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Me poking my nose in

Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
Right, my boyfriends parents are generally pretty unfair, but this ones really got me quite annoyed. They paid for his 15 year old sister to go to T in the park, but aren't even giving him a little money for us to go to France for a week, and theres always glaring unfairness to people on the outside. The main brother sister unit i've sort of grown up watching has been my cousins, who have always been treated totally equally, so when i see just how unequal it is in his family it actually really annoys me, i'm an only child so i've never really experienced this to the same degree, but is this sorta huge discrepancy normal in families? Part of me wants to pull up his parents about it cause it really annoys me, and its always happening. But i know that would just make everything worse.

Im not expecting them to pay the whole price of the holiday but even just giving him the equal amount of money that they paid for his sister for t in the park, or even a gesture

This is mostly just ranting, but i dunno why it really gets on my tits, but any opinions are welcomed


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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Right, my boyfriends parents are generally pretty unfair, but this ones really got me quite annoyed. They paid for his 15 year old sister to go to T in the park, but aren't even giving him a little money for us to go to France for a week, and theres always glaring unfairness to people on the outside. The main brother sister unit i've sort of grown up watching has been my cousins, who have always been treated totally equally, so when i see just how unequal it is in his family it actually really annoys me, i'm an only child so i've never really experienced this to the same degree, but is this sorta huge discrepancy normal in families? Part of me wants to pull up his parents about it cause it really annoys me, and its always happening. But i know that would just make everything worse.

    Im not expecting them to pay the whole price of the holiday but even just giving him the equal amount of money that they paid for his sister for t in the park, or even a gesture

    This is mostly just ranting, but i dunno why it really gets on my tits, but any opinions are welcomed

    How old is your boyfriend? Also - is he working?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    he's 19, and works at costa coffee, works part time normally, but has put his hours up to full time over the college holidays, but still isn't sure he'll have enough money for food and everything while we are actually away.

    As soon as he turned 16 they started getting on his back about getting a job, but i really doubt they'll do the same for his sister, shes done just as many if not more things to get in trouble with them, typical teenage stuff like lying about being at a friends house and drinking in a sketchy wood, which he never did to anywhere near the same extent, its mostly about the fact that they have such different rules and standards for their two children, but also it is partially due to me really wanting a holiday lol

    Not to mention the holiday is already booked cause he said he could do it, and i've offered to loan him the money, but he doesn't like the idea of owing me money
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    he's 19, and works at costa coffee, works part time normally, but has put his hours up to full time over the college holidays, but still isn't sure he'll have enough money for food and everything while we are actually away.

    As soon as he turned 16 they started getting on his back about getting a job, but i really doubt they'll do the same for his sister, shes done just as many if not more things to get in trouble with them, typical teenage stuff like lying about being at a friends house and drinking in a sketchy wood, which he never did to anywhere near the same extent, its mostly about the fact that they have such different rules and standards for their two children, but also it is partially due to me really wanting a holiday lol

    Not to mention the holiday is already booked cause he said he could do it, and i've offered to loan him the money, but he doesn't like the idea of owing me money

    Are you working? The way you are describing it, it sounds like he is paying for the holiday...?

    I am the eldest out of three, and I found my rules were a lot stricter than were applied to my younger brothers when growing up. Perhaps it's the norm?

    Either way - it's none of your business what the parents do, so you need to chill your boots and not stick your nose into how they deal with their children.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Welcome to the world. He's 19. He should be standing on his own two feet by now with his own job and money not moaning that his 15 year old sister still gets money off them.

    If he still lives at home no way is he paying his parents the equivalent to what he would be if he was in his own flat/house share.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i'm not working, but i am paying my fair share, cause i've got loads of money in savings and stuff, i've offered to cover his share as well but hes not having any of that, i've offered again last night and he just went "I dont know when i'd be able to pay you back" So really when he doesn't think he'll have the money, what else are his options?

    I realise that i am just poking my nose into the way their family works, which is wrong and i will obviously have a bias towards my boyfriend, but i have seen time and time again that the way they treat their children is completely different and to me seems unfair, but once that could just be because im an only child
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    he wouldn't have gotten the money for things like that when he was 15 is the point im trying to make as well
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As soon as he turned 16 they started getting on his back about getting a job

    And ?

