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tired of fighting (triggertastic)

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Can someone give me some hope? please? I don't want to be around anymore. I know how and where, clinging on but only just.

yes, I'm crying for help. bite me.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    I don't know what you must be going through at the moment. Don't give up.

    Have you been at work? What about the Samaritans or GP?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm back at work because being at home alone is worse. But if this is all I have to look forward to for another 50 years then I'd rather quit while I'm behind.

    Been to GP, fuck load of use they are (dose me with happy pills and refer me to a counsellor who still hasn't been in touch after four weeks). But what can the Samaritans do? Listen. I'm tired of being listened to. Nothing ever fucking changes. I don't want sympathy I want to be someone else. Someone who isn't a complete loony.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Arctic Roll, fancy making that pint after work a little more regular?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm back at work because being at home alone is worse. But if this is all I have to look forward to for another 50 years then I'd rather quit while I'm behind.

    Been to GP, fuck load of use they are (dose me with happy pills and refer me to a counsellor who still hasn't been in touch after four weeks). But what can the Samaritans do? Listen. I'm tired of being listened to. Nothing ever fucking changes. I don't want sympathy I want to be someone else. Someone who isn't a complete loony.
    I really want to be able to help you as you have helped me through many dark times I've been through.

    Have you tried seeing the Samaritans face-to-face? There are a few branches in your area that you can drop in to, they make you a cup of tea and it's kind of different to talking on the phone to them. Most branches take visitors 9am-9pm but check with the branch. Maybe that could help whilst you are waiting for the counsellor?

    Also if you are feeling suicidal (which is what I thought you were implying but forgive me if I got the wrong end of the stick) then you should ask your GP to refer you to the crisis team who can help you get through this time and they can see you around your working hours. Or if it is out of hours then go to a and e, there is always someone who can talk to you, even if they just calm you down a bit.

    Another source of support for me in crisis is my church - the Salvation Army. They have really helped me, even kept me alive at times.

    I know none of this is ideal, and ultimately - wherever you go, you will be there, you can't escape from your own mind.

    Know that I am thinking of you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't know what to say except say that things do change and even if your outlook feels bleak now... that doesn't mean there is nothing good to look forward to for the next 50 years. If you look back there have been dark times and light times in your life, and now is obviously a very dark time for you and I really feel for you :( but I do strongly believe you have brighter times ahead, too.

    I wish there was some capacity I had to help you. You can PM me or if you prefer talking you can PM me for my skype any time.

    I think you're just great. In the years I've known you I have nothing but the hugest respect and admiration for you and even at times been intimidated by your ability to always give the impression of a leader who cares for those around him and knows how to look out for them.

    It is not the same, not even close at all, but I have had some MH issues and guided meditation I have found can help. Miss Riot introduced me to it and I was surprised at the results. You can find tracks on youtube. It is something to think about.

    You are not alone, we are here for you :heart: *hug* and I am thinking of you.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've not tried but the idea of face to face fills me with horror. I don't want anyone to see me. I don't want to see me. I don't want to be me. there's obviously something fundamentally wrong with me, everyone goes away in the end, they tear up all their promises because they don't want to be near me. I don't even blame them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    I think you're just great. In the years I've known you I have nothing but the hugest respect and admiration for you and even at times been intimidated by your ability to always give the impression of a leader who cares for those around him and knows how to look out for them.

    This. You're one of a kind Arctic. I remember that one chat when I was in a bad way, and you talked to me and everything you said made so much sense and I knew that you knew how I felt. I wish I could say something of use, sorry *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I had a drunken rant on LiveJournal and some kind soul has decided to go tell everyone what I said.

    That's just...fantastic.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    These things happen. Ranting on livejournal occasionally goes that way - and you deserve the extenuating circumstances card, although there are some people in the world too short sighted to realise that.

    Rant in an email maybe and fire it my way (or someone else out of the loop to the rest of life) if it helps at all.

    As a starting point - there is definitely a purpose in your life in the next few weeks, because I need somewhere to stop on my stupidly long drive in a couple of weeks.

