, that sort of stuff (, to help build a better picture of why this keeps happening.
Honestly don't worry about being a virgin and what not, they aren't there to pry or judge and the very most it questions about sexual activity is common practice just to rule out things like pregnancy or to perhaps make sure that you haven't transmitted x,y,z to the next person. Remember infections can and do happen without sex and you're not the first or the last to experience.
For bellow the waist examinations, If it is carried out by a male doctor I think (I'm not sure) a female has to be present but make sure you voice your concern because they last thing they want (as a practice) is for their patient to feel uncomfortable.
Good luck
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I actually thought nothing of it and just mentioned it in a general as I was just curious about it. Then out of no where she was saying she wanted to send me for swabs and possibly a scan. I was like what????? I honestly didn't think anything if it and just thought it would probably be because I have changed my diet slightly. I think this has kinda made me over think it.
I bled a little this morning again only a spot and now nothing. I'm quite a private person and I think that because I've never had this type of examination and because no one has ever look or been down there its a bit awkward 😑.
A female chaparone (if I spelt it right) will be present if I have to have a further examination. Just wish I knew what they were actually checking for as I have no clue. Would of asked yesterday but it was a little shock as I was just expecting for her to say diet or stress.
I'm actually a bit embarrassed to talk to anyone about it. But it's easier on here because no one can see me lol.
I have complained about a bit of pain in my palvis before where my leg attaches to my body. They said I had probably just pulled it but it thinking about it I do get it quite regularly particularly when it's cold and around the time of my monthly cycle so......
I know I shouldn't but I'm starting to really over think this now.
Speaking about you using google. I don't dare o it 😂😂😂 it turns a common cold into something critical ha ha ha
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I'm all for open conversations and I guess it is so much easier when you don't know the person irl .My girl friends and I have had conversations about all things sex and so on but I think it's because we're close and open with each other and are able to talk about theses things.
Keep busy, it will help whilst
you wait
Posts: 1,329
Wise Owl
Ps nothing wrong with being a virgin at 21, I am as to speak well it's because of the rape in 2015 I haven't felt comfortable having sex since. So I guess I'm like a virgin again.
Evan if it was only minor what happened to you. I've got something that might be handy to show the surgery I'll come back with it (I've just got to go and find it)
I'll be holding your hand while you're having this done💙💜
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What happened at school was inappropriate touching although it was only face, neck, shoulders, waist and very rearly legs.
It's left me a bit uncomfortable when it comes to some contact. I don't even know if this is the reason that's making me anxious or if it's because I've never had this type of examination before.
But anyway before I end up on a different topic. I know that it's very unlikely there is anything wrong but still......
I did go up and ask what they were looking for. They said that because it was an abnormal bleed and there was a 2 day delay between the spotting and my cycle they was to make sure the bleeding isn't coming from somewhere else or that there is any other problems.
Thanks Steph means a lot
Notagain thanks for your supportive words trying not over think it
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Posts: 1,329
Wise Owl
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They changed my appointment to the 20th. I'm really nervous about it 😔.
I'm still going have it done because obviously it's to check I'm healthy and that there is nothing wrong with me. I just hope that the nurse I'll see will be friendly and understanding enough to be reassuring to me knowing I'm very nervous about it. I know some nurses don't always have the personality to reassure their paicents.
I'm trying to get an idea of what to expect when I go. I presume it's going to be similar to a smear test. Which I've been looking at online including some videos. This has helped a bit but still doesn't make me feel any less nervous and actually a little scared about it.
Posts: 1,329
Wise Owl
Oh the longer to be nervous about it then? That's no good💩
Just tell them you are a survivor from a minor assult so you need to be told what they are doing and when they are doing it and you might need to ground yourself ect.
I'll be thinking of you on the 20th💙💜
Posts: 1,329
Wise Owl
Posts: 606
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And yeah was hoping for it to be over and done with if I'm honest so now I can't wait for the 20th to just come and go. At least I won't have to worry about it once it's over and done with.
Posts: 1,329
Wise Owl
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I know it's hard not to worry when things change suddenly, but it's probably nothing to worry about. Lots of things can alter a woman's menstrual cycles and most things aren't anything to worry about. It's good that you're getting checked out for it though. Try not to overthink it between now and the 20th, although as an over thinker I know this is difficult to do.