    If he wasn't going to college or doing some training course what was he gonna do. Sit on his arse all day watching TV while his parents clothed, fed and housed him.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    he was still at school, doing highers, but as soon as he turned 16 it was like "get a job" but they wont do the same to his sister, i'll lay down the price of a holiday on it, lol
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    In my opinion, its not your problem. If there is unfairness, he must sort it out. You're going out with him - not his family. If it bothers him, he'll take it up with them but otherwise it isn't really your concern. :)
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i suppose my concern is mostly based on the fact that at the moment the entire holiday is being paid for out of my money, i'm waiting on him giving me the money, so if he cant pay for me back and wont accept me loaning him the money, its me thats going to lose all the money i've put in
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i suppose my concern is mostly based on the fact that at the moment the entire holiday is being paid for out of my money, i'm waiting on him giving me the money, so if he cant pay for me back and wont accept me loaning him the money, its me thats going to lose all the money i've put in

    Well that's your own folly. You shouldn't expect parents to automatically chip in, and your fella simply should not have agreed to go on holiday if he can't afford it. Did you pressure him into going - as you did mention you really wanted a holiday?
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    i hadn't mentioned it for ages, so just sorta gave up on the idea, then last week he said he'd be able to pay for it friday just gone, last night he was going on about how he couldn't afford it, so tbh right now i am sorta feeling like a major bitch like i've pushed him in to a holiday he cant afford, i checked with him before i booked it, and he said it was fine, but then last night he starts worrying, i offer to pay it and he can just pay me back whenever hes ready, cause we'll lose all the money if we cancel it, but hes not keen on the idea of owing me money, so im in a bit of a tizz, is it all my fault, was i putting too much pressure on him, should i just cancel it and resign myself to the loss? These is the break i guess
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I don't expect my parents to pay for much, so I'm not really fussed if my parents give more money to my little sister. Maybe I was, because I know my sister wastes it all on shit, so I'd be upset because of their lack to raise her with a good understanding of money, not out of envy.

    I don't think they should feel obliged to pay for your holidays.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    RubberSkin wrote: »
    Welcome to the world. He's 19. He should be standing on his own two feet by now with his own job and money not moaning that his 15 year old sister still gets money off them.

    :yes: Once I reached 6th form, my parents rarely bought me anything or gave me money for anything. If I wanted anything, I'd pay for it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my point is also partially that he would never have been bought t in the park tickets when he was 15, the first time he was allowed to go away without his parents was last year when he went to barcelona, i just know they are going to pay for her to go away on a big post 6th year girls holiday in a few years, my problem with that side of it is mostly the lack of equality
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    my point is also partially that he would never have been bought t in the park tickets when he was 15, the first time he was allowed to go away without his parents was last year when he went to barcelona, i just know they are going to pay for her to go away on a big post 6th year girls holiday in a few years, my problem with that side of it is mostly the lack of equality

    Not your problem. Drop it.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    g_angel wrote: »
    Not your problem. Drop it.

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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    At some point tho his parents are going to have to take a step back and do less for him. And because she is only 15 then yes she will get more off them - she needs to be looked after a lot more than he does. I'm 17 and my brother is 9 and sometimes I feel like he gets a little more but I know that if I wanted something I could get the money myself, as I'm old enough to get a job.

    Although I wish my mum would pay for my T in the park ticket :p
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    Lay off the girl! i can see her concern! it would tick me off aswel, Aslong as shes only ranting on here about it and not to his parents whats the problem?
    It is abit unfair, There are 6 children in my family, and if one of us gets money, the rest get the same... Anything my older brothers or sister have had, ive got waiting for me in a savings account.
    I was in the same situation with a boyfriend not long ago, his 17 year old sister got holidays paid for her, she dropped out of school and sat on her arse all day... while he worked to pay his mum keep (he didnt have to) but he never got any money for holidays, or half the things his sister got! it used to really annoy me cause i knew it upset him too. unfortunatly theres not alot you can do, its down to your boyfriend to say something to his parents, he could always ask them to lend him the money and he could pay them back as and when he could or something? either way dont get to worked up about it... its not your family, and each family are different, in my opinion all siblings should be treated the same but it doesn't always work like that...
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    I think most families have one child that is given more than the others, whether thats due to a parental preference or whatever I don't know. It's definitely the case in my family, and the three of us who were older and brought up quite strictly are all doing well, the younger one who was spoilt is now pursuing a life where she can live off benefits because more than anything she has a sense of entitlement.

    I raged against it for years, but then spoke to my much older brother about it and he said it's always the way it will be in families and life - that some will get more and some will get less - and so all you can do is try to work hard for yourself and find ways of making what you want happen.

    Pays dividends when you leave home too.
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    Former MemberFormer Member Posts: 1,876,323 The Mix Honorary Guru
    As soon as i hit 16 got a job my family made me stand on my own 2 feet exactly as he should be doing. It may not be good now but will stand in good stead later in life.

    And yea daughter is 15 why shouldnt they treat her he is working full time you say right now so he needs to manage his mone, and you need to chill and leave yourself out of it.
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