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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have had no days off. Tbh, there has been a lot but once you get on the main roads, it's not too bad. Although I hate driving in it. My estate is awful, it scares me driving on ice. I keep putting my brakes on which I gather is not the thing to do. People tell me just to go with it if you start to slide but it's an automatic reaction to brake. For me anyway.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    http://yfrog.com/ca010710164516j <-- the pavements, they are all like this, i had to walk to the road lol Which is now just ice.

    http://yfrog.com/2q010710164601j <-- theres about 3 piles like this just on my road.

    Sweet jesus!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    http://yfrog.com/ca010710164516j <-- the pavements, they are all like this, i had to walk to the road lol Which is now just ice.

    http://yfrog.com/2q010710164601j <-- theres about 3 piles like this just on my road.

    Reminds me of the days when I was younger, the country as a whole might not have had a sustained snowfall, but it was still far worse where im from, than it is most places at the minute.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I work in Plymouth and was one of 4 people who managed to get in where I work yesterday, had such a manic day and was not happy with the number of people making up the most pathetic excuses for not being able to make it into work. Lady who works for me walked in, she saw the ice on her driveway, dressed in suitable footwear and walked the 2 miles or so into work. Yes she arrived over an hour late but praise was given for her effort. I can appreciate people leaving home later and leaving work earlier but having the whole day off in many cases could have been avoided. Oh but then with so many schools closed the kids needed looking after. Funny how my boss and most of my colleagues couldn't risk the journey to work but could risk driving to the shops for milk and playing around in the snow making snowmen, but couldn't possibly walk to work cos of ice on the pavements.

    Fair enough there was abit of snow and it was icy, fair enough it is dangerous on the roads, especially those that aren't gritted, and fair enough some people live out in the sticks or on top of hills etc, but some members of staff totally took advantage.

    I managed to get to work yesterday and today at the normal time, I de-iced my car, scraped the snow off the car and left that little bit earlier, driving a little slower and wearing sensible footwear to make walking across icy pavements when walking easier. I think people in Plymouth need to get a grip! Did hear the awful story about the incident in Efford Lane though, and my hubby had a scary incident in his works car park!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fruit Loop wrote: »
    I work in Plymouth and was one of 4 people who managed to get in where I work yesterday, had such a manic day and was not happy with the number of people making up the most pathetic excuses for not being able to make it into work. Lady who works for me walked in, she saw the ice on her driveway, dressed in suitable footwear and walked the 2 miles or so into work. Yes she arrived over an hour late but praise was given for her effort. I can appreciate people leaving home later and leaving work earlier but having the whole day off in many cases could have been avoided. Oh but then with so many schools closed the kids needed looking after. Funny how my boss and most of my colleagues couldn't risk the journey to work but could risk driving to the shops for milk and playing around in the snow making snowmen, but couldn't possibly walk to work cos of ice on the pavements.

    Fair enough there was abit of snow and it was icy, fair enough it is dangerous on the roads, especially those that aren't gritted, and fair enough some people live out in the sticks or on top of hills etc, but some members of staff totally took advantage.

    I managed to get to work yesterday and today at the normal time, I de-iced my car, scraped the snow off the car and left that little bit earlier, driving a little slower and wearing sensible footwear to make walking across icy pavements when walking easier. I think people in Plymouth need to get a grip! Did hear the awful story about the incident in Efford Lane though, and my hubby had a scary incident in his works car park!

    It is because of comments like this that I am panicing about going back into work tomorrow. . . . .incase people think I took the mic.

    I live in a cul de sac, and once you get out of that cul de sac, a narrow road, where cars double park.

    I shovelled 7 inches of snow round my car, de-iced etc, but with all the will in the world, could not get my car to go where i wanted it to as my close was like an ice rink.

    Walk...? Too far.
    Bus...? All cancelled/limited service
    Taxi....? Only 6 in this area were prepared to work and were stretched to the limit, and would have cost as much as I have lost taking a day of unpaid leave.

    I can understand gettin frustrated with people who pop to she shop for milk in their cars.

    But as for them building snowmen? That could have been in their garden, a local field....may have been a huge difference getting to there, than to work.

