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Quick read! My ex, and a cute girl ^^

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Ok, well since I'm converting thesite into my mini blog, you will have to excuse me for the next few weeks. But things are on the up! :thumb:

Firstly, not been in contact with my ex recently, but the other day I was at a LAN party (guy / geek thing, great fun :p), and she messed me on MSN, asking how I was, acting really friendly. I said to her that it wasn't working like this, that she still wanted me to be her friend and really I can't be friends with her. She was very passive about it - I think it is the same her who is a bit of a coward to say bad things, so she was just saying 'look if you dont want to talk anymore its up to you'.

So in the future, she can look back and place the blame squarely on my shoulders. But our conversation got cut short, I tried to finish it this morning, but she said she was busy, and maybe we should finish this evening when she knew I was busy. I then resolved myself to the fact that I really cant be arsed anymore playing her games and feeling miserable as a result, and deleted her off my stuffs. Obviously she will paint me as the bad guy, but like I said to her yesterday, she's got her life, I've got mine, and never the twain shall meet.

Going forward, things are well with my friend L. Nothing romantic at all, but I feel like I've made a really good friend in her, someone who will look out for me :D (which I threw in my exes face the other week when she turned up at my house impromptu acting like we were great mates, I said she couldn't be bothered to be there for me when things were shit when other friends could - she just wants to pretend as she likes lots of people to like her, and obviously as she was my +1, she got all my friends with me as well!).

Finally, the other day, I was getting lunch, and the girl at the checkout was fine. I had a nice little chat with her, was really nice, and started really for the first time seeing the 'other side' that inevitably I will meet someone who I think is equally good or even better than my ex. Of course I was too shy and thought it would be too weird asking her for her number. Perhaps I should have :p but oh well :p. I think most people would think it weird if they were working in a cafe or something and had a little chat with someone at the checkout and then they asked for your number, right? :p

I need to get used to this single thing :yippe:


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Remember that a relationship breakup will always be your fault no matter how hard you try, you have accepted that and now you can go along your merry way :yes:

    Right now it sounds like shes in the next phase of operations which is the 'offer to be your friend' stage so when you tell her shes a nutcase who needs a good MOT on her brain and to get her bolts tightened you are the enemy!
    Generally if this is done by email there will be lots of full stops. short statements of her intent. that she wants one more chance. just one. you owe it to her.

    Times like this I remember the sage adice my father gave me that has always stood me good: "Don't stick it in the crazy"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Nah it's not as straightforward as that - she broke up with me! Well, we were on a break, but after two years we were hanging out just like a couple and were a 'de facto' couple without having the official label / conversation. At least that's how I felt, and from speaking to people that was the impression we gave off. But she just met this other guy and started going out with him, and thought that was all ok.

    I've told her that to me, this is a breakup, this isn't ok, but she still wants to be friends, and keeps pretending we are friends - although she doesn't really make any effort to talk to me or hang out with me like she did. It's more like she just was talking to me to pretend we are friends, because for her, breaking up is too hard.

    So I said to her that I'm fed up of the games and crap, and I don't think we should talk anymore - her response "ok" and "if that's what you want, that's what I'll do". Basically ultimately noncommital, because in all likelihood thats what she wants but she doesn't have the balls to come out and say it, because then that would be affirmation that she has broke up with me, and she can't deal with being the bad guy.

    So instead, it's come about that I'm the bad guy who is breaking up our friendship, but I am happy to take that little bit of nastiness in exchange for ending these stupid games where she pretends it shouldn't matter.

    And onwards to better things :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Can I just ask what is LAN party (guy / geek thing, great fun ) for all those not down with the shortened terminology?

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    Nah it's not as straightforward as that - she broke up with me! Well, we were on a break, but after two years we were hanging out just like a couple and were a 'de facto' couple without having the official label / conversation. At least that's how I felt, and from speaking to people that was the impression we gave off. But she just met this other guy and started going out with him, and thought that was all ok.

    I've told her that to me, this is a breakup, this isn't ok, but she still wants to be friends, and keeps pretending we are friends - although she doesn't really make any effort to talk to me or hang out with me like she did. It's more like she just was talking to me to pretend we are friends, because for her, breaking up is too hard.

