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ideas on self-harm

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Am not trying to be antagonistic or anything, I just honestly want to understand other peoples' stand points, but what is really wrong with deliberate self-harm?

Again, am not trying to stir-up a hornet's nest or anything like that, but it would be interesting for me to find this out.

I'm currently 22. I've been doing self-harm for more than a decade already. But not consistently except for a stretch of 6-7 months three years ago (cutting). Prior to that, I've been doing self-hitting and hurting myself through exercise (primarily through boxing which ends up with me bruising my knuckles, forearms, and sometimes my elbows). I still do those until now in addition to my drinking and smoking.

Now, the thing with me is that, personally, I don't find anything wrong with it. But that's just me and am not forcing this idea to anyone else. It's just that for me, it really helps me focus and calm down at times. And I've never had a negative feeling associated with it.

So in my effort to learn from people who DO think it's bad, I'm asking for opinions on why you think self-harm is not acceptable or should be avoided. I welcome any type of answer be it opinion or research or anything in between.


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I have to stop this because I am terrified my 8 yo granddaughter will discover what I do. She looks up to me and follows in my footsteps in every way. She silently watches me eat and has already picked up on my disordered behaviors. Something as simple as the fact that I cannot stand a clock that I can hear tick she mimicks my thoughts and behaviors. I cannot teach her it is alright to harm herself. Everybody believes the scars they can see are from falls (I have MS). The worst of the sores and scars are not in sight.

    Also, there are much more healthy coping mechanisms rather than hurting myself. I just have to learn to use them.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Granddaughter? Dude, that's flipped.

    I have been self harming since the age of 7ish- so 5 and a half years.
    I need to stop, having been in hospital a few times, but don't want to. So, seriously, stop before it gets to bad.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru

    Hey Lonehoplite,:)

    Welcome to the site. it is an interesting issue you raise regarding self harm. Self harm, as nimporte has mentioned, is a coping mechanism and form of release thats a person uses when they experience emotional difficulties in life such as with relationships, bereavement, work etc.

    Your experience of self harm may not be problematic for you, but for others persistent self harm can increase feelings of inability to cope or guilt that they are self harming in order to cope in the first place. In turn this may make the self harm more extreme, dangerous and out of control. The best thing to counteract or explore your relationship with self harm is to look at your triggers and how you cope with life.

    Counselling can help by talking and exploring your feelings without the guilt and other feelings that self harming comes attached with.

    check out this info on self harm and please post again if you have any other questions on this:wave:
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Am not trying to be antagonistic or anything, I just honestly want to understand other peoples' stand points, but what is really wrong with deliberate self-harm?

    Again, am not trying to stir-up a hornet's nest or anything like that, but it would be interesting for me to find this out.

    I'm currently 22. I've been doing self-harm for more than a decade already. But not consistently except for a stretch of 6-7 months three years ago (cutting). Prior to that, I've been doing self-hitting and hurting myself through exercise (primarily through boxing which ends up with me bruising my knuckles, forearms, and sometimes my elbows). I still do those until now in addition to my drinking and smoking.

    Now, the thing with me is that, personally, I don't find anything wrong with it. But that's just me and am not forcing this idea to anyone else. It's just that for me, it really helps me focus and calm down at times. And I've never had a negative feeling associated with it.

    So in my effort to learn from people who DO think it's bad, I'm asking for opinions on why you think self-harm is not acceptable or should be avoided. I welcome any type of answer be it opinion or research or anything in between.
    LoneHoplite .. i completely agree with you.
    i've been harming for 4years now and you have made a fair point, what actually is wrong with self harm? i feel that people are only set against it because they are afraid of it. they see it as a taboo subject. this isn't the right approach, for me, going home to an hour of self harm is only like anybody going home putting their feet up and having a glass of wine. people don't seem to realise that we dont self harm for the attention, we dont necessairly want to die and we certainly dont need their opinions that our way of life is wrong. like you i am intrigued as to why people are so set against it, as, in my opinion they are just not educated enough about the subject and/ or have old fashioned qualities