    I dont blame/judge ANYONE for stayin off work. If you wanna risk it and drive, good for you. But I have heard of 3 bad crashes, and to me, taking a couple days off is more feasible than putting myself in danger when I am not a confident driver as it is!!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Littleali wrote: »
    I dont blame/judge ANYONE for stayin off work. If you wanna risk it and drive, good for you. But I have heard of 3 bad crashes, and to me, taking a couple days off is more feasible than putting myself in danger when I am not a confident driver as it is!!

    I agree completely.
    I think people in Plymouth need to get a grip!

    Why? My dad drives a van for a living and that can be dangerous in snow - especially when he's got tons of fish too. Mum has slipped out on the roads a few times too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've been snowed in for 2 days now - I spent an hour on Wed morning trying to get my car out of the drive with no luck, i shovelled the snow as best i could but because it's on a bit of a slope, it all just compacted under my wheels :/ Today- it snowed on top of all my hard work shovelling!! and it has turned icey as well. No way was i even attempting it :/

    Our roads haven't been gritted either because we are in a tiny village in Hampshire, it's only 30 mins to work, but 10 of it is to get to the main road- and on tiny non-gritted country roads, i didn't wanna chance it.

    Thou i did call into work today and txt my boss- no response whatsoever so meh! lol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Littleali wrote: »
    I dont blame/judge ANYONE for stayin off work.

    Me neither.

    A good proportion of people won't get paid for snow days anyway, so it's not really taking the piss. Round here, even where it looks fine, there's a lot of black ice on the roads, and it wouldn't take much to send you skidding off somewhere.

    Now I've finally got my car off my drive and up the road (note that it took an hour, a shovel, a bag of grit and two strapping young men pushing to achieve this) I will probably attempt to get to work tomorrow, but if it's looking too hairy along the way, I'll turn back, and if my boss doesn't like it, it's tough shit. I'm not risking my safety for it.

    If he's that bothered he should pay me more, and then I could buy an oldschool Landrover for such artic adventures, cause driving a Ford KA at the moment is a bit like driving a rollerskate round an ice rink :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I've had no days off work because of the snow. I was on a day shift Tuesday...woke up at 6am to find about 2ft on snow :crying:

    Really did not like driving in it! Hardley anyone could get to work...they had to resort to sending out rescue 4x4 for night staff and offering people beds in the Dr's mess who couldn't get home!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Me n mum tried to get into town today - 20 min drive, small B roads, just sheet ice, heavy snow - and we turned back and went home, we probably could have made it in if the condition was going to improve but we were forecast more snow so we turned back.

    Tbh, its not too bad where we are, the bus service is running to town and back so at least I can get about even if i would prefer to be driving myself.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm liking the snow :thumb: it means a nice distraction from revision :)
    but not liking the temperature, as our boiler has stopped working so no heating :(
    will be very cold in a bit (it's only been broken anout 3 hours so far)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since i posted those pictures before its snowed at least another 3inches! Its crazy here, and people are still digging their cars out and driving to work, for some reason. I went out before and had to walk on the roads as the snow on the pavements is so so deep and the roads now are just an ice rink. There is no gritters or snow plows this way at all so the farmers are having to come and clear as much as they can. I still haven't built a snowman though lol.

    Another pic from before. its sideways lol

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Snow is beginning to annoy me. I'm working so all it's doing is making life difficult.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Since i posted those pictures before its snowed at least another 3inches! Its crazy here, and people are still digging their cars out and driving to work, for some reason. I went out before and had to walk on the roads as the snow on the pavements is so so deep and the roads now are just an ice rink. There is no gritters or snow plows this way at all so the farmers are having to come and clear as much as they can. I still haven't built a snowman though lol.

    Another pic from before. its sideways lol



    I do like snow I am fed up of it now though. The snow from before christmas started to melt and slide off the roof, which also brought the drain pipe down.
    We still have a lot, the roads are all ice so I prefer to trudge my way through the snow on the pavements now.
    Google weather says it's -10 but the car temperature thing says -4 lol. Still, it's freezing. We have some amazing icicles too :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Got sent home early from work today. They want me to walk to work tomorrow morning because the buses aren't running and if it snows any more then the taxis won't be either. I was supposed to start at half past 5 tomorrow but they oh-so-generously said I can start at 7 instead. The snow that fell today has made the snow that fell yesterday into an ice slick that you can't see.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I'm sick of it. We woke up this morning to no running water in the house so no shower, no cup of tea... :( Welsh Water's helpful advice is to thaw the pipes out using hot water bottles...which we're meant to fill how, exactly?? :confused: Hoping it'll be sorted by the time I get home tonight otherwise I guess it'll be bulk-buying bottled water.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    StupidGirl wrote: »
    I'm sick of it. We woke up this morning to no running water in the house so no shower, no cup of tea... :( Welsh Water's helpful advice is to thaw the pipes out using hot water bottles...which we're meant to fill how, exactly?? :confused:

    Heh - idiots.