    You are an absolutely outstanding young man - you do brilliant things for others, pretty tirelessly and have mind boggling patience. I'm going to guess that currently things are pretty shit. As the old adage goes, shit happens. But there are the high points to. They're really hard to see at time, I know that from my experience, but they are out there.

    Fighting is tiring - but it's really worth it.

    Now, when did you last get your arse out on a run/cycle/gym? If I remember rightly, that helps you a bit, so make sure you're doing it.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Now, when did you last get your arse out on a run/cycle/gym? If I remember rightly, that helps you a bit, so make sure you're doing it.


    If this helps arctic I can start badgering you to do a jog here and there :) I feel a lot better for running these days. I wouldn't want to make you feel worse though xxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Being a dad made me happy. It was the only thing that I've been any good at. It's been ripped away from me.

    Went out for a ride on Sunday, didn't make any difference at all. Beer makes a bit more difference, at least if I'm half cut I can sleep. Sort of.

    I'm exhausted. I've been fighting for the best part of twenty years. I don't really see why I should continue. I'm clearly going to lose. I've clearly lost.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    arctic I wish I had something helpful to suggest but I just felt like I wanted to re-iterate what other posters have already said. You're such a smart and kind guy and have provided so much support to strangers over the internet including me. I really hope things get better for you as you deserve to be happy. Stick it out and take care of yourself. And keep posting. *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hold on for a bit longer mate. We've still got french toast and bacon planned. See you soon, promise.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Being a dad made me happy. It was the only thing that I've been any good at. It's been ripped away from me.

    Went out for a ride on Sunday, didn't make any difference at all. Beer makes a bit more difference, at least if I'm half cut I can sleep. Sort of.

    I'm exhausted. I've been fighting for the best part of twenty years. I don't really see why I should continue. I'm clearly going to lose. I've clearly lost.

    You're still a Dad, no one can take that away from you. I didn't grow up living with my Dad as my parents divorced when we were very young but I still have a Dad, he is an amazing Dad I could never ask for more. I see him regularly, he is my first choice of where to go when I split up with my boyfriend / having a rough time / need to give a next of kin at hospital / also need diy doing, he pressure washed my garden patio on Saturday, he is amazing and I didn't grow up living with him.

    On the other hand my sister-in-law actually did grow up without a mum, her mother killed herself when she was 4. She got married a few years ago and it was sad that she didn't have any living parents and her brother had to give her away.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Being a dad made me happy. It was the only thing that I've been any good at. It's been ripped away from me.

    I don't know the details of your situation exactly, but nothing changes you being a dad. It might be more difficult but 'sodbaby' will still love her dad as much as she ever did. A dad is simply irreplaceable. Speaking from experience.
    Went out for a ride on Sunday, didn't make any difference at all. Beer makes a bit more difference, at least if I'm half cut I can sleep. Sort of.

    Can you see your GP about not sleeping? Ive tried self medicating with alcohol in the past... thought it helped... but it makes it worse :/. You may feel a whole lot better if you are feeling less exhuasted.
    I'm exhausted. I've been fighting for the best part of twenty years. I don't really see why I should continue. I'm clearly going to lose. I've clearly lost.

    I don't believe you have lost, or are going to lose. I don't know you as well as I'd like but what I do know of you.. I have so much faith in your strength. Even now when it's tougher than ever. We are here to support you xxx
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I love you Froggy. I'm here, remember. You wouldn't be bothering me and you don't have to worry about triggering. I just want you to be ok. Soon as I can I'm planning a trip up and we can have wine and bitching and gossiping. *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You are definitely still a dad - no one can ever take that away from you.

    There's a little girl I'm very fond of who's dad Stopped living with her ( phrased that way, because who moves where isn't relevant to a child). There was no way that stopped him being her daddy. Little (and big) girls hearts almost always beyond to daddy, wherever he might be, and that'll be the case for sod baby.you're a damn sight better father than this guy was, and still all I hear/heard was my daddy this, my daddy that.

    You feel you've been fighting a long time, and it might be that long since it started, but it's not been none stop everyday for that long. It's hard to see, but overall the good bits are worth it.