    i could talk about this subject forever

    sorry, i'm gabbling now :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think the reason people are against it is they feel that you should not feel the need to cause yourself pain, that you should nurture your body, not harm it. I understand the need to self harm, but i also think that if i were happy enough within myself, loved myself completely, had higher self esteem, i wouldn't need to self harm? It's an interesting topic for the debate forum?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Is it bad?...yeah, i suppose it is. I mean if you look at it from someone elses point of view or look at someone you know who does it then its bad in the sense that it cause's so many problems, and it's been caused by so many problems.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I suppose the length of time you do it for and how you change over time with it. I mean I have changed so much over the past 3/4 years. I've hated it and then again I've thought it was the best thing ever. I'd say you notice what it really means to you when you try to stop i've done 8months with out it and my god it's hard - sone days I wonder why I'm trying to stop. And as much as I've hated the past few years I wouldn't change them, I've grown up a lot.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    hrm. this is what I get for not logging on for a few days. :/

    anyhoo, thanks for the inputs. I wouldnt mind hearing more from you guys or from others. :)

    I guess what sparked my interest in this topic was that I noticed that people in general seem to find more problems with self-harm (specifically cutting) as opposed to drinking and smoking. I mean, I'm no doctor, but I think that self-harm is a better choice than either of those... if done properly anyway.

    it's just, when I used to cut, people's reactions were... annoying. that's why I stopped and substituted it with drinking and smoking. when i did that, people seemed to care less. O_O haha. but again, that's just me.

    but what am trying to say is that drinking and smoking are in themselves self-harming behaviors, yet, generally speaking, people don't have a problem with either. so I just find that a bit odd.

    by the way, I have the tendency to just rant. O_O sori. haha. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Granddaughter? Dude, that's flipped.

    I have been self harming since the age of 7ish- so 5 and a half years.
    I need to stop, having been in hospital a few times, but don't want to. So, seriously, stop before it gets to bad.

    I dont understand how you can tell other people to stop but you wont stop yourself..
    Thats just like saying "Oh self harm is bad for you but its alright for me"
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    because its destructive and although it provides stress relief, it does lasting damage, and its more of a case of it being a sign of severe mental disturbance which needs help, more than just the physical act of self harming
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    because its destructive and although it provides stress relief, it does lasting damage, and its more of a case of it being a sign of severe mental disturbance which needs help, more than just the physical act of self harming

    She said to stop before it gets bad - this is the key point here. If I had stopped before it became a habit I would not have the scars now, and I would not have ended up "needing" self harm in the way that I did. As it is, I always advise people who have only gotten into harming recently that they should find other avenues of getting the release harming gives, rather than destroying their bodies. It's not as black and white as it may seem.

    EDIT: Because I have just now read the thread, I would say that self harm is bad, but it is not WRONG. Anyone who thinks that causing physical harm to yourself is not a bad thing is very silly, but that doesn't mean I don't understand why people do it and why it becomes important to people. I'm in no way saying the feelings behind doing it are bad, no way, but the act is not good. People who judge you for what you do to your skin are wrong, people who think you are a lesser person, people who call you a freak or an emo or an attention seeker, they are all very very wrong, but I would never ever say that self-harm is a good thing. Ever.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Hrm... That's a good way of looking at it. Self-harm is bad but not necessarily wrong.

    But what makes it bad? The general trend am getting is that people think of it as bad because it produces scars. But is that the main reason or is there something else? Because if it's just because it's harming the body, then I personally don't think it's as bad as people think.

    I say this first and foremost because, well... I'm a little crazy, and second because people hurt themselves all the time. It's just in a different context. People who engage in self-harmful behavior (i.e. cutting, burning, hitting) usually do so to cope with stress, guilt, feelings of incompetence, etc. But other people also put their bodies through physical pains for other reasons. Such as spirituality. Some people practice their faith by flogging themselves or walking on glass or even something as simple as fasting. Other people put their bodies to the test imply because they want to have fun. Take into consideration people who drink and smoke. Some people do it because it's their jobs. Just think of professional fighters.

    My point in saying this is... well, why I started this to begin with: I want to see what people think about self-harm and why they think it's bad. Because, again, this is just my opinion, if it's all about the physical harm, then it's not really that bad... if done correctly anyway.