    So I said to her that I'm fed up of the games and crap, and I don't think we should talk anymore - her response "ok" and "if that's what you want, that's what I'll do". Basically ultimately noncommital, because in all likelihood thats what she wants but she doesn't have the balls to come out and say it, because then that would be affirmation that she has broke up with me, and she can't deal with being the bad guy.

    So instead, it's come about that I'm the bad guy who is breaking up our friendship, but I am happy to take that little bit of nastiness in exchange for ending these stupid games where she pretends it shouldn't matter.

    Ya i read the other post :D

    It is still your fault that you broke up (in her mind) regardless of what you did, how you acted, how she acted because you would not play the after party games.

    Have fun being single too, its not half as bad as people make out :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrShyDrops wrote: »
    Can I just ask what is LAN party (guy / geek thing, great fun ) for all those not down with the shortened terminology?


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ya i read the other post :D

    It is still your fault that you broke up (in her mind) regardless of what you did, how you acted, how she acted because you would not play the after party games.

    Have fun being single too, its not half as bad as people make out :)

    Yea I know what you mean, I guess in a way it's me that couldn't handle the 'just friends' thing, but at the same time she should have known - she would have known - that I couldn't handle that. Being great mates yea and not attached yea, but playing second fiddle to another guy, no. Maybe I'm just jealous.

    It was nice to appreciate how pleasant to talk to and attractive other people are though, I think it's something you de-tune when you're with someone (or believe you're with someone). Going ice skating tonight which should be fun :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    ShyBoy wrote: »
    Of course I was too shy and thought it would be too weird asking her for her number. Perhaps I should have :p but oh well :p. I think most people would think it weird if they were working in a cafe or something and had a little chat with someone at the checkout and then they asked for your number, right? :p

    id have to say yes, iv been asked out a few times on a checkout etc and its just embarassing :| just to let you know. hehe.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    MrShyDrops wrote: »
    Can I just ask what is LAN party (guy / geek thing, great fun ) for all those not down with the shortened terminology?


    LAN = local area network.. can be as simple as your home router set-up
    LAN game = a game played over a network
    LAN party = people turn up to an event with their computers to play games. Sometimes, the party can be thrown at home. Other times, it's an organised residential convention.

    ShyBoy - v. interesting read. Thanks for keeping us posted. Judging by what you've written in this thread and in your last thread, I think you're in the right and your ex is in the wrong.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Ah cheers monserrat, yea things are definitely looking up. I don't know whether it will be easy or whatever, but it's definitely right. I went out tonight and had a blast, went ice skating with friends, going round holding hands with them and L a lot, went to a bar afterwards and started joking with some girls getting some drinks, went and chatted with my friends, had a good laugh, and came home.

    Life does go on, and life is just as good if not better :)

    firenze - probs a good thing I didn't ask for her number then :p but it was just nice to see someone as a nice girl who id say yes to if they asked me out :p rather than the 'i am taken' mode where everyone you see is just another person and any kind of talking / cajoling with the opposite sex feels awkward a bit... wrong almost.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Have to say this week went well, although my ex just text me today, being friendly as fuck as per usual. SERIOUSLY? IS SHE NOT GETTING THE MESSAGE YET THAT WE ARE NOT FRIENDS? *ahem* So that really pissed me off today after a morning of feeling lovely after CTSM's posts and some awesome music, how very dare she ruin my week of amazingness?!?!

    But yea, other than that, things are great :) except I was feeling a bit like 'are we overstepping the line' when hanging out with mate L the other day after work (her bf was coming to pick her up for the weekend but was in a crash, so she had a few hours to kill), she grabbed my shoulders at one point and brought her face up to mine making eye contact in a classic 'kiss me' moment, but then she laughed and said she was wondering how long she could do that without making me feel weird. Then on walking her back to hers, we went through an alleyway and she started insisting she was going to rape me in the alley. Ofc she didn't, but as much as I :heart: the attention, she's probs my best mate at the min and I don't want to mess that up, and especially don't want to mess her relationship up!!! If we were both single, it might be a different story, but we're not both single (and even me is probs not ready for another big relationship! how much would it suck to be going out with someone to see your ex and feel heartache, for the wrong person?!)

    Do you think if you're in a relationship you are allowed to act that little bit OTT if you know it's innocent?
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