    My parents had the same trouble and managed to thaw the pipes with a hairdryer and a wheat bag!
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Yeah, I was all set to get the hairdryer on it but thankfully it was all back to normal when I got home from work. Although unfortunately that does now mean I have no excuse not to do the washing up...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Walked to work this morning after I was told I was needed, only to be sent home half way through my shift because none of the buses were operating so nobody was in town. Managed to get tomorrow off though so I'm not too bothered :D.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I completely appreciate that for many they cannot and should not take the risk, but since writing my post the other day I have spoken to colleagues who have blatantly admitted that they took advantage and 'have kids so they have a good excuse' and how they could easily have got in but exaggerated how bad it was on their road etc. I drove to Liskeard today and some of the snow is still there and I know of people literally snowed in on farms etc. It just annoys me abit as my husband is a delivery driver and was still expected to get into work and do his deliveries else he would have to take a days leave or lose pay. On xmas eve there were people on facebook saying that they were trapped in the new forest due to ice yet my dad managed to get here from the absolute middle of nowhere in the new forest, but then he is an ex policeman and ex driving instructor so I guess he has lots of road experience in advanced driving etc. And maybe that's why I'm bias as well!

    For those who can't see my point though I would just like to put this to you; how would you like it if you had an emergency and called 999 but there was no operator to answer as they were all snowed in? Or you went to hosptial and there were no nurses or doctors as they were all snowed in? Or your house was on fire but there were no firemen to help? My point is that we need to just make that little bit of effort to get into work in times like this, the country cannot function without people working obviously!

    Edited to add that some staff started later than normal on thursday and left early- by mid morning the roads and pavements in many areas are far less hazardous than in the early morning so what is the excuse for staying off all day?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Fruit Loop wrote: »
    I have spoken to colleagues who have blatantly admitted that they took advantage and 'have kids so they have a good excuse' and how they could easily have got in but exaggerated how bad it was on their road etc.

    But that's not that same thing at all. I'm not talking about people skiving (which people find a way to do about lots of things other than snow). I'm talking about people making judgement calls about whether the risk they are taking outweighs the importance of them getting to work.

    Obviously some people did take the piss, but just because a person doesn't get their waders on and hike the 16 miles to work (cause for a lot of people, both driving and public transport weren't just hard, they were an impossibility), doesn't mean that they're not 'making the effort'.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Olive wrote: »
    Obviously some people did take the piss, but just because a person doesn't get their waders on and hike the 16 miles to work (cause for a lot of people, both driving and public transport weren't just hard, they were an impossibility), doesn't mean that they're not 'making the effort'.

    Yup. Basically the only bus running today and yesterday was the one going to the hospital. I was forced to come in to work today because I do live walking distance (the snow here is around 3 inches right now, was about 2 inches this morning and I left my house at 6am to get to work) but because I work in the city centre and nobody else could get there, I was let home early because we had no customers. On a Saturday. With sales going on.

    I refused to do it at 5am tomorrow (when there ARE no buses, the taxis aren't running anyway and it would have been more because it's a Sunday, and the snow is supposed to be coming down HARD tonight) because my health is more important than whether they're a person short, quite frankly.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    You back in my home town then Franki? Traffic was almost non-existant today. Just like the old days...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MoK wrote: »
    You back in my home town then Franki? Traffic was almost non-existant today. Just like the old days...
    Yup, back in Canterbury. Waited 20 minutes for a bus after I got let out of work yesterday and after I got chatting to a lady who lives near me, we ended up going halves on a taxi.

    The city centre was dead. We had like no customers at all. At our busiest we had like 3 people in the queue.

    P.S. you should totally come and stalk me one day :p.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Thankgod it appears to be melting slightly :)

    For now anyway.
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