    This bit is shit, bit give things a chance to improve and you've got the strength to get there. First week back to work was going to be a challenge, especially this week if your uni dates are what I'm guessing, but next week you'll have got last the "just back"hurdle.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm calming. Too tired to move. Really need to be held but there is nobody here. The family I thought I could trust have abandoned me.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    If I could be there I would...I think that goes for many of us. I can repeat everything that shyboy has said, I have had so so so much respect for you from way back when we were both under different usernames. I have had times when I've had everything I've held dear ripped away from me and its left me feeling like I'm fucked forever and that being me was what fucked it and nothing would ever get better. I'm not going to say that I got over it quickly but in time the pain did lessen. It's basically grief, and if you treat it as such it might make the process a lot easier.

    Just be easy on yourself and know we're here - this big family of people who half you've probably not even met in the flesh, but we do genuinely care about you.

    I shall instruct G to give you a good man hug on my behalf (not that i'm a man, but i think he'd appreciate me telling him to give you a girly squeeze :p) when he sees you next!

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't know much of your situation either, but like others have said, I do know that over the years you have provided lots of support to a lot of people on here. A lot of people on here value you, and care for you, even if we are just known to you in the virtual world.

    Life throws crap at people. There will be time when we struggle, and then it is important to reach out to people- you have many people offering a pair of eyes or ears on here.

    Here's another hug G can give to you *hug*

    Keep fighting.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just so no-one worries. I was chatting to AR on facebook and he said he was going to bed to try to sleep.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    you haven't text me the last few days and i don't know if that's because you're not texting anyone, or because my advice is crap,or because you still think i might be upset with you (which i'm not). but i'm still here, absolutely 100% of the time. just so you know. *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Miss_Riot wrote: »
    I shall instruct G to give you a good man hug on my behalf (not that i'm a man, but i think he'd appreciate me telling him to give you a girly squeeze :p) when he sees you next!


    I think you should.

    And then someone should catch it on camera.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just to add to the love, hugs and support being sent to you AR. You are valued, and I know it might take you a while to get back round to seeing that, but you are very valued.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Being a dad made me happy. It was the only thing that I've been any good at. It's been ripped away from me.

    It hasn't because it can't be. If anything the relationship has just been made even more important. It's for her that you will continue to fight because little girls will always need their 'Daddy".

    I can't offer you solutions or answers, you know that there's only one person who can really do that. What I have learned over the years is that the thing you need is support from others to help you get to a point where you can fix yourself. I'm really sorry things have turned out like they have, but sympathy isn't really going to help and neither is self-pity - again deep down you know that.

    You are in a really dark place right now, for many reasons, but the change in circumstances would hit anyone hard. I've seen the emotionally strongest crumble so you shouldn't be to hard on yourself. You are, in effect, going through a mourning process. Treat it as such.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It hasn't because it can't be. If anything the relationship has just been made even more important. It's for her that you will continue to fight because little girls will always need their 'Daddy".

    I can't offer you solutions or answers, you know that there's only one person who can really do that. What I have learned over the years is that the thing you need is support from others to help you get to a point where you can fix yourself. I'm really sorry things have turned out like they have, but sympathy isn't really going to help and neither is self-pity - again deep down you know that.

    You are in a really dark place right now, for many reasons, but the change in circumstances would hit anyone hard. I've seen the emotionally strongest crumble so you shouldn't be to hard on yourself. You are, in effect, going through a mourning process. Treat it as such.

    All of this.

    And you are not alone *hug*
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    it is grief and I know about the different stages. I'm just trying to go through all of them simultaneously.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Well don't! You can't! You need to take it in your time and stop pressuring yourself. If you're finding its a huge jumble of emotions then maybe writing/drawing/paint/even just naming out loud everything you're feeling will help so you can process each one.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Just one day at a time arctic. x

    How was today?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    it is grief and I know about the different stages. I'm just trying to go through all of them simultaneously.

    I suspect that you are doing one hell of a lot of thinking and analysis. Easy to say, but hard to do - Don't. It won't help and it won't change anything. Again, though you've been through all of this before so you know it all really and you came out the other side. You will again.
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