    Although, just to be clear, I'm not necessarily supportive of self-harm. I have helped a couple of friends kick the habit because they asked me to help them. I just support people's informed choice. That's all.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont understand how you can tell other people to stop but you wont stop yourself..
    Thats just like saying "Oh self harm is bad for you but its alright for me"

    It's not that easy to stop once you're down and dirty with it. It's like a drug addict telling kids not to do drugs. The addict knows it's wrong to do drugs and is trying to stop but can't.

    Besides, sometimes giving yourself as an example of what not to do can be effective as well. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I dont understand how you can tell other people to stop but you wont stop yourself..
    Thats just like saying "Oh self harm is bad for you but its alright for me"

    I hate self harming, it's awful. I wish I could find it in me to stop. But I am not strong enough...
    So all I can say to people is: the best way to stop is not to start.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    It is causing yourself pain deliberately, and often to a very damaging extent. No, it's not as bad as people may claim, but it is bad. I would say drinking and smoking to the same extent is also bad (people who drink til they can't move or chain smoke 30-a-day, for example). I also think boxing/fighting is bad (except "professional" wrestling, that's just funny), though that's obviously just my opinion.

    It's not immoral, it's not wrong, but it's not a good thing, that's what I'm trying to get at, and that the people who do it should have access to help and support to try and get them to stop if they wish to.

    I think the reason a lot of people react badly to it is because it's "different" and also because it is a visible representation of a mental illness, which makes it more "real" to them. Like you said - people harm themselve all the time in every day life but as long as they are mentally healthy people don't care. As soon as there is an indication of mental illness people tend to take a step back and think, "that's weird". Those people are wrong, but it is what happens to people who aren't aware or in a position where they understand what it's about. I think for the most part it's fear of the unknown.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    because it's different... yeah. I suppose that's plausible. you know the old saying, people fear what they don't understand. in this case, fear could manifest as negative reactions.

    but you think it's also plausible that people find it bad because most people make the connection between self-harm and suicidal ideation? just a thought I got because most people think that those two go hand-in-hand, when in reality it's not always true.

    what do you guys think?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i got into tattoos a few years back and i have found that it can help with the self-harming,i still self-harm but having a tattoo i get roughly the same feeling and relief so for me i have turned my self-harming into a posative rather than a negative,i get the relief i need plus have art on my body that i love and all of my tattoos represent a mood that i was in when wanting to self-harm:)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think self-harm is fine
    ive been self-harming for about a month and i feel like it gets me through,
    whenever i feel like there is just no point anymore i just cut. i know how bad it is and my whole life people have worned me about it but it helps me.
    i get picked on at school ALOT for being emo and slitting my wrists, yes i do slit my wrists but not because im emo, just because it gives me strength to go on. plus the pain im causing myself just takes my mind off everything else and i end up concentrating on that and putting everything else to the back of my mind. its not what normal teenagers do but if it helps me then why stop?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i think self-harm is fine
    ive been self-harming for about a month and i feel like it gets me through,
    whenever i feel like there is just no point anymore i just cut. i know how bad it is and my whole life people have worned me about it but it helps me.
    i get picked on at school ALOT for being emo and slitting my wrists, yes i do slit my wrists but not because im emo, just because it gives me strength to go on. plus the pain im causing myself just takes my mind off everything else and i end up concentrating on that and putting everything else to the back of my mind. its not what normal teenagers do but if it helps me then why stop?

    How old are you? Because when you grow up you will understand self harming is not fine it is an issue that should be dealt with. Most self harmer's will need help at some point in their lives to deal with it.
    In time, you will see that self harm doesn't help you through in the long run, there are many better ways to deal with things and self harm is a short-term relief.

    Oh, and, just out of interest.. What do you think makes you "emo"?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im not acturly emo people just assume i am because i have dark hair and i wear eyeliner. im only 12 so i know i dont understand much.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    im not acturly emo people just assume i am because i have dark hair and i wear eyeliner. im only 12 so i know i dont understand much.