I'm not sure if you've already touched on this, but if you had to get an examination, how would you feel about telling the doctor how you feel and about what happened when you were younger? Letting them know can help because then they will know you are nervous and can explain what and they are doing things to you and when they do them so you feel more relaxed. It's good that a female chaperone will be present too, do you find that to be reassuring?
Oh, there's nothing wrong with being a virgin either, and doctors can't always tell whether you are or not during examination. I know what you mean about wanting it to be over and done with tbh, and moving the appointment has probably made you even more nervous - that's no good! Just think about why you are getting it done, that it's going to benefit your health.
It'll be okay, I wish you the best of luck.
Posts: 606
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I feel quite silly about it but I actually got a bit upset over it the other night
I have already told myself that it is more likely because I've changed my diet slightly and have been a little stressed.
But I know the swabs are just to be on the safe side. I just wish they could of kept my appointment as it would have been over with by now. But I suppose appointment changes can't always be helped.
I have actually thought about telling the nurse about my experience. While I know it will probably not bother me as I feel I have total control of my life again and have been able to deal with other experiences in the past, this is a new experience that could (hopefully won't) bring up some old feelings and thoughts.
I actually talked to RAINN about talking to the nurse about it as I actually have never been able to define what happened to me as anything and didn't know what to tell her without having to go into any details.
now know that it was classified as
sexual harassment.
Thank you for your kind words I suppose I'm quite self conscious about my body as most people my age have had sex before. I think this is why I'm asked (in other experiences) the following
"Are you pregnant"
"Have you had sex in the past week?"
"Two week?"
Instead of asking if I could be pregnant and then possibly say if needed "are you sexually active"
I will have to leave work early as they can only do morning appointments. Lucky I have the rest of the day off. This will help if I'm feeling a bit out of sorts after.
Thank you so much for the reply
Community Champion Posts: 9,191
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I know. It's been a while. Don't worry, this is a big thing for you and it matters to you so it's definitely not silly to get upset. Yeah, diet changes and stress are notorious for affecting periods. It's always better to be safe though. I know what you mean about the appointment too, sometimes the waiting and anticipation is worse than the actual event.
That's good. Hopefully the nurse will be understanding and sympathetic to your situation. It's great that you feel you have control again, but this is new to you so it's understandable to feel anxious about it. It's good that you now know a name for what happened to you - that can help you to explain it and to understand it too.
Yeah, I know what you mean. Questions can be really hard to deal with. You could just tell them straight away when and if they ask about pregnancy that you are not sexually active and never have been? That works out well with your work then. Then you have the rest of the day to yourself.
It's no problem, good luck.
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Thank you elle I suppose when you say it like that it isn't that silly really. Just suppose it feels like it.
I actually can't wait go work tomorrow. This has been playing on my mind all weekend. At least at work I'm too busy for it to play on my mind.
Most of the nurses are very understanding at my GP but I'm going to one I've never heard of so hopefully she will be just as nice.
I think If she asks about pregnancy which I expect as it's protocol. I will just say that I'm not pregnant and I've never been sexually active.
I'm thinking about writing down things I want to ask and take it with me. Nothing worse than coming out and then thinking of things you wanted/needed to ask.
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That idea about writing down your questions is a really good one. That sounds great!!
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Think the waiting is doing more harm then good. It's like I don't want to go but knowing that I've got to go is much worse.
Lucky work did help a bit and have felt a bit better until I got home 🙄
I'm just trying convince myself that the nurse will be very nice 😂 At least it will be easier if she is nice.
Thanks again
Community Champion Posts: 9,191
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I know what you mean about the waiting, I mean that's clearly making you even more nervous and anxious. Aww, I really hope the nurse is nice. That would be sooooo much easier for you too!
Always here to help.
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Just after she said everything looked fine and thought I was very mature.
When it came to asking about if I was pregnant. I said there was no chance. She got the message straight away.
At least it's over now
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Wise Owl
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Really glad everything went well!
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Thanks for the support guys
Posts: 1,329
Wise Owl
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