    Hunny, I am 12 too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    wow , i thought you were way older from that from the way you were talking :S
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Self harm is fine..depending on what you count as fine.
    No-one that harms at all is 'fine' in their mind.

    But then for some people when the extent of harm is not very bad, that might count as fine.

    To be honest, harming's a vicious circle, and it's an awful lot easier to not to jump in than to have to crawl out.

    But I think people never see themselves as as bad as the next person.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    grace wrote: »
    Self harm is fine..depending on what you count as fine.
    No-one that harms at all is 'fine' in their mind.

    But then for some people when the extent of harm is not very bad, that might count as fine.

    To be honest, harming's a vicious circle, and it's an awful lot easier to not to jump in than to have to crawl out.

    But I think people never see themselves as as bad as the next person.
    i agree cause i dont think my problems bad but other people might see it as terible :S
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    grace wrote: »
    Self harm is fine..depending on what you count as fine.
    No-one that harms at all is 'fine' in their mind.

    But then for some people when the extent of harm is not very bad, that might count as fine.

    To be honest, harming's a vicious circle, and it's an awful lot easier to not to jump in than to have to crawl out.

    But I think people never see themselves as as bad as the next person.

    Grace... as a self harm, I'd give anything to stop. But I can't. It traps you in. A friend of mine came into school today saying she was such a failure she couldn't even cut herself properly. And I pulled up my sleeves, and I said "would you count that as proper" and she was nearly sick.
    I just think people don't quite understand how hard self harm is to deal with... I mean, we've all pinched our skin or something... but that can turn into so so much more.
    It's not good.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I really dont see the point in trying to force them to think it is wrong. Theres a cycle (of there was with me) For a while, its the best thing ever but it does change and soon you hate it. But you have to figure that out for yourself, no one can tell you how to feel about it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    A friend of mine came into school today saying she was such a failure she couldn't even cut herself properly. And I pulled up my sleeves, and I said "would you count that as proper" and she was nearly sick.

    BA... I can't ignore this and I'm really sorry for going a bit off topic but i think what you did above was wrong. Really wrong....

    The severity of someone's self-harm in no way determines the level of emotional distress someone may be going through. Your friend may have been crying out for help and instead of supporting her you made her feel worse. There is no such thing as "proper" self-harm... when she used that word she was probably just looking for support, and was upset because perhaps at the time she felt like she could do nothing right.

    Self-injury is a private thing and so in my opinion you shouldn't be shoving it in peoples' faces... So what if your injuries are worse? Doesn't mean her problems are any less important. What if now she feels that what she is doing isn't *enough* to get help? So she doesn't get help... or even worse.... she goes out and further harms herself.

    Original poster.... I don't think self-harm is "wrong" as such. I do believe that it is an unhealthy coping mechanism that doesn't help in the long-term. Before someone stops however, I think they need will power and find why they want to stop. Sometimes think that forcing one to stop before they're ready, taking away perhaps what is their only way to cope, can do more harm than good.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How old are you? Because when you grow up you will understand self harming is not fine it is an issue that should be dealt with. Most self harmer's will need help at some point in their lives to deal with it.
    In time, you will see that self harm doesn't help you through in the long run, there are many better ways to deal with things and self harm is a short-term relief.

    Oh, and, just out of interest.. What do you think makes you "emo"?

    I agree and also disagree with what you say about it being fine,i was 13 when i 1st self-harmed i'm now 30 and still do it,it maybe a short-term relief for some but not all for some of us it can become a normal way of life,it all depends on the person,i was offered help with self-harming and that resulted with me being sectioned for 18 months and it didn't help in anyway shape or form if anything it only gave me a hell of alot more issues.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i dont want to tell anyone incase like social services or something get involved because that will probably just screw up my life
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    How old are you? Because when you grow up you will understand self harming is not fine it is an issue that should be dealt with.

    I don't think you have the right to say that.

    And it doesn't matter what age you are you can still have the same views. It's like you are suggesting her views are childish and wrong. But then you show someone your scars because they feel they are not self harming right. So I guess you have a perfect way? So now your friend will think she is even more rubbish and probably try and do the